Ιt's the Terminator 3 effect all over again

A mediocre Sequel now looks way better than a horrible new sequel
Crystal Skull wasn't worthy of the Indiana Jones glory but now after Dial of Destiny I appreciate it more even though it's mediocre the magic was still there Ford was still energetic and the original creators(Lucas/Spielberg) were involved.It has better pacing,better action,better plot.better villains better direction overall.Crystal Skull 7/10 as a movie 6/10 as an Indy movie,Dial of Destiny 5/10 as a movie,3/10 as an Indy movie
The same thing happened with Terminator 3 & Terminator Salvation after Dark 'Fail' and Geneshit


Same as Disney's effect on Star Wars.

Suddenly those prequels didn't look so bad to a lot of people!


Prequel Trilogy was always great Red Letter Media &Mr.Plinkett created an Internet Cult of Prequel haters
OK The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones have some very stupid moments but overall they are good.Revenge of the Sith is top3 SW movies with Ep.IV&V




That's nonsense.

There were message boards back when The Phantom Menace was released. The disconnect from the OT and the ridiculous Jar Jar were being discussed and derided long before any YouTube stuff.


What FootOfDavros said.

Issues of the prequels were hotly debated since the first Phantom Menace and there was a heavy divide within the fanbase since release. When RLM did their videos they were just the first ones to do an articulated long form video commentary on the subject(Not just freaking over midichlorians) while also introducing a style of review comedy that was fresh at the time.

The idea all the Prequel hate started or was heavily amplified due to the RLM Plinkett videos is simply revisionism.


The idea all the Prequel hate started or was heavily amplified due to the RLM Plinkett videos is simply revisionism.

That's it precisely.

Probably by the generation of young kids taken to see TPM by their parents when originally released. There's no disputing a lot of these young kids loved the film and Jar Jar, so when some guys come along trashing the film a decade later, that's probably the first exposure they've had to the negativity, so don't appreciate it had always existed.


Yet everyone loves the assinine Ewoks. Jar jar was way better than Ewoks... 😂


I love lamp.



Putting shit next to shit doesn't make the original shit look better.


No, Crystal Skull was and will always be shit. Additional shit does not change this, there's just a bigger pile now.


Skull always had some good bits, especially in the first half. A Spielberg film will always have a lower limit of quality, the way he stages sequences is just too good.

I haven’t seen Dial Of Destiny but the reviews are revealing it to be exactly what I feared. The Star Wars Prequels may have been gash, but least they weren’t woke. Woke is far more pernicious than a mere failure to entertain, it’s an attack on the franchise itself, especially of its beloved characters.

Add to that the fact that Mangold, as decent a director as he is, ain’t no Spielberg. So Dial was always going to be worse than Skull, it was inevitable.

We now have to make sure Dial is an epic box office flop, and be sure to buy the Indiana Jones Trilogy on 4K disc. If we keep voting with our wallets companies will eventually get the message, fire woke bitches like Kathleen Kennedy, and start funding films that people actually want to watch.


It's funny that you mention this, since I watched Crystal Skull for the first time since I saw it in the theater and it didn't seem as bad as I originally thought, but that is probably because movie quality has dropped sharply as of late. I didn't even mind Shia LaBeouf that much this time. Additionally, we have become so accustomed to aged action heroes, that Harrison Ford didn't seem so old as he did at the time of the movie's release.

However, my personal reference is the Star Wars prequels, rather than Terminator 3, which seem like masterpieces compared to the Disney versions.


Well , it was 2008 . 15 years ago.

since then Marvel and DC have kicked into top gear and rolled god knows how many steaming superhero turds onto the
red carpet.

So like the OP says , old shit looks good next to new shittier shit.


Additionally, we have become so accustomed to aged action heroes, that Harrison Ford didn't seem so old as he did at the time of the movie's release.

Ikr, I been revisiting some old movie magazines I haven't looked at in about a decade and have a few Crystal Skull Empire/Total Film issues and reading them again and there loads pics of Ford in promotional images and he really doesn't look that old at all (compared to now in DoD) he was about 65 but if you didn't know you'd just think he was about mid 50s

Its abit similar to the last Star Trek films with the original cast, at the time everyone was laughing at how old they were, how it was crazy they so old creaking around the ship etc, yet if you watch Trek VI or VII now Shatner didn't even look that old, he was about early 60s then but looked younger




I like your analogy. But I'd argue that a stronger comparison would be the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy. Lack of involvement of original creators, George Lucas in both cases. And it being done by Disney. The saving grace here is that 5 truly does look to be the end. Star Wars could've benefitted from an true finale instead of just existing to launch so much else.
