MovieChat Forums > Scream (1996) Discussion > Wes Craven sure had a high opinion of hi...

Wes Craven sure had a high opinion of himself

Praising your own movie in your own movie is just about as shallow as one can get.


Why not promote your own film within another film? It makes sense and it didn't take away from Scream at all. I don't think it is shallow or means he had a overly high opinion of himself.


Yeah he was basically going down on himself in that opening scene but whatever. Tom Six did the same thing in Human Centipede III: Final Sequence.


I absolutely agree with you. I have seen it in other films as well. For example, in Halloween 3, Season of the witch, there is a commercial on the telly at the bar. A commercial for the original Halloween (1978) comes on and it even says “the immortal classic.” I’ve always loved that!!
There is nothing shallow about it..


Wes Craven didn't write the script.


He could have not had Drew Barrymore say that line but he did


It was also kinda the point though. Trying to be meta and what not.


I didn’t think it was effective


I thought it worked.


I didn’t


According to you. I think it did, you think it didn't. Just cause you don't get what they were going for doesn't mean others didn't.


Well good for you, I disagree with everything you said


He didn't write it but directors have the freedom to add certain lines to the script themselves or tell the writers to add something specific that they would like to have in the film. The script also has to be approved by the director before starting production as well.


The line where Casey talks about ANOES and says the sequels sucked? According to that line New Nightmare sucked, which was directed by Mr. Craven.


But the original doesn’t which was directed by Wes Craven


Yeah, but that specific sequel was, so your point is moot. He praised one of his movies, while dissing another. It seems he was able to poke fun at himself.


My post said that he praises his own movie in his own movie and by your own admission he did. I did say anything about about New Nightmare. My advice is actually read the post that you are replying to before you make a complete and utter fool of yourself


No, your point was that Craven had a high opinion of himself because he praises his own movie. But the fact that he disses another one of his own movies at the same time negates that. You are the always.


And he did praise his own movie in his own movie. I never said he never dissed his own movie, nice try junior


Can you read, like, at all??? As I already said, your point is that Craven had a high opinion of himself because he praises his own movie. But since his dissed another one of his movies at the same time, that point is moot. Even more so because in the DVD commentary Craven mentions wanting to take out that line, but keeping it in after realizing he directed a sequel himself.

Maybe you should try again tomorrow...


Who else is on the commentary on the DVD? I'd be interested to watch it with commentary.


Craven and Kevin Williamson, I believe. I don't own a DVD with commentary myself.


Ok numb nuts did he or did he not praise his own movie in his own movie? This is a yes or no question. I don’t care if he at one point in his life considered taking the line out , the fact remains that he didn’t!

Edit: I’ve actually done some research and New Nightmare is actually in a different continuity so it is not a sequel. It would be like calling Batman Begins a sequel to Batman and Robin. You.....have....been....owned


Dang, you hella dumb. I said your point that Craven has a high opinion of himself because he praised his own movie is moot. Nobody here is denying he had one of the characters praise his movie. If you think any of our posts implied otherwise, that dumbass mistake is on you.


And he didn’t diss his own movie either because she said the SEQUELS sucked , new nightmare isn’t a sequel you idiot

Just give it up sonny. It can only get worse for you going forward


Ah yes, "Wes Craven's New Nightmare" also known as "A Nightmare on Elm Street 7: New Nightmare". So just another sequel according to the franchise. From Lexico:



1A published, broadcast, or recorded work that continues the story or develops the theme of an earlier one."

And from Merriam Webster:

"Definition of sequel


2a: subsequent development

b: the next installment (as of a speech or story)"

But more importantly, Craven considered it a sequel and we're discussing the man's opinion of himself. Now go back to your playpen, Baby.


Moviechatuser497=idiot! I am sorry you are dealing with his stupidity, go easy on him he is a special kind of ignorant.


I know, I've dealt with him before. He just can't admit a simple mistake. It's like his life depends on it!


Except it wasn’t a sequel, Wikipedia specifically says it’s in its own continuity and it doesnt continue the story like your definition says, therefore it’s its own separate thing like Batman Begins is independent to Batman and Robin. Does it hurt being as stupid as you are?

As for it being known as ANOES 7, Batman Begins was known as Batman 5 for a while yet that is clearly the first entry you stupid idiot

The only way you can possibly win this now is to show direct proof that Craven was referring to New Nightmare as one of the “sequels” when Barrymore said the sequels suck. I’ll wait.

Edit: as for your new friend moviefanatic, the two of you have something in common, you have both been dominated by me at some point in your sad, miserable lives


Isn't the real question whether or not drew Barrymore's character could have considered a sequel or not? I'd think she would have.


What are you basing this on? Also Drew Barrymore character doesn’t exist therefore didn’t write that line.


Right, I'm the one who's stupid, while you aren't capable of reading simple dictionary definitions:.

"1A published, broadcast, or recorded work that continues the story or develops the theme of an earlier one."

"2a: subsequent development"

You can cry about it as much as you want, but officially it's a NEXT INSTALLMENT in the Nightmare franchise. Craven considered it a sequel and that's what's most important when it concerns his own opinion about himself. I already mentioned the DVD commentary.

I empathize with those who suffer from Aspergers, I really do, but I draw the line at continuous personal attacks.


Except she didn’t say next installment she said sequels. She clearly wasn’t referring to new nightmare. I see that you can’t provide the proof that I asked for so I think it’s best for everyone that I accept your concession and close your case. Go back to bed you pathetic man baby

reply The dictionary definition says that a sequel is also the NEXT INSTALLMENT. Why wouldn't she be referring to "Wes Craven's New Nightmare" when it's an OFFICIAL sequel that's also alternatively called "A Nightmare on Elm Street 7: New Nightmare"

If you want to hear the words from freaking Craven's own mouth, then go listen to the dvd commentary yourself. Or you can take this person's word for it, but ofcourse you won't. You prefer to believe your own delusions that you're never wrong:


Because it’s not a sequel you moron, it takes place in its own continuity, sequels follow in the same continuity. I feel like I would have a more intelligent conversation by picking out some random individual at the local adult daycare center. By your logic Batman 89 is a sequel to the Adam West Batman movie, is that what you are trying to assert? Your definition clearly says it “continues the story” if it’s in its own continuity then it doesn’t you idiot. Also the movie isn’t called ANOES 7, now is it?

I see you are still unable to provide proof, you have been owned again.


It's not like comparing different batman sagas. This movie has the same actor who has always played the character and the same director.


It’s exactly the same thing. Both Batman Begins and New Nightmare have a separate continuity from what came before it and are therefore not sequels. Casey was not referring to New Nightmare, it’s beyond obvious

However if that’s the game you want to play fine, are Goldeneye and Casino Royale in the same continuity? Same director and some of the same actors


I'm not arguing about continuity. I'm just saying it's still a sequel in the franchise in my book.


That clearly wasn’t the implication and by this point you are just making up the rules as you go so you can justify your irrational position


Cool. I couldn't care less anyway. Pointless argument.boring conversation, as usual with you. Note my consession and move on.


At least you’re man enough to admit when you’ve been owned.


"or develops the theme of an earlier one."

In the same sentence. Freaking hell, do you even understand the concept of a dictionary giving multiple definitions??? You insist on a continuation of the story when it's not at all a requirement according to the dictionary.

Like I said already, The alternative title is "ANOES 7: New Nightmare". 

There's no way you could ever have an intelligent conversation with anybody in this world...ever.

I've provided proof, read the link. If you refuse to accept it and instead believe everybody else has made stuff up just so you could be tricked one day, you're only proving how incredibly pathetic and foolish you are yourself. You are dismissed!


Lol your own definition contradicts your premise shit for brains. The alternative title isn’t the title so you don’t get to deflect to it. New Nightmare isn’t a sequel just like Batman Begins isn’t a sequel to Batman and Robin (nor is it a prequel). It appears to be a reboot and reboots have nothing to do with what came before it. Nice try you moron. Lol you didn’t provide proof, all you did was find some definition then connect the dots in whatever direction you had to to get to the answer you wanted, when if you follow the actual logical line of thinking it leads you to a different answer. Are you done or are you going to continue to make a complete and total ass of yourself? Also the definition says it has to continue the narrative ( so why should I believe your definition? You just cherrypicked it because you thought you could pathetically try to spin it to fit your nonsense argument while ignoring other definitions that didn’t fit your poorly thought out narrative.

