MovieChat Forums > Lost (2004) Discussion > Can anyone think of a series that went f...

Can anyone think of a series that went from so popular to so reviled?

I remember renting LOST at the Video Rental Store ... Season 1, and being so entranced with how interesting it was and what was going to happen next. I guess I missed most of the social aspect of the series, the talking about it at work, or chatting on boards, so that hype never influenced me, but it was very cool. I even got a Dharma Station T-shirt ( gave it to my girlfriend, or rather she appropriated it ) with the I-Ching logo on it.

Slowly over the next seasons I really grew to hate the series over how stupid and illogical it was. The writers seemed to delight in taking bizarre turns of the plot just to confound viewers, like they hated us, or wanted to hurt us. I ended up finishing the series really slowly and unenthusiastically and I don't really even know why.

After it was over it's like I didn't ever care about it at all. GOT was like that as well, so maybe it is about writers and studio execs never really planning for a complete arc or an ending to a series - at least series that purport to have a direction ( get off the island, or restore Winterfell to the Stark family and overthrow the evil kings ).

Can anyone remember their experiences with LOST. Assuming you liked it when you first saw it, do you still like it today? Would you ever go back and watch it again? I've tried and just lose interest in the first episode.


I went and re-watched the whole thing last year. It was better the second time around because I didn't have to wait in between episodes like I did when it aired originally.


Me too, since I found LOST long after it was popular and had really never heard about it, renting the seasons was like the ultimate binge watch.


Loved Lost all the way through, even when they introduced time travel. It's one of the few shows that had a satisfying finale. Viewers are too entitled and spoiled these days. They want everything spoon fed to them and have everything wrapped up in a nice little bow.


I don't know about that, maybe I am spoiled, but just because I want a TV series, or a movie or a book to make sense doesn't mean I want everything wrapped up in a bow or spoon fed Mister or Misses CreamOfWheat.


Lost made sense. It's your fault if you didn't understand it.


Bad me, I guess them. LOL


you just forced yourself to retconn an understanding from the made up on the spot drivel that was series 2 onwards.

anything makes semse if the last line was "and it was all a dream"


Lost was really easy to understand unlike your first sentence.


I find LOST uneven and frustrating most of the time. Unlike most, I don't mind the ending so much as how it got there.

My experience was different from yours in that I didn't begin watching proper until the season 3 finale. Before that, I only peeked at the show occasionally, but had an avid coworker excitedly tell me all about each show the morning after (though they soured during season 3 and stopped watching). I thought the flash forward was brilliant and that hooked me, with Michael Faraday and his mother being my favorite characters.

I prefer a bardo interpretation for the entire show, though I guess the writers only intend for bardo to kick in for the final season.

Lastly, I did watch the entire affair last year (the wife had never seen it) and nothing changed for me. I grew tired of the smarmy relationship moments, the love triangle, inconsistent narratives, etc., but I won't trash the series, it still has some entertainment value and although I suspect at the end of the day it ripped off Twin Peaks (and more particularly Mulholland Drive), I can still give it a lukewarm thumbs up.


Yeah, I actually though the ending was about as good as it could be.

What is bardo?

Good points.


"What is bardo?"

In laymen loose-speak, think of it as a spirit world one goes to when they die, where one recycles their life over and over until they "get it right" and then move on to a higher level. As I alluded to in my previous post, the film Mulholland Drive does this is my guess (a couple of the actors in MD are in LOST as it happens, one of them as the Jacob character!).

Anyway, that is also my interpretation of LOST. I know some favor the "dying dream" for Jack (that also can work for MD btw), but bardo feels like a better fit. Anyway, to each his/her own.

I did find the following article on LOST that echo's my sentiment, check it out sometime and let me know what you think:


Oh, that is from the Tibetan Book of the Dead. I must have forgotten that or just assumed no one would ever reference such an obscure concept!


Kinda sounds like you think the entire world feels the way you do because you were disappointed in it.

It's not perfect, but still a really popular show.


that was kinda the gist of his post
It was incredibly popular,
then it totally failed to come through with its promises*
Then the vast majority of viewers were very dissappointed

*What i mean by 'promises' is the default promise that all TV shows have - That unless stated otherwise from the off , they will make some sort of sense.


No, I am saying it's still loved NOW


I don't remember Lost being reviled.

Shows that went from loved to reviled:

- Heroes
- Game Of Thrones


Agreed, Game of Thrones is 1000x more hated than Lost


Heroes was my immediate thought. That fell out of favour fast, and is now pretty much forgotten; when they revived it for a mini-series in 2015 it pretty much flew under the radar.


Wow, didn´t even know they revived it. lol


girlfriend, lolz.


"GOT was like that as well, so maybe it is about writers and studio execs never really planning for a complete arc or an ending to a series . . "

If I'm remembering correctly, ABC gave the writers a definitive time frame in which to wrap up the story (I think at that point they were given 2 more seasons). So the LOST writers knew where the story was going, then with the knowledge of how much time they were given, were able to plan it all out. So how it went down is exactly how they wanted. And for the record I like the bardo ending. There are several aspects of the show I didn't like. But on the whole I enjoyed it (season 5 is my favorite).

Comparing it to GOT brings up differences, the horrible D&D knew where the story arcs were going to go (George R. R. Martin gave them that), but they weren't talented enough (or in too much of a hurry) to pull it off, especially without source material as a foundation.


Yeah, it was not the general schema of GOT, it was the adaptation crew I think, although if I remember they had a big long hiatus where they were waiting for GRRM to finish the writing? I did not follow that aspect as much since I never had any real interest in reading the books, and ... the interesting comparison to me between LOST and GOT was that they both started out kind of realistic.

LOST was the stranded on a desert island meme, which I have always loved, and GOT started out seeming as a gothic story about knights and political intrigue. The strength of their first episodes drew me in - because in general I detest the fantasy genre. Why I never watched Lord of the Rings of the Hobbit, which I knew were fantasy.


Although I enjoyed the show throughout, after Season 3 there is an ever so slight drop off in quality and originality. It seems like after Season 3, the show just turns into characters walking aimlessly in the jungle with guns while having these really annoying flashbacks, flashforwards, flashsideways, whatever. New characters are introduced and some good ones are just killed off never to return. Some show up again more as dead characters than alive *cough* Ethan *cough* which is hilarious.

Looking back, I think they may have overdone the flashbacks a bit too much and should have kept most of each episode on the island. Besides that every time a scene was about to get really good, you'd hear that 'incoming flashback' sound effect and the scene would change, taking the viewer right out of the moment. Sigh.

I am among those that didn't mind the ending too much, certainly better than most television show endings.


I agree with a lot of your points, and can just add that after all of that, I thought the ending was OK ... because how else can you end that thing? But if it was all a kind death dream, that is some imagination.


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