Is THIS the worst movie of all time?

It MIGHT be Attack of the Clones but I'm thinking this might be it.


Clones is MUCH worse than this.


This was sorta the moment that Star Wars' legacy started getting REALLY tarnished, although that might have started with the Special Editions...

Or the Holiday Special?

Of all-time? No. I don't even think it's close. It's too technically masterful, Williams' score is dynamic and awesome, and there are some neat things in it.

Don't get me wrong, it's mostly a real, REAL stinker, but worst of all time? No way. We live on a planet where A Million Ways to Die in the West got made.


Not even close



There better than the prequels


And the sequels are better than the original trilogy as well.


Depends. Have you seen more than 3 movies in your life?


No, there are hundreds of worst movies than this.




Honestly I think Dolittleis the worst film ever made

It took my 1 year and 3 different attempts to get through this movie.

I've seen a lot of terrible movies in my day, But I'm being truthful when I say I think Its the worst film ever made.

RDJs acting/performances in this film So Horrific you actually question if your TV is working right...I literally got on my computer and looked up clips from the movie to see If RDJ really talks that way in the movie or if my TV was missing up....

The story is absolutely Pointless,Awful,boring and not funny

I'm not kidding, Its almost hard to imagine someone making a film this bad...Like I think It Would be really hard to intentionally make a film this bad, If someone set out with the goal of Literally Making the worst film of all time, I dont think They could achieve the level of awfulness Dolittle did...