It’s beyond obvious Casey was not referring to New Nightmare, you are arguing nonsense, you are arguing the world is flat and two plus two equals five. I am dismissing your premise, Better luck next time, little man


Lol, you're dismissing the definitions provided by respected institutions like Oxford and Merriam Webster??? Do you understand the meaning of the word "or" and the concept of different meanings of one word??? If anyone is cherrypicking it's you. A sequel that does NOT continue the story is a legitimate definition. Just suck it up!

Of course Casey was referring to a New Nightmare, because that's exactly what the scriptwriter says in the link I provided. Your denial of the evidence is hereby regarded as a concession. Bye bye!


Why should I believe your definition and not the other one? Why are you too afraid to answer this question? You don’t get to just cherrypick whatever you can use to back up your premise and then ignore everything else that refutes it

Ha nice attempt to weasel your way out of this, you’ve been owned a third time. I have never seen anyone take as savage a beating as you have. You must feel pretty horrible about yourself.


Lol, don't turn things around. You said A New Nightmare wasn't a sequel, but according to Oxford and Merriam Webster it is. Which shows that many people, including Craven and the people behind ANOES franchise, consider it a sequel. Nobody gives a fuck if you don't .

Your denial of the evidence I've provided is hereby regarded as a concession. Have a nice day!


But the other definition says it isn’t a sequel so why should I believe just that one definition? What makes your definition so special that it overrides all other definitions and common sense?

I totally own you. You aren’t even a challenge


What about the directors commentary part of the argument?


I still have not been provided with a recording of the commentary. All I’ve been told is “just go listen to it” well I have no way of doing that

Edit: just in case the commentary confirms that craven was referring to New Nightmare as a sequel the fact will still remain that he praised his own movie in his own movie which was the point of the thread


You are making things up as always. One, it's not MY definition, but that of Oxford and Merriam Webster. Two, not once did I say it's so special it overrides all other definitions. Fact is that it is a legitimate definition and you just have to deal with it. It explains why Craven and the people behind ANOES do consider New Nightmare to be a sequel.

Boy, you're one to talk about common sense! Stop acting like this is a competition and grow up.


And I’m not making things up either numb nuts, the definition says it’s not a sequel so why should we only count the definitions that you can spin to support your absurd proposition? In order for you to move forward you now have to prove that my definition is of lesser quality than yours, I can’t wait to hear the BS you put forth to try to justify this. My definition is a legitimate definition as well meaning you haven’t proven it is a sequel therefore my original assertion stands. Are you mentally challenged? If you are I really need to know because that means I’m a bully and I need to ease off of you.


You're making things up AGAIN. Not once did I suggest that other definitions don't count. It is YOU who refuses to accept the definition given by Oxford and Merriam Webster. A definition that makes the view that New Nightmare is a sequel a legitimate one. The only way to move forward is if you acknowledge that. You haven't proven it is NOT a sequel.

You have Aspergers and have the nerve to talk like that about those who are mentally challenged??? Shame on you.


Then therefore it's pointless for you to appeal to your definition because my definition says differently. Since by your own admission you can't prove that your definition has any more weight than mine does your premise is dismissed. This is the end of the definition argument. Game, set and match for me.

It wasn't a put down, it was a legitimate question. I'm not trying to demean you, but if you are mentally challenged that's something I need to know because I am not in the business of bullying people who legitimately can't defend themselves. Also I don't care for your insult towards people with Aspergers as in they have to walk on egg shells just because they have Aspergers. Shame on you.


Lol, you are turning things around...AGAIN. YOU are the one who insisted it wasn't a sequel, but I've shown evidence that the view that it's a sequel is a legitimate one. Therefore you haven't proven that Craven was NOT referring to New Nightmare.

Everything points to you being mentally inferior to most people, including me. I never insulted people with Aspergers, it just explains why you are the way you are.


Keep owning this idiot! I'm giving you a loud applause.


Lol, thanks. It's not difficult, though!


Not at all, just holding you accountable for your assertion that it is a sequel and seeing how I have a definition that says its not you are in no position to say it is which makes your entire premise irrelevant and pointless. I never said he dissed his own movie in his own movie, I said he praised his own movie in his own movie. It's your premise that he dissed his own movie in his own movie (in my OP I never said he didn't) which means you now have to prove that ANN is indeed a sequel and considering there are definitions out there saying it's not (and the movie is clearly a reboot) you are in no position to say it is. You cannot be this dumb, you have to be trolling or you just enjoy being dominated. Seek help you loser.

Yes you did, you said that anyone who has Aspergers needs to watch what they say. This is your last chance, if you tell me that you are indeed mentally challenged I promise I will leave you alone, but the way things stand you deserve everything I've done to you.


HILARIOUS! No, you first stated it was NOT a sequel. Then I provided an official movie title and two dictionary definitions that showed otherwise. I very clearly stated there are multiple legitimate definitions and that Craven's view is one of them. That was my assertion and it has been proven.

You truly need to learn how to read. I never suggested you said he didn't diss his own movie, I simply said that your point that he has a high opinion of himself is moot.

Liar. I never said that those with Aspergers should watch what they say. I said shame on YOU for talking the way you do about the mentally challenged, and wondered why you would do that while you're mentally challenged yourself.


Going by the definition on it isn't a sequel and because of that you have no basis for saying it is and therefore you have no basis for saying he dissed his own movie which was your whole premise to begin with you idiot. Seeing how I can prove that he praised his own movie and there's no basis to say that he dissed his own movie then my point is not moot and it stands. You still haven't provided Craven's view of it so you don't get to deflect to that until you can actually prove what comes out of your mouth.

In that case I don't know why you're even talking to me other than to get the attention your mother obviously never gave you. Since by your own admission you can't prove that he did diss his own movie then for the time being my point stands because I can prove that he praised his own movie. This is seriously not a hard line of dialogue to follow which brings me back to my suspicions that you are indeed mentally challenged. Don't worry though, I am not trying to insult you the way you apparently think it's alright to insult people with Aspergers. You clearly don't even know what Aspergers is, it doesn't mean that you lack intelligence. I can now add complete and total ignorance to your list of shortcomings.


And Oxford and Merriam Webster say it is a sequel, so your assertion that Craven couldn't have been referring to New Nightmare is simply wrong.

The link gives a review of the entire dvd commentary and specifically mentions New Nightmare being a sequel. You're a looney to ignore it. New Nightmare is an official sequel in the franchise, you need to provide evidence for your claim that Craven was NOT referring to that movie as well

Your point that Craven has a high opinion of himself for praising his own movie in a movie is moot, because there is evidence he was also dissing his own movie at the same time.
Not ONCE did I insult people with Aspergers. I also never said you lack intelligence BECAUSE you have Aspergers. I said it makes you mentally challenged.


I have a basis for saying that because the definitions says otherwise but this does demolish your premise that my OP is a moot point.

I said you need to provide proof that that it was Craven's intention to diss New Nightmare. All I saw was a trivia page that included nothing but second and third hand information and therefore it's not going to be accepted. A New Nightmare had nothing to do with the original and was not even in the same continuity so therefore it is not included in the group of films she was dissing. Also assuming that you are able to prove that he was indeed dissing New Nightmare my point still stands that he was praising his own film in his own film which is an objective fact. You do understand that even if you win this you still lose because no matter how you try to spin this he still openly praised his own movie which was all that I said.

I have debunked all of your "evidence" that he was dissing his movie and it's not a moot point at all. It is an objective fact that he was praising his own film.

And you once again have shown your own ignorance, Aspergers doesn't mean you aren't smart, it's a social disorder. Many people who have Aspergers are quite intelligent so my point that you are ignorant stands.

Here is the definition of "mentally challenged" since you love to appeal to definitions: is characterized by below-average intelligence or mental ability and a lack of skills necessary for day-to-day living. People with intellectual disabilities can and do learn new skills, but they learn them more slowly. Aspergers has nothing to do with ones intelligence level, it's about the ability of one to socialize and communicate. You have no idea what you're talking about, kid.


