The Very Best Star Wars film....'s the one I would reach for first for a rewatch. It has everything. The final fight between Anakin and Obi Wan was everything I could have asked for. Anakin completely turning towards the end of the film was masterfully done. I like all the films on some level. (the sequels are the weakest) But this film right here. Nothing in Star Wars since has come close to it greatness.


This one is a very good SW movie, together with The Empire Strikes Back, Rogue one and partially The Return of the Jedi.






its the best star wars movie for children or teens.


i like to watch it but i've been skipping the grivious parts for a long while


I'm an OT person, and I think my most-rewatched SW movie is A New Hope.

To each their own.


well , given that I watched it daily from when VHS was invented until about '88 , ep4 will never be knocked off the top spot on views .
.. But Rogue Ones pretty good - I've seen it 3 times!


VHS release of Star Wars was in 1982, so factoring in one leap year from '82 to '88, and considering that the release was in May, that's roughly 2,071 times. So, Rogue One isn't really a *close* second...


I don’t hate it but for me this is my least favorite of the Lucas produced movies. 1-6.


I tend to agree with that assessment. I actually like Phantom Menace quite a lot, believe it or not. The other two were too studio-bound with green screens and so forth. At least Ep1 they went to Tunisia filming it as Tatooine. When you see Padme and Qui-Gon Jinn flushed and sweating in the desert, it very hard to reproduce that on sets. Liam Neeson ruled as the most relatable Jedi ever. Darth Maul really delivered, and is perhaps the most successful villain besides the Palpatine/Emperor. I consider Anakin/Vader more of a protagonist, so obviously not counting him as typical villain, too. Yoda was real puppet, operated by Frank Oz before that was changed too. Pod Race was memorable.


I think this is easily the worst of the 9 Star Wars films. It's close, as all three prequels are absolutely terrible, but each was a bit worse than the one before it.


The king of bad takes strikes again.


This is my second favourite Star Wars film. I've watched it more than any other. First being Star Wars (1977).


Good man... 👍


It’s the best of the prequels.




I’ve always said that if you took the best bits from Episode I and Episode II (losing all the political stuff) and merged them together, you’d end up with a great film.


Well I actually like the political stuff. 😂. I like Andor as well probably for the same reason.


Probably, but still too much CGI to make it even close to the original trilogy.


"Political stuff" was what made the episode 2 good. I'd rather lose scenes that served no other purpose than being game and toy commercials. Attack of the Clones was a bit overlong and those elements could have been well cut off.
