MovieChat Forums > OuterSpace

OuterSpace (112)



<blockquote>I'm sure it would be technically impressive but I'm surprised he's willing to just remake a movie that's already been remade. </blockquote> Well at the end of the day Nosferatu is just Dracula with a very unique/famous design for the Count, so it's really just another in a loooong line of adaptations of Stoker's novel. Probably wont be since Eggers usually only gives lip service to that corporate junk while not including it in his movies. If it ends up that way it will probably be some statement on patriarchal domination over the female sex or some tired cliche like that but this is supposed to be a passion project for him, so I don't think he'll waste the opportunity on something so basic and trite. <blockquote>Looks like a mix of his last 3 movies. I don't get why everyone is so excited about this. Nothing about the trailer was that impressive and the overuse of loud string music was obnoxious </blockquote> Every trailer sucks since they all follow the same lazy formula and staples, like the aforementioned sound cues and cheap jumps. It's rare when they try something different with a trailer so you always have to keep that in mind when viewing them. But people are interested because Eggers is very strong with tone and visuals and there's belief he can do an interesting take on the beyond done-to-death Dracula story. The more control of a project he gets the worse he is. He's a visual guy wheras his storytelling ability is not great. When working with other people's scripts/material he can make some decent stuff but when he has too much creative control he makes total crap. <blockquote>Why?</blockquote> "The search for more money." <blockquote>I remember Red Letter Media recorded a commentary for Alien and they kept complaining the movie was boring.</blockquote> No they did not. The only thing they trashed was computer room due to it looking like a bunch of Christmas lights but otherwise they were very favorable to the movie. In fact Rich was the only one that preferred Aliens over the original. For me the big problem with Covenant was it seemed like it really wanted to be a movie about a questionably functioning android dealing with a God/creation complex but due to the reaction to Prometheus, also had to include a bunch of traditional Alien elements and really failed to marry them both into a solid story. The fact that it heavily deviates from where (it appeared) Prometheus was leading and doubling down on things happening due to extreme character stupidity didn't help either. Someone to Watch Over Me was painfully boring after a provocative opening and his recent Napoleon film was largely devoid of merit outside of some performances and a scene or two. Indiana Jones was much worse. It being a gigantic property(Accounting for inflation they were all the equivalent of billion dollar movies) yet Dial of Destiny with it's absurd $387m budget only pulled in $383m worldwide. Even an un-adjusted Crystal Skull made nearly $800m and that was back in 2008 without all the current price inflation. Furiosa is a major bomba but not at that level. When she comes up on the other bike, the one she's riding has a very "rickety" and metal grindy sound to it, so I assume she switched the other due to it being in better condition; just needed a new front wheel which she swapped out from the one she was on. I'm guessing anyway. =P View all replies >