Your assertion that Craven was NOT dissing New Nightmare because it's not a sequel is simply wrong based on the dictionary definitions I provided, the official alternative title and the Scream dvd commentary. The first shows he most definitely could have, the second that he inadverdently would have and the last one that he actually did.

The link I provided is a review of someone who listened to the entire dvd commentary and actually described the conversation between Craven and Kevin Williamson in which it's specifically mentioned that New Nightmare is one of the sequels being dissed. If you believe it's made up, you are out of your mind.

"You do understand that even if you win this you still lose because no matter how you try to spin this he still openly praised his own movie which was all that I said."

Sweetie, none of us said he didn't praise his own movie (well, he had a character say it was "ok"). The point is that it hardly proves your point that he's arrogant if he dissed another one of his movies at the same time.

Aspergers is a brain disorder, therefore making those who have it mentally challenged. I said nothing about the disorder affecting intelligence  

"mentally challenged (comparative more mentally challenged, superlative most mentally challenged)

• (euphemistic) Having low intelligence.

• (euphemistic) Having a mental illness."

You're forgetting that Aspergers is classified as an autism spectrum disorder in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). 

"mental illness (countable and uncountable, plural mental illnesses)

• (uncountable, psychiatry) The property of being mentally ill; mental disorders taken as a whole.

• (countable, psychiatry) A mental disorder. "


Not at all, I said that he praised his own movie in his own movie (which he did), you said it was a moot point because he also dissed his own movie yet I have established reasonable doubt in this assertion therefore my original premise stands. I literally could not make this any easier for you, by this point it's your own damn fault you don't get it.

Your link is hearsay and it's not accepted, the only thing that will get you out of this hole you've dug for yourself is direct confirmation from Craven that that was his intention. Until then you have nothing, junior.

I'm glad you agree that I'm right that he praised his own movie, that was the point of this thread, pee wee. Anything not directly relating to that point is a non sequitur because in my OP I never once said he didn't diss his own movie. I do however assert that you haven't proven that he did diss his own movie and you haven't.

Aspergers does not fit the objective definition of "mentally challenged", "mentally challenged" refers to having lower intelligence and there are plenty of autistic people who are quite intelligent, certainly more intelligent than you are. LOL you are better off just dropping this, you are better off just surrendering this point because if you win then that means that you were dominated by a mentally challenged person which says more about your lack of intelligence and would prove that you are in fact mentally challenged. So basically you've admitted that you are indeed mentally challenged. LOL you suck.

EDIT: Here is the definition of "mental disorder" which is what you admitted Aspergers falls under: "conditions that affect your thinking, feeling, mood, and behavior. They may be occasional or long-lasting (chronic). They can affect your ability to relate to others and function each day." It says nothing about ones intelligence. Trust me, kiddo, I am doing you a huge favor here, I am saving you the embarrassment of having to admit that you are mentally challenged. Just PM me to thank me and then drop the whole subject and I promise to never bring it up again.


The point of this thread was to say that he praised his own movie??? Wow, thanks, Captain Obvious! No, of course that was NOT your point, liar. That's simply something that happens in the movie for all to see. Your point was in your thread title, that Craven had a high opinion of himself (and was shallow) . The evidence I've provided of Craven dissing one of his own movies at the same time as praising one of his other movies most certainly makes that point moot. It's actually my dictionary definitions and the alternative title that established reasonable doubt in YOUR assertion that Craven couldn't have dissed his own movie because it's not a sequel. The dvd commentary reference pretty much obliterates your dictionary definition as it actually directly relates to Craven himself. And you're utterly ridiculous if you choose to believe the reviewer made up that entire conversation.

You're being dishonest as always, not once did I imply that you said he didn't diss his own movie. Do everyone a favour and learn how to read!

I provided a dictionary definition that says "mentally challenged" can also refer to mental illness. Of course you once again choose to ignore it. And again, I never said your lack of intelligence had anything to do with your mental disorder.


It was literally what I said in the OP you dumbass. I said he praised his own movie which he did and when you do that it's a logical assumption to an outside viewer that you have a high opinion of yourself. Everything you've said past that is empty speculation and assumptions. You really are dumb aren't you? The alternative title is not the title therefore it's meaningless. You've not even proven that he meant New Nightmare to be included in the films that "sucked". All common logic and available evidence says the complete opposite. My dictionary definition says he was not referring to New Nightmare so again why should I believe yours? If there are definitions out there that say the contrary then you haven't proven your point and your hearsay is dismissed.

You also stramanned me: I never said that he made up the review, I said that wasn't a direct quote from Craven therefore it's not sufficient evidence to my standards. Don't strawman me again.

And yet again another definition says that it refers to low intelligence which is not what Aspergers falls under, therefore like before you haven't proven your point, kiddo. Like I said: It is in your best interests to just drop this whole discussion because it is only going to bite you in the ass.


It's only a logical assumption if you completely ignore the part where the sequels get dissed. It's mere empty speculation and assumption on YOUR part that Craven did not consider New Nightmare a sequel simply based on ONE dictionary definition. That's your mistake, you can't prove he didn't. Meanwhile, I have evidence actually related to ANOES and Craven for the assertion that he did consider it a sequel. The alternative title is an official title and the dvd commentary is confirmed by multiple sources. 

I never said YOU said he made up the review. I said that IF you choose to believe that he made it up, you're utterly ridiculous. There are other sources out there that mention Craven stating this, so to not consider the reviewer reliable is also ridiculous. There really is no decent explanation why the reviewer wouldn't be correct. Your standards change as you go along, I can't take them seriously.

I follow the definition of mentally challenged that I've provided, therefore I was NOT referring to low intelligence. You can't prove I was.

I'm not worried about anything, I've got common sense and truth on my side.


1. You haven't proven that she was referring to New Nightmare so therefore you cannot say that he also dissed his own movie. I have provided logical and reasonable doubt that she was not referring to New Nightmare so therefore the burden of proof is on you to prove she was, which you haven't. I have asked for proof and everything you've provided was either an assumption or was a result of cherrypicking. New Nightmare is NOT a sequel, it is clearly a reboot, if New Nightmare is a sequel then Batman Begins is a sequel to Batman and Robin. Oh I have far more justification to say New Nightmare is a not a sequel that go far beyond one definition. It has nothing to do with the previous films therefore it's moronic to call it a sequel. ANOES 7 is not the official title, New Nightmare is the official title, it's quite odd you keep bringing up this alternate title when it wasn't even used. (FYI: The unofficial title of Batman Begins is "Batman 5") Non Sequitur on your part. Debunked

2. I didn't say either way whether he made up the review at all, all I said was that it wasn't sufficient evidence. Learn how to follow a simple discussion you Neanderthal brain. It's also not up to me to disprove the reviewer, it's up to you to prove the reviewer which you haven't. You tried to shift your burden of proof onto me, it's a very dishonest debate tactic. Debunked

3. Except the definition of mentally challenged is low intelligence, I have provided objective proof of it. Aspergers has nothing to do with intelligence level. It's about social and communication skills. Debunked

4. LOL you have nothing but empty speculation, logical fallacies and dishonest debate tactics on your side. You have been completely and totally owned by someone you claim is mentally challenged so therefore you are mentally challenged. I gave you a chance to get out of this and you refused, this is all on you now, pee wee. If you give a man enough rope he'll hang himself, you're living proof. Debunked.


1. No, you choose to dismiss the part about the sequels sucking, the burden of proof is on you. I do not accept your dictionary definition as evidence as you can not directly link it to Craven. The alternative title was used as a working title by Craven himself, which shows he considered it a sequel. By the way, a reboot "signifies a new start to an established fictional universe, work, or series. A reboot discards continuity to re-create its characters, plotlines and backstory from the beginning." Definitely does not fit New Nightmare.

2. You're only making yourself look like a fool by not accepting an obviously correct source! Your "standards" are laughable. You think a handful of top 10 videos on Youtube proves something totally subjective as a movie being overrated...🙄

3. I've provided evidence that mentally challenged can refer to mental illness only. Deal with it.

4. "LOL you have nothing but empty speculation, logical fallacies and dishonest debate tactics on your side. You have been completely and totally owned by someone you claim is mentally challenged so therefore you are mentally challenged. I gave you a chance to get out of this and you refused, this is all on you now, pee wee. If you give a man enough rope he'll hang himself, you're living proof. Debunked."

