MovieChat Forums > Avatar (2009) Discussion > How did this crap make nearly $3 billion...

How did this crap make nearly $3 billion??

What were people thinking? Can you even remember a single character's name?


Mostly black people and hispanics and fat mothers wearing hijabs is the reason why.


Idk but I wish Cameron would make another big budget R rated action movie!


Jake Sully isn’t a difficult name to remember.


I think it's the "augmented-reality effect". Why did a shitty game like Pokemon Go become so popular? And VR big in gaming and it's a subject popping up in movies too

People are intrigued with the idea of a more immersive form of entertainment. 3-D in the late aughts sold itself as that. And people bought that bullshit. That crappy technology with the red and blue paper glasses was sold back to us LOL. You have to give them props for pulling that off

But yeah, no one gives a shit about 3-D now. It was a fad. You combine the mythical aura of a James Cameron (the guy who directed the highest-grossing movie ever, Titanic!) with the promise of a "new" technology that will blow your mind?

It was a case of great marketing. And we all fell for it like sheep, cause that is what we are, ultimately. We will shovel any shit that they tell us is a huge "event". I know I sound cynical, but Hollywood is smarter than we like to give them credit for. They know how to sell crap as good as any other massive industry


I like your style, c-bob.


Thanks haha. I feel like most people who interact with me on here hate me. I can sound pretty harsh sometimes, but I do genuinely love movies a lot. Even big-scale movies. You just have to accept that you are being sold a stale, way-overused story in brand-new packaging



The story should have been a lot better, with a myriad of tweaks it really could have been a much better film.

Even simple things like changing the name of 'unobtanium' etc.


Because it was a GOOD movie!!!


Just don't drool baby food on your bib.


Oooooo... Someone like something you didn't so you insult them. Says more about you.


Thanks for the heads up. Like I care about when someone on an Avatar site throws shade at me. Try again with a better subject.


You're welcome. I'm here to help.


Marketing. Cameron can afford to advertise through the poop shoot. Tell enough people they need to see something, a lot of people will show up.


It's at 7.8 on IMDb. A LOT of people don't think it' crap.
