Load of American crap

In the truly saccharine, vomit-inducing Yank ''patriotic'' jingoistic, hawkish right wing manner.


Sore losers still.


Uncomfortable in your little shithole country?


20 bucks says youre an atheist.


Has a picture of King George in his man cave.


Thank you. You just pointed out all of the things that every man should aspire to be. You can go back to drinking your soy latte now.


The OP has a similar theme running through many of his posts here.


All his negative troll posts do is cause is people to roll without reading as soon as they see the author.


To be fair, he has a point and I see where he's coming from. And I'm hardly a lefty...

The Patriot's depiction of that war is grossly exaggerated when it comes to the hostility of the British. The church burning took the cake of course and no such event happened - but even before, with the arbitrary casual murders of civilians, even children, it was taken too far.

The problem is that the US audience is usually dumb as fuck and needs to be spoon fed with such exaggerations so they still understand who the bad guy is they can gang up on while they cheer and almost choke on their cringe inducing 'Merica chants while others try to enjoy the movie for what it is...

I am a patriot. I approve of patriotism and the general messages of the movie... but I also have a functioning brain and am not affected by the usual US American bias to see how over the top dumb this - very entertaining - movie really is.

It's like Braveheart, just a couple hundred years later and on US soil.


“but I also have a functioning brain and am not affected by the usual US American bias to see how over the top dumb this - very entertaining - movie really is.”

Exactly. It would be silly to take this film seriously.


How do you say you're a patriot while also decrying "cringe-inducing 'Merica chants"?


Man your question is sad on so many levels...


That's how I felt about your post. You say you're "hardly a lefty" and "a patriot," but then proceed to talk mad shit on your countrymen, calling them "usually dumb as fuck," elevating yourself far above them and proclaiming that you--you know, unlike the all the peasants you're surrounded by--"have a functioning brain."

Frankly, you sound neither like a conservative nor a patriot, but a fucking asshole.


If you really think I am not conservative, feel free to go through my post history. Almost all of my posts are of political nature and after reading a few, come back and tell me again I am not conservative enough in fucking anyone's book. Just because I criticize the fault in those "on my side" does not mean I am not conservative. If anything, it means I am conservative and able of having critical thoughts. That's a good thing, no?

As for fellow countrymen, nope, wrong country. I am not American (yet?). I am however, a patriot of my own country and understand what that term really means, which leads right back to my initial statement. It means you live a way of life that's for the best of your country and people, holding true to conservative, traditional principles and not forgetting how the freedom and privilege you have today, was earned and ultimately, how you can preserve it.
THAT is being a patriot, not chanting "USA! USA!" while watching a historically incorrect war movie showing things that never even happened.

It's an objective fact. If that makes me an asshole, so be it, brother.

Before you claim I'm just hating America, think again. I have a strong connection to the US for various reasons and migrating over is still something I consider, despite all the negatives (leftism, basically).
I think it is a great country with many great people, but that the majority of its people are fucking idiots indeed. One half for voting Biden, part of the other half for blind, dogmatic obedience and lack of objectivity and critical thinking...

Am I still an asshole, or can we agree you just read a bit much into my post and barked up the wrong tree?


Come on, don't do me like this, I felt a connection here.


You're right. I felt it, too.

To respond:

I'm not sure what country you're from, but I assume you find it natural when when your own countrymen cheer for their own people in the Olympics. Or in a war.

I won't disagree that much of America has been acting very dumb, but it's not the one's chanting 'Merica or enjoying films like The Patriot. It's the people doing the opposite, acting as if the United States is the worst country on earth.

While I haven't taken the time to actually count, I feel confident that these days I see more Pride flags and Trans flags flying than American flags. This, obviously, is stupid. We need to see a reversal of the course the United States is going in. (Actually, it's not just the United States, but the entire western world, which I feel has collectively gone insane in the past 15 or so years.) I can only hope that we as a a nation see a return to conservative values and, yes, flag-waving, USA-chanting patriotism, but I feel like the odds of that are low. Instead, I think all of the western world has been set on a course of progressively-increasing liberalism and conservatives/traditionalists--and more specifically Christians--are likely to become a more and more embattled minority. I hope I'm wrong, though.


Completely agree.


Nothing more American that questioning...everything.


Parrot says what?