Fantastic argument! Only someone who knows they're wrong would say that. You've been dismissed!


1. The only burden of proof that I accepted is that he praised his own movie in his own movie which I have more than proven. All of this other bullcrap is a bunch of non sequitur gobblydigoo that has literally nothing to do with the OP. I don't need to prove that he wasn't referring to ANN I never said he didn't, you said he did which is why you need to prove that it is a sequel and the objective definition says it isn't so it sounds like you are pretty much SOL. As for the alternate title that's not the title he went with therefore it's not relevant, if he was so passionate about making ANN a sequel then he would have stuck with the ANOES 7 title but guess what numb nuts: HE DIDN'T. Plenty of movies go through changes, all that matters is what the end result was. ANN is absolutely a reboot just as Batman Begins is.

2. I did accept the correct source and the source says its not a sequel. I'm sorry it doesn't back up your idiotic premise but you really should have thought things through before posting. You have no one to blame but yourself.

3. I've provided evidence that mentally challenged does not refer to Aspergers, deal with it. It’s your premise that people with aspergers are mentally challenged well considering there are sources out there that say otherwise (and I have yet to see a source that says they are) and there are plenty of very intelligent people on the spectrum (I know plenty who are far more intelligent than you are, heck I know people with Down syndrome who are more intelligent than you are) your premise is dismissed shit for brains

"Fantastic argument! Only someone who knows they're wrong would say that. You've been dismissed!"

4. No counter argument? Got it, I accept your concession. Now go to bed little boy, you get cranky when you don't get a good nights sleep.


If you are going to respond again, could you please start a new response as I'm having difficulty reading your wonderful smack downs. So tiny!

Much obliged.


Lol. Okay, just for you then!😉


LOL This thread is just too funny with all these replies, the messages
keep shrinking and shrinking and shrinking...





No no no, you first asserted Craven had a high opinion of himself because he praised his own movie. I responded saying that point is moot because, like the other poster said, he dissed the sequels, which would include his own, at the same time. Then you claimed he "didn't diss his own movie" (don't lie, those are your own words), because New Nightmare is not a sequel. The burden of proof for that is on you and you haven't convincingly proven your claim.

Lol, you just keep changing the rules to your liking. The alternative title was also the title while shooting and used in other countries, which says enough. Even Craven called it "Nightmare 7" in interviews. It doesn't seem he was the one who wanted the name change:

"Craven at various times subtitled a Nightmare On Elm Street 7 with The Real Story or The Ascension. “New Line were rather shy of using a number,” claims Craven, “because they think if you have a high number on a sequel everybody goes, “Oh, it’s the seventh, why go see it?” Putting Craven’s name in the title was thought to give the new movie a connection to the series source material, making it clear that this was a Freddy feature from his original creator, yet offering something ‘new’ in the Nightmare mix."

And New Nightmare is NOT a "new start" that recreates the same characters, so no, it's not a reboot.

2. No, you cherry-picked and only chose the source you liked. My dictionary sources say it is a sequel and so does my review source.

3. And I've provided evidence that mentally challenged does refer to mental disorders, like Aspergers. Deal with it and move on.

4. Lol, you want me to counter a non-argument??? Okay, how about this: YOU. ARE.WRONG.

And stop projecting, not everybody is a little boy like you. I'm a full grown, adult woman.


1. And I provided objective proof that he praised his own movie in his own movie and that he has a high opinion of himself. I have yet to see any evidence he dissed his own movie so my point stands and even evidence he did diss his own movie wouldn’t invalidate my premise

2. He didn’t go with that title so it’s a non sequitur. Move on

3. You’ve provided no such evidence and the fact that there are plenty of intelligent people on the spectrum and the definitions don’t support your assertion invalidates your claim. Next point

4. My sources say it’s not so therefore no one can say with any certainty it is so therefore my point isn’t moot

5. You’re just too afraid to counter that argument. You are a gutless coward who is desperately seeking the attention mommy never gave him. Go see a therapist

Honestly by this point you are just repeating yourself so do you have anything new to add to this or should I close your case and dismiss your premise right now? You might want to start preparing your concession speech


They did go with the title in other countries. Lol, just give it up. The guy called it Nightmare 7 and referred to it being a sequel AFTER the release of the movie. That's hard evidence that completely destroys your one dictionary definition.

"My sources say it’s not so therefore no one can say with any certainty it is so therefore my point isn’t moot"

Lol, I see you're backtracking. You're the one who said with certainty that he could not have dissed his own movie. You shouldn't have made that mistake. You also changed your argument halfway from "I didn't say he didn't diss his own movie" to "It's not a sequel!". You keep moving goalposts. Look up what moot means. My arguments definitely make your point moot.

Your 'argument' was that I only have "empty speculation, logical fallacies and dishonest debate tactics" without providing a shred of evidence. I counter that non-argument by saying: YOU.ARE.WRONG.


Well guess what that a not the official title and therefore it has no bearing whatsoever on this discussion nor does it have any bearing on the narrative structure. It is set in its own continuity therefore it’s a reboot not a sequel. A made up title that was never used has no bearing on whether it’s a sequel or not. Also this entire discussion is pointless because it’s still an objective fact that he praised his own movie

Another strawman I just didn’t accept the assertion he did diss his own movie. Learn the difference , pee wee

I have proven all of those, you being too stupid to understand what was figuratively written out for you with crayon is your own damn fault.

This is your last chance, do you have anything else to add to this discussion or should I go ahead and dismiss your case? Because now all you’re doing is repeating yourself and talking in circles


Again, you don't know what reboot means. New Nightmare was not a "new start". It actually acknowledges all the events in the first movie, but only as happening in a movie.

I'm repeating myself by providing new evidence that Craven considered it a sequel? It IS an official title if it was released under that name in other countries. But even if it wasn't official, Craven used the name Nightmare 7 since its release and referred to it as a sequel.

If he dissed one if his own movies at the same time it certainly makes your point that he had a high opinion of himself moot.

All you're doing is moving goalposts. You didn't simply say I can't be certain Craven considered it a sequel, you asserted he couldn't have dissed his own movie because it's not a sequel. And that's just a wrong assertion.

My speculation has all been based on evidence, anything you perceived as a logical fallacy was nothing but a failure to understand on your part and you have not proven whatsoever that I've been dishonest.

I'm already looking forward to your next reply where you once again refuse to accept the evidence!😆


It takes place in it's own continuity, therefore it is not a sequel it's a reboot

Yes you are repeating yourself, first of all you haven't proven at all that Craven considers it a sequel, the link you posted was hearsay. Secondly the title is irrelevant, if it doesn't continue the story from the previous and since it takes place in its own continuity then it's not a sequel and my definition backs that up.

It doesn't make it moot at all, it's an objective fact that he praised his own movie and that was the point of the OP, genius.

Not moving the goalpost at all. And I was justified in saying that considering you haven't provided any evidence whatsoever that ANN is indeed a sequel. If you can provide evidence that it is and it was actually Craven's intention to diss that movie then I'll considered revamping my statement, until then it stands and I am justified in saying it, shit for brains.

LOL you haven't provided one shred of evidence, all you've done is started with the conclusion you wanted and then worked backwards and cherrypicked whatever supported your absurd proposition while ignoring everything else.

What evidence??????

This is seriously your last warning, this has got to be like the 8th time I have debunked your entire premise, either post something new or move the conversation in a constructive manner or I am closing your case. Funny how you'd attack me for being autistic when you are showing some signs of autism yourself. Dumbass.


Lol, all you've got is the same old arguments.

No, a reboot is a restart, that's not what New Nightmare is. Maybe a reimagination or something.

The title shows Craven considered it a sequel and so does him referring to it as a sequel. You not wanting to accept the Oxford or Merriam Webster definitions is absolutely meaningless in that regard. What only matters is what Craven thought.

No, your point was that he had a high opinion of himself for praising his own movie. Him dissing his own movie makes that point moot. Why are you ignoring your thread title and half of your OP???

"all you've done is started with the conclusion you wanted and then worked backwards and cherrypicked whatever supported your absurd proposition while ignoring everything else."

Lol, no, that's what you did. At first you only kept repeating that Craven praised his own movie ( totally missing the other poster's point). You didn't come with your argument that New Nightmare is not a sequel until you actually looked up the movie. And then you cherrypicked by only accepting the dictionary definitions that suited you. And then you even ignored Craven's own words!

