MovieChat Forums > Lethal Weapon 4 (1998) Discussion > 90y old Donner confirms hes directing LW...

90y old Donner confirms hes directing LW5

Richard Donner will be back behind the camera for Lethal Weapon 5.

The filmmaker, who turned 90 in April this year, confirmed the news in an interview with The Daily Telegraph.

“This is the final one,” he said. “It's both my privilege and duty to put it to bed. It's exciting, actually... Hahaha! It's the last one, I'll promise you that.”


begins filming in 2021 is what i want to read.


It's about 20 years too late.


No reason for any of this to happen.


Maybe not for you...


Did making that comment brighten your day?

You're welcome.


This does.....STFU....😃


I’m sorry, but that was pretty funny, Galactus. LOL

Plus, I want to keep the thread alive...


I agree with you. The 4th one ended things beautifully 😊



The people who don't want to watch it.....don't.

I think it would be cool to get one last Donner-directed film, especially a Lethal Weapon.
The man is an icon, and if he wants to do one more (at 90?!)....that's cool af. And he has earned it. Most people won't even reach 90...and if they do, they won't be able to do much more than pee and watch Matlock reruns. Donner is inspiring--still has some fire in his belly.

You can tell that whole cast has become like a family. It would be great to see Mel in a big budget Hollywood move again. And it would be amazing to see him and Glover onscreen together again, falling back into these characters. Not to mention.....could they possibly get.......PESCI?? (I'd better Donner has just enough sway to make that happen).

There's lots that has happened in the world since the last film...which could give them plenty to work with, storywise.
I really hope it happens.


Agreed, I think Donner would want to pull out all the stops/go mad for what would obviously be his final film/last hurrah (that 'do not go gentle into that good night' thing)..and obviously Mel could help out if need be .. Which could mean the most epic Lethal yet!



There may not be a "need" for it.....but heck, it could be fun. I think there IS a need in all of us....(an aging demographic who grew-up watching those fun 80's action movies in the theater) for the very gratifying appeal of.....nostalgia. A return to this franchise and a return to these character would feel like a return to my 18 year old self. Trust me...there's a need for that (and a market for it). It's tough out there....everybody is angry and whipped. What better movie experience (coming out of COVID doldrums and burnout) to pull us (and the movie-going experience) out of our funk....than a return of Riggs & Murtaugh....(and ReAnne...and Butters...Capt Murphy....Leo....Lorna, etc). It would be like revisiting old friends...and a better time in our lives.

It would be one thing if the movie were phoned-in....from a sub-par director and a studio looking for a cash grab (ala Die Hard 6). But this movie would be directed by the OG...Richard frickin' Donner! We should be applauding and encouraging this movie just on that principle alone. And Mel Gibson is one of the best actors of the last 40 years.

Regarding Gibson....the people who loved Gibson prior to his meltdown....still love his work, and want to see a PROPER comeback. A return to his signature role could do that...and remind us all how likable, fun and compelling he can be. I can't think of too many other famous people more ready to finally get the REDEMPTION he has been working for and is ready for...than Mel Gibson. He has paid his price (ironically, it was movie moguls like HW that blackballed him from the industry). He has owned his sins and has quietly been making amends. Besides...Mel Gibson just effin rocks.

Regarding the characters (like Murtaugh) being too old for this shit.....there's a market for the aging action star in ALL of us, LOL. (Look at the appeal of The Expendables) It would be fun to see what became of these characters...and how they're navigating their third act in life, and the very changing times we're living in (civil unrest, police brutality issues, Me Too, political correctness, etc...). Heck...I have aged WITH these characters (we all have)! So it's always cool to see my demo represented, and still doing cool stuff on-screen. It allows me to fantasize that there's still hope for me, LOL!


There may not be a "need" for it.....but heck, it could be fun. I think there IS a need in all of us....(an aging demographic who grew-up watching those fun 80's action movies in the theater) for the very gratifying appeal of.....nostalgia. A return to this franchise and a return to these character would feel like a return to my 18 year old self. Trust me...there's a need for that (and a market for it). It's tough out there....everybody is angry and whipped. What better movie experience (coming out of COVID doldrums and burnout) to pull us (and the movie-going experience) out of our funk....than a return of Riggs & Murtaugh....(and ReAnne...and Butters...Capt Murphy....Leo....Lorna, etc). It would be like revisiting old friends...and a better time in our lives.

It would be one thing if the movie were phoned-in....from a sub-par director and a studio looking for a cash grab (ala Die Hard 6). But this movie would be directed by the OG...Richard frickin' Donner! We should be applauding and encouraging this movie just on that principle alone. And Mel Gibson is one of the best actors of the last 40 years.

Regarding Gibson....the people who loved Gibson prior to his meltdown....still love his work, and want to see a PROPER comeback. A return to his signature role could do that...and remind us all how likable, fun and compelling he can be.....Regarding the characters (like Murtaugh) being too old for this shit.....there's a market for the aging action star in ALL of us, LOL. (Look at the appeal of The Expendables) It would be fun to see what became of these characters...and how they're navigating their third act in life, and the very changing times we're living in (civil unrest, police brutality issues, Me Too, political correctness, etc...). Heck...I have aged WITH these characters (we all have)! So it's always cool to see my demo represented, and still doing cool stuff on-screen.

I completely agree with everything you said Ripkens!


Totally agree, but what a bummer that Michael Kamen isn’t around for the Film Score. It just won’t be the same without him...


It would be cool if they could bring Clapton and Sanborn back for their contributions to the score.


They definitely should do that & mix Clapton/Sanborn’s ideas with Kamen’s cues from the first 4 Lethal Weapon movies.


"....and obviously Mel could help out if need be .. Which could mean the most epic Lethal yet!"

Wow, I hadn't even thought of that! That would be some extra special icing on the cake: 'Directed by Richard Donner and Mel Gibson".

Great point.


I wish he did two more. One last Lethal Weapon flick and a new Superman movie.

Come on, Mr. Donner. You can do it!




I suppose he could direct a Die Hard scenario in a retirement home.




hold the fort