You're warning me??? Bwuahahah, you're really getting desperate!🤣🤣🤣

I never attacked you for being autistic. You have been insulting the mentally challenged, though.


"Lol, all you've got is the same old arguments."

Just a pathetic attempt at a personal insult - Dismissed

"No, a reboot is a restart, that's not what New Nightmare is. Maybe a reinvention or something."

I've already explained this quite clearly multiple times dismissed

"The title shows Craven considered it a sequel and so does him referring to it as a sequel. You not wanting to accept the Oxford or Merriam Webster definitions is absolutely meaningless in that regard. What only matters is what Craven thought."

I've already debunked this as well, if he wanted it to be called ANOES 7 he would have but he didn't, dismissed.

"No, your point was that he had a high opinion of himself for praising his own movie. Him dissing his own movie makes that point moot. Why are you ignoring your thread title and half of your OP???"

He did praise his own movie in his own movie, that's an objective fact and it supports my other claim. You are dismissed on this point

"Lol, no, that's what you did. At first you only kept repeating that Craven praised his own movie ( totally missing the other poster's point). You didn't come with your argument that New Nightmare is not a sequel until you actually looked up the movie. And then you cherrypicked by only accepting the dictionary definitions that suited you. And then you even ignored Craven's own words!"

He did praise his own movie. When I discovered New Nightmare was a reboot is irrelevant. I never accepted any definition, but I did prove that yours didn't prove your point. You never showed me Craven's own words, you showed me hearsay. Dismissed

That was the last warning you are getting. Your premise is debunked. Now do the honorable thing and concede.

I never attacked you for being mentally challenged, in fact I did the opposite, I wanted to know if you were because if you were that means I needed to leave you alone, I don't bully people who can't legitimately defend themselves.

Game, set and match. Better luck next time, little boy


My god, saying you have nothing but the same old arguments is no insult. How freaking sensitive are you? It's no different than you saying I'm only repeating myself (which is a lie).

Anyway, I see you have absolutely nothing new to add to discussion. If anyone is repeating themselves, it's you.

Reboot means restart. You have not explained whatsoever how New Nightmare restarted the series, as it acknowledges the existencece of previous Nigtmare movies, only in a different context. Maybe you're thinking of retcon or reimagination.

Craven called it ANOES 7 until the studio changed it and he still called it Nightmare 7 AFTER its release. He also referred to it as a sequel in a later interview, so I've proven my point.

The objective fact that he praised his own movie does not support your "other claim" that Craven had a high opinion of himself when he dissed his own movie at the same time. 

My point was that your assertion, that Craven wasn't dissing his own movie because New Nightmare isn't a sequel, was not correct. My dictionary definition proved that point.

I showed you an exact quote from an interview in which Craven refers to New Nightmare as a sequel. Your entire premise has been destroyed. Now go sit in a corner and cry about it.

And I never attacked or insulted those with Aspergers. I simply questioned why you were disrespecting the mentally challenged while you have Aspergers yourself.


- call it whatever you want the fact remains that it’s not in the same continuity and it’s not a sequel. Wikipedia and the definition of sequel confirms this

- all that matters is what we ended up with and we ended up with New Nightmare and even if it were called ANOES 7 it still wouldn’t prove your case you moron

- all that I need to prove my premise is evidence he praised his own movie and even you have admitted it exists, that is a case closed in my favor

- wow how many f-cking times do I have to repeat myself: my assertion wasn’t that he didn’t diss his own movie I just don’t accept that he did, donyou aeriously not understand the difference? Do I need to find some kind of kindergarten logic 101 book to recommend to you? I literally feel like I’m talking to my 2 year old niece although she is clearly more intelligent than you are

- you showed me hearsay, I don’t accept it, it’s not admissible in court either

- there you go, you just admitted that you said that people with aspergers need to walk on eggshells and watch what they say because they have aspergers. And I never Insulted mentally challenged people, I’m legitimately concerned for you. I feel like a bully but in all honesty you are kind of bringing this on yourself

You are literally repeating yourself numb nuts. I warned you I was closing your case if you didn’t stop. You are literally doing nothing but repeat the same nonsense you’ve been doing for the past 2 days. If you want a response to your incoherent ramblings just look at my previous post, I already demolished it. Come back when you have something of value to add to this discussion other than strawmans you coward

Your concession is noted and your logical fallacies are dismissed


-Lol, you're dismissing legitimate dictionary definitions again? The Oxford and Merriam Webster definitions say it's a fact that it's a sequel. You need to move on from this.

And Oxford and Merriam Webster also say it's not a reboot.

-An actual quote from an interview with Craven referring to New Nightmare as a sequel is hearsay? You're delusional!

-No, I criticised YOU for disrespecting the mentally challenged.

-"wow how many f-cking times do I have to repeat myself: my assertion wasn’t that he didn’t diss his own movie"

Not once did I imply that was your assertion. The point is that Craven dissing his own movie makes your point that he has a high opinion of himself for praising his own movie moot. When will you finally get this???

-If I'm repeating myself it's because you ignore all the evidence I provide and just keep on repeating yourself (which you've just admitted.)

-Warning me of what? More crying by you???😂

Fact is that I've provided evidence that proves I'm right and you're wrong. You've been dismissed for once and for all, buddy. There's just no way you can ever return from this!🤣🤣🤣


- I believe the definition I posted , a definition that you are dismissing which is a legitimate one. says it’s not a sequel , that is an objective fact

- there were not any direct quotes from craven on your link, it is very much hearsay. Nice try kiddo.

- I never showed disrespect to the mentally challenged that was all you, I was legitimately concerned for you and if you truly are mentally challenged then I owe you an apology because that means I’m a bully.

- then therefore there’s no point in discussing whether he was dissing his own movie or not because you have conceded that I never claimed he did , case closed. Game set and Match for me

- I have destroyed all of your “evidence” you are attempting to disguise logical fallacies and appeals to ignorance as evidence and I’m not letting you get away with it.

- lol you have been completely and totally owned. I have destroyed you, if this were a boxing match the ref would have called it a long time ago but he didn’t stop me from bashing your face in because he’s enjoying watching me do it. You are a complete non challenge, usually I’d feel bad for you but like I said you deserve this, why do you do this to yourself? My guess is you are so desperate for attention you don’t even care if it’s negative attention, you need to see a therapist but that doesn’t change the fact that you don’t have the first clue what you’re talking about, junior. Get help


I never dismissed your definition, I provided another legitimate definition that disproves your assertion that Craven couldn't have been dissing his own movie, because it's not a sequel.

You need to reread my posts, I actually quoted an interview with Craven that was published in a book about him.

You've disrespected the mentally challenged, which is mindboggling since you're mentally challenged yourself.

You've been utterly destroyed. See my reply all the way at the bottom.


Wow Man let me say this again: I was never my position he didn’t diss his own movie. Regardless of whether he dissed his movie or not is 100 percent irrelevant to my op you idiot. I never once showed disrespect to mentally challenged people , in fact I was being quite compassionate and the definitions prove that Aspergers doesn’t fit the criteria of mentally challenged, some may be but it’s not due to Aspergers you moron. Although if we accept that I am then that means you’ve been owned by a mentally challenged person which makes you mentally challenged which is not a road I think you want to travel down. I totally own you, I have completely and utterly humiliated you. The best you’ve done by this point is prove something o never even argued against. I hope you’re proud that you spent you’ve wasted your entire night doing that while I’ve been sleeping and getting ready for life the next day. You suck


Want a list of his sock accounts?

And then back in the imdb days.

Screen names SpaceAce2001, The UltimateHippo, TheHungryHippo, MovierChatuser497 and back in the imdb days it was The_Ultimate_Hippo. This guy is a joke!


Wasn't Ultimate Hippo the completely insane guy from the Full House boards???


Yep that's him!


I mean, I'm no Full House fan either, but that guy was obsessed with a show he supposedly hated!


Your perseverance is amazing.


To be honest, I have some free time on my hands right now, otherwise I'm not sure I'd waste my time on this. It's just annoying how this guy constantly lashes out at those who contradict him.🙄


Yeah I started to argue with him yesterday but had to stop. I was at work and it's hard to txt on the sly when the little window keeps getting thinner and thinner so you can barely read what you're writing. Plus it is pointless to argue with him, once his mind is made up nothing can change it. Kinda sad really, defeats the whole point of these types of conversations and the point of this site.


I'm an insomniac who's mostly on MovieChat at night, so you can imagine I'm glad I don't have to wake up early this week!

I'm dead serious when I say he has Aspergers. I've had a similar discussion with him before and having dealt with people with Aspergers, I eventually realized that that is most likely the explanation for his behavior. I know trying to reason with him is probably pointless, but at the same time I don't want to give those with the condition special treatment and assume they're not capable of accepting that people might disagree with them.


I never lashed out at you, I just treated you the way you deserve to be treated.


yea, when he meant sequels, he meant all but his.
I dont think this really means he is really that shallow for this specific act since the movie is bad ass and the conversation is pop cultural but knowing Wes Craven he is a swallow idiot.


Gather around, people! Let's put this to rest once and for all. I just took the time to download and listen to the dvd commentary (thanks for making me do something illegal 🙄) and these are Craven's exact words:

"He [Williamson] also wrote some wonderful lines here one time I took out about, uh, the first Nightmare was great and (Williamson: the rest sucked) the rest sucked. Cause I thought that would make me look like an egomaniac, since I was directing the film. But, uh, Kevin reminded me that I directed the seventh and that was included in the films that sucked."

There you go, Craven dissed his own film. Not only that, having listened to the actual dialogue again it's now clear you've been making a big hullabaloo about a word that's not even uttered by Casey. She never says the SEQUELS suck, she actually says THE REST sucks. Case closed.


Very good, I was wondering how long it would take you to realize she said the rest sucked , honestly I just wanted to see how far I could take the sequel argument and I’m proud of myself for keeping it up as long as I did, glad I wasted your time. But you are so far from being out of the woods here because I will bring you back to my original point which I have repeatedly reminded you of, he still praised his own movie which was the purpose of my Op. I told you a long time ago whether he dissed his own movie or not is a moot point because he still praised his own movie which to me means he has a high opinion of himself regardless of what he said about the rest. Don’t accuse me of “moving the goalpost” I’ve been saying this ever since the beginning. Also you just admitted to a crime, maybe I can get your prosecuted????? sorry little man, you still lose


My god, you are absolutely ridiculous!🤣🤣🤣

You had no clue what Craven said. Remember your assertion that "he didn’t diss his own movie either because she said the SEQUELS sucked"? You've also claimed in multiple posts afterwards that Drew Barrymore "said sequels", was "not referring to New Nightmare" and that New Nightmare was "not included in the films she was dissing". Even yesterday you said I "need to prove that it is a sequel" to support my claim he was referring to New Nightmare. You've been proven wrong on all accounts.

So you are proud of me having proven not only that New Nightmare IS a sequel according to legitimate dictionary definitions, but that Craven literally referred to it as a sequel??? Buddy, anyone can see that you're the loser here. Time to concede and take your sorry butt outta here.🙄

Anyway, he praised one of his movies, while dissing another. Your point that he has a high opinion of himself or is shallow is moot. Fact.


Lol I knew that the whole time, I was mostly just messing with you and I wanted to prove a point, that the entire discussion on whether or not it was a serial was completely and totally irrelevant, because now that we are past this we are now back to step 1 which is whether he praised his own movie which he did and by my standards that is having a high opinion of yourself regardless of what you say about your other movie, it’s not a moot point at all. He did praise his own movie and to me that is shallow, I couldn’t care less what he said about New Nightmare and that was my position ever since the beginning, it’s still not a sequel because it exists in a separate continuity and the definitions confirm this, sorry kiddo but neither you nor craven have authority over the English language. You would literally have to get smarter just to be classified as dumb, you are so pathetic and I’m glad I wasted your time. Do you have any other points you’d like me to own you on?


"Lol I knew that the whole time, I was mostly just messing with you and I wanted to prove a point, that the entire discussion on whether or not it was a serial was completely and totally irrelevant"

There is no one in this world who believes that when just a few posts back you were still the one who insisted that I needed to prove that it is a sequel to prove Craven was referring to New Nightmare! You were the one who made it an issue in the first place!

If the guy dissed his own movie at the same time, it makes your point that he is shallow moot. Fact.

"sorry kiddo but neither you nor craven have authority over the English language"

But Oxford and Merriam Webster have and they say we're right. Booyah!

I came, I saw, I kicked your butt!


Another logical fallacy as you are now appealing to popularity, the facts say differently kiddo. Craven doesn’t have authority over the English language and the definitions say it’s not a sequel even though this is a complete and utter non sequitur I still enjoy owning you. I have totally destroyed you, I have proven my case that he had a high opinion of himself and it’s backed up by objective evidence from the film, I don’t think the non sequitur about new nightmare overrides that. Owning you has now turned into a personal hobby of mine, my kids are watching this thread as well and are just laughing at you. What would you like to argue now? That the world is flat?


"Craven doesn’t have authority over the English language and the definitions say it’s not a sequel"

Oxford and Merriam Webster are authorities on the English language and their legitimate definitions say otherwise. That's a fact.

Objective evidence from the film that Craven dissed his own movie at the same time most certainly makes your point that he had a high opinion of himself moot. The quote of him saying that he initially wanted to take the line out because he didn't want to look like an egomaniac only reinforces that.

Dude, who cares about your non-existent kids? Every real person who reads this thread is laughing at your sorry ass.


Other definitions say differently so therefore you haven’t proven your claim. Now you have to establish that your definition overrides all definitions. Good luck, pee wee

And that doesn’t change my opinion that he has a high opinion of himself. The fact remains that I was right that he praised his own film which was the point of the OP. I literally never said he never dissed his own movie, you are literally one of the dumbest people I’ve ever encountered and considering I’ve encountered moviefanatic that is just about the worst insult anyone can ever give you.

Lol everyone I’ve shown this to agrees with me that you are an utterly pathetic individual. Go see a therapist , you need help.


"Other definitions say differently so therefore you haven’t proven your claim."

Lol, no, the point was to disprove YOUR claim that Craven couldn't have dissed his own movie, because it's not a sequel. I succeeded in doing that by showing legitimate definitions that do accept it as a sequel.

You literally said he didn't diss his movie: "And he didn’t diss his own movie either".

If you're moving goalposts again by saying you never said it in your OP, how does that even matter? The fact that Craven dissed his movie at the same time makes your point that he has a high opinion of himself for praising his movie moot. How often do I need to repeat this before you understand?

Nobody cares about your imaginary friends. Every real person that has actually replied to this thread agrees with me.


That wasn’t my claim numb nuts, my claims was he praised his own movie which he didn’t and you have admitted to it. As far as dissing his own movie that was all you, I never brought that up. I don’t have to prove he didn’t diss his own movie, learn how a burden of proof works, kid. There’s a definition that says it’s not a sequel so therefore you haven’t proven your claim.

How am I moving the goal post when my op literally said nothing about him not dissing his movie, I let literally said nothing about it. He did praise his own movie and to me that is shallow regardless of his position on his other movies. The point is not moot at all, it’s an objective fact that he praised his own film and you conceded to that. You are talking in circles here, I highly suspect you are mentally challenged but if you won’t clue me in on it then you deserve everything I’ve done to you.


Your first claim was that Craven had a high opinion of himself because he praised his own movie. I replied that him dissing his own movie AT THE SAME TIME made that point moot (you really need to look up that word). Then you made your second claim that Craven couldn't have dissed his own movie, because it's not a sequel. I've more than disproved that claim. I'm glad you've conceded to that. I've not conceded to anything, because I never denied he praised it. Not once. You're also mistaken that my claim was that the movie was a sequel.

So now we're back at my point that your first claim is moot. It's an objective fact that Craven dissed his own movie AT THE SAME TIME, so my point still stands. If praising your own movie makes you shallow, then dissing your own movie makes you the opposite. You're just cherrypicking by ignoring the second part of Drew Barrymore's sentence.

Since you're mentally challenged, it's not surprising you'd think that I'm mentally challenged. Sorry to disappoint you, but I do not have a mental disorder and my intelligence is above average.


And he did praise his own movie in his own movie so my point stands. Regardless of how he views his other movies is a non sequitur as I have clearly explained to you

It’s not moot at all, I can back up my claim with objective observations and data. Also you keep harping on this strawman: I never claimed he didn’t diss his own movie, I just didn’t accept your claim he did

Aspergers doesn’t mean you are mentally challenged and I have posted multiple sources confirming it has little to nothing to do with intelligence, and if you have aspergers you are very low on the autism spectrum anyway. You are just pathetically trying to insult people on the spectrum. If I a, mentally challenged then you have full out mental retardation because that means you’ve been owned by a mentally challenged person so that says more about you, like I said it’s in your best interest to just drop this pathetic assertion.


Your point was that he had a high opinion of himself because he praised his own movie and that point is still moot (please look up the meaning of that word!) because he dissed his own movie in THE EXACT SAME SENTENCE. Dissing your own movie suggests one is humble and that's why your point that he had a high opinion of himself is moot. Craven's own words that he would've taken out the line if it weren't for the second part, only confirms this. And why are you purposely ignoring the second part of Casey's remark? Because it doesn't suit your claim?

You did claim he didn't diss his own movie: "And he didn’t diss his own movie either".

My dictionary definitions proved that mentally challenged can also refer to a mental disorder like Aspergers. And you are SEVERELY mentally challenged if you think I've been owned by you!


And I backed up that claim with objective evidence form the movie. Even if he did diss his own movie that doesn’t change my opinion,

I said I didn’t accept your claim, that he did diss his own movie. There is a huge difference numbskull

You have been owned by me, I have completely destroyed you and made you my bitch. You don’t even know what aspergers is yet you feel you know enough to mock those with it. Not only are you mentally challenged but we can add severely ignorant on top of that

Honestly by this point since you’ve already conceded that I’m right I don’t know what else there is to say but I’m happy to keep beating up on you if you wish


He's such a hypocrite! He said that since Tolkien didn't consider Lord of the rings a trilogy it isn't. I told him he has no authority over the English language he said I trust the writer's words on his own creation. Lol now it's Craven has no authority over the English language. He cherry picks and only will stand by something if it validates his view.


He really loves them cherries! It's funny to see how he accuses people of all kinds of stuff right after doing it himself.


Oh and he loves moving the goal post as well. Go look at his posts on the dark knight rises board, last crusade board or the breaking bad board. He is pathetic!


Yeah, I already called him out for that. And then he denies it while it's there for everyone to see!




It's been entertaining, though! I could've spent my time lying on the couch watching Murder She Wrote instead, but this is so much more satisfying!😂


That’s odd you enjoy me beating on you so much, oh well I’m happy to continue if that’s what gets you off.


You're a fucken space cadet.






It's already been established that you're delusional. I've given you one big ass whooping!💥😆😆😆


Lol, you’re not even a challenge, dominating you is just really entertaining which is the only reason I haven’t kicked your ass to the curb yet


I just gave you another ass whooping above!💥💥💥🤣🤣🤣


Ha you seem to get off on me dominating you, seek help, loser


💥💥💥 You really love your ass being whooped, don't ya?! Pervert!🤣🤣🤣


Please keep your own perverted sexual fetishes to yourself. For all you know there could be kids reading this forum. Thank you


Hey, you're the pervert who keeps asking me to whoop his ass! Which is pretty disgusting since you claimed your kids have been reading this thread!


Clearly you don’t know how to read. I’ve been completely and totally dominating your ass and you’ve been begging me for more which is disturbing. My kids are legal adults now and they are so enjoying watching me own you yet disturbed at the same time by the fact that you enjoy it


I'm surprised any woman would let you near her long enough in order for you to have offspring.


Yeah that must be a hard concept for a man who still lives in his mothers basement to grasp


Grasp this cuz!


No thanks


Eat a sandwich.


I’m ordering Jersey Mike’s right now


It's obvious he has no wife or children or a family or friends.


I have a theory any insult he tries to put on others is himself projecting his own inadequacies.


That has to be the case, because his insults make no sense whatsoever.


Nothing you’ve said has made any sense whatsoever. You’ve done nothing but argue non sequiturs and utilize strawmans and appeals to logical fallacies


Aw that’s so cute you made a friend, clearly you have to seek friendship online to compensate for the fact that everyone hates you outside of the blogosphere


You're projecting again! No wait, your case is even worse than that. You're so desperate for attention, it doesn't matter if it's negative.


Lol literally repeating my diagnosis of you, you really are desperate if you have to just copy and paste my previous comments, I mean I’m flattered by learn some new material , your own while I’m at it.

You had no idea what you were talking about on the Goldeneye board and now you have no idea what you’re talking about on the Scream board. You really suck


That's because you were just projecting your own diagnosis onto other people.😊

The Goldeneye discussion was another case of you having no clue what was actually said in the movie.🤣


Naw , just trying to give some some helpful advice which you are apparently too stubborn to take, what a pity

And I destroyed you on the GE board as well, the cycle never ends


You're delusional as ever. I whooped your ass good on that board!🤣🤣🤣


I totally dominated you , little boy. You didn’t have the first clue what you were talking about


Little boy??? See, that's your problem every single time. You just don't understand what's being said.

Also, what's your obsession with little boys? Are you a pedo???


All I did was speak to you the way you deserve to be spoken to. If you want to be treated like an adult then try acting like an adult


Like always, you show you just don't understand what's being said.


There’s really not much to understand, any two year old can follow your very simplistic yet rather irrational “logic”


You mean, you don't have much to understand with. I already explained before why you're only making a fool of yourself by calling me a little boy.


Naw, you’ve provided little to nothing of anything resembling a rational thought, and I’m merely speaking to you the way you deserve to be spoken to. If you have a problem with it then I suggest manning up and start acting like an adult.


Lol, it's so funny how you have no clue. Please continue making a fool of yourself and completely missing my point!😂😂😂


How can I miss your point when you never had one to begin with?


Everybody knows why you're making a fool of yourself by calling me a little boy, except you . It's hilarious!🤣🤣🤣


I was just brought up to treat people the way they deserve to be treated. Act like an adult and I will treat you as one


With your high immaturity level I don't expect you to be capable of treating anyone like an adult. That's not the obvious point you are missing. You little girl!🤣🤣🤣


Nice try, but I'm a guy. You seem to have a lot of confusion about gender and the fact that you think calling someone a "girl" is an insult only implies your own misogyny


Lol, now you're just trolling to save face. Accusing me of something you're guilty of yourself, only makes you look more foolish.


Please explain how I am misogynistic? It was you who used Aspergers and being female as insults so I don’t know where you’re going with this and I doubt you do either.


You can call me a little boy, but I can't call you a little girl??? That's discrimination and it's disgusting!


I was just calling you the w what you deserve to be called, if you aren’t a Male then say so and I’ll edit my post. You however used the terms “girl” and “aspergers” as insults which is bigoted. I didn’t call you a “little boy” as an insult, just a insightful observation


As I said before, I already made very clear I'm female.

Yes, very insightful when you get the facts wrong!!!🤣🤣🤣


Ok, i guess I’ll refer to you as “little girl” from now on. Thanks for the clarification


Thanks for once again making a fool of yourself!😂


If you want to see a fool just take a good hard look in the mirror, sweetheart


You're projecting again!😆


Just calling it like it is honey


Honey? Sweetheart? My god, you're such a sexist. I'm going to report you!


Lol you’ve fished it out quite a bit here, you’ve said words like “fuck” and “shit” to me and I even believe you have called me a “dumbass”, don’t dish it out if you can’t take it, darling


Stop turning things around. You are the one who called me dumbass and other names. Thanks for proving once again that you're a sexist.


You did as well, but I’m not the one playing the victim. Get over yourself.


Then show me a quote, liar.


I already did, just go back and read you idiot


Liar, you did not show me a quote.


Go back and read you idiot


I did. Now follow your own advice and then post the quote.


I'm not holding your hand, learn how to read , it's not my job to teach you what you should have learned in kindergarten.


Since you can't back up your claim, it's been dismissed as a lie. Case closed.


Since you apparently are too dumb to read you are dismissed. Game set and match for me.


What's your problem? Are you too dumb to copy-and-paste?Since you can't back up your claim, it's been dismissed as a lie. Case closed.


I reject your flaming and accept your concession


Can't back it up, huh? Your surrender has been accepted.


I did back it up, you are the one who refuses to read. IT must read. Your concession remains noted


Show me the quote and I'll read it.🙂


I’m not holding your hand and your concession remains noted.


You must be really scared of being proven wrong, huh? I reread all my posts and I never called you a dumbass. Case closed.


Now you’re lying. You are such a coward

EDIT: Here you go: "If you think any of our posts implied otherwise, that dumbass mistake is on you."


Oops! You've been caught! I called the mistake dumbass, not you.
Now in the future, just reply to me in one post. Thank you.


If one makes a "dumbass" mistake then that accusation implies that that they are a dumbass. Therefore you did call me a dumbass you dumbass.


No, it says the mistake is dumbass. From now on I will only reply to you in one post.


And one would have to be a dumbass to make a dumbass mistake, therefore you called me a dumbass you dumbass


It not really projecting cause he doesn't even have a friend online either.


Your moms should set up a play date for you two.


That would be swell.


Have a nice play date with your sock


A bit rich coming from someone who is known to have multiple accounts. I have one account. I don't have the necessary mental illnesses to spend time on the net talking to myself.


I never used two accounts at once so therefore it’s a moot point. Changing your username isn’t the same thing as having a sock account like you


So what exactly are you accusing me of? Are you saying me and stratego are the same person?


It sure seems that way, you both have suspiciously similar posting styles/sentence structures.


You make your adult kids watch how you indulge in your sexual fetishes? You're even more perverse than I thought!


Naw they chose to just watch me rip you to shreds , they find it entertaining, you are the one who gets a sexual high from it you weirdo


Your kids chose to watch their dad getting off on his ass being whooped? Your family is fncked up!


Naw they just enjoy laughing at you as do most people. All of the bizarre sexual fetishes are your own and please keep them to yourself. Thank you


Your adult children enjoy watching you be a complete knob jockey on moviechat? They must be even more boring than you.


Clearly I’m not boring seeing how you apparently can’t get enough of me, seek help you loser


Is this what you think people not being able to get enough of each other is like? You must live a pretty sheltered life.


The fact that you keep chasing me around like you’re some excited school girl says otherwise


Since when is getting your arse whooped a perverted sexual fetish? You need to get out more. You pervert!


He’s possibly the dullest troll ever, feed it if you want but I prefer to watch it wither and die, desperately clawing for attention.


Problem is he will never wither and die, if only. Cunt is unstoppable. I know it's pointless to feed the animals but someone has too.


Starved of attention, it’ll die.


The objective evidence is that he praised his own movie (no one's denying that). The objective evidence from that same film is also that he dissed his own movie IN THE EXACT SAME SENTENCE. You can chooce to believe whatever you want, but again, it makes your claim that he had a high opinion of himself moot.

Your LITERAL words: " "And he didn’t diss his own movie either". How can you even deny you said this???

I never mocked anyone for having Aspergers. Thanks for letting me whoop your ass once again!


And to me that doesn’t magically erase the fact that he still praised his own movie. I literally could not make this any easier for you to understand, by this point it’s your own fault if you still don’t get it

That’s because at the time there was no evidence presented he did, I took the logical position, numb nuts

Yes you did, although if you are mentally challenged I’ll let it slide because you don’t fully grasp what you’re talking about


Why do you keep making up shit??? Not once did I say it erases him praising his movie. It does, however, make your claim that he had a high opinion of himself moot.

The evidence was in the second part of Casey's remark : "but the rest sucks".

Not even once did I mock someone for having Aspergers. Liar.


Since it doesn’t erase his praise for the movie then my point stands that he has a high opinion of himself. Thank you for conceding

Non sequitur . I don’t care if he trashed the remainder of his entire filmography. My point still stands

Yes you did, you said I couldn’t be concerned about you being mentally challenged due to being on the spectrum.


Your comprehension skills are extremely lacking. No, your point that he had a high opinion of himself does not stand because him dissing his own movie IN THE EXACT SAME SENTENCE makes that point moot.

No, I asked how you had the nerve to disrespect the mentally challenged while you're mentally challenged yourself. I never mocked anyone for having Aspergers.


By my standard (which was the whole point of this thread numb nuts) the point does stand no matter how many of his films he does or does not “diss”. Praising one is all it takes

I didn’t show disrespect to the mentally challenged, I was legitimately concerned about you although my sympathy for you is just about gone.


Who cares about YOUR standards (which you change whenever it suits you)??? You posted a thread on a discussion board making the CLAIM that Craven had a high opinion of himself because he praised his own movie. It matters a great deal when you choose to leave out the second part of the quote that makes that point moot. Praising and dissing yourself at the same time cancels each other out.

I wouldn't even want sympathy from a guy who gets off on disrespecting the mentally challenged.


Who cares? That was the point of the thread you idiot.

And as I already said if you are indeed mentally challenged I need to leave you alone. If you aren’t just say so and I won’t feel bad by putting you in your place. But if you can’t realistically defend yourself I need to know , like seriously


Wtf??? Your standards were not the point of discussion. It was your CLAIM that Craven had a high opinion of himself and I've showed that claim to be moot.

Nobody cares about your everchanging standards, so don't expect anyone to adjust their own to them.

One again, you're reading comprehension sucks. I already answered your ridiculous question.


And by my standards he does have a high opinion of himself you idiot.

I’ve been very consistent, kid. You’re the one who cherry picks whatever you have to to keep your pathetically stupid argument about water.

Well if you’re not mentally challenged then I have no sympathy for you, still it was a logical assumption.


Then your standards refuse to accept a piece of evidence that's completely objective and therefore can not to be taken seriously.

You made a CLAIM that Craven had a high opinion about himself because he praised his own movie and that claim has been proven to be moot with irrefutable objective evidence.

It's only a logical assumption to those who lack intelligence like you do.


How many times do I have to say this: the number of his own films he may or may not have “dissed” is irrelevant it me, praising one is all the evidence I need to assert he has a high opinion of himself, I literally could not make this any easier and I provided objective evidence to support my claim.

It’s logical to anyone who has an IQ higher than my shoe size which is a group you do not fall into.


If you make the claim the man had a high opinion of himself because he praised his own movie, it's extremely relevant that he dissed his own movie AT THE EXACT SAME TIME, as it makes that claim moot. If you insist it's not moot, you need to explain why one objective piece of evidence overrides another objective piece of evidence.

If you admit he's only shallow according to your own standards, you shouldn't have made that claim and simply presented it as your opinion. And in that case people would still have laughed in your face for denying objective evidence.

You're projecting again!!!🤣🤣🤣


I neve said it wasn’t my opinion so therefore you aren’t justify in saying I wasn’t referring to my opinion. To me if you praise your own movie in your own movie it’s shallow and you have a high opinion of yourself no matter how many of your own films you diss or don’t diss. Sorry I should not have to dumb this down for stupid people like yourself, I am not editing my OP


It's all very nice you've conceded, but you posted a thread presenting your assertion as fact. You can't blame others for dismissing it until you can actually refute any counter-argument. As it stands, it's still a claim that has been proven moot by irrefutable, objective evidence.

It's really funny you call other people stupid, when you refuse to accept objective evidence that's staring you right in the face.


Lol you sure do love strawman as I never conceded although I do accept your concession. Your second strawman was that I said my opinion was an objective fact which I didn’t. You however admitted that he did praise his own movie which was the point of my thread so it’s game over for you and game , set and match for me. The objective evidence says that I’m right and you are wrong. Sorry kiddo but you are going to have to let this one go


You're lying again. I never said that you SAID your opinion is an objective fact.

I never denied he praised his own movie, that was never my point or my claim. Read your thread title, your point was to claim Craven had a high opinion of himself.

So you admit your claim is nothing but a opinion based on incomplete evidence? Otherwise it's still a claim proven moot by irrefutable, objective evidence.


Then what are you even talking about? The purpose of the thread was for me to state that he had a high opinion of himself and that is my interpretation of what I saw, and I can back it up with objective evidence. If you feel differently then go start your own thread, kiddo. Seriously this isn't hard and I can't believe it took me pages and pages of posts for you to finally understand this which brings me back to my suspicions that you are mentally challenged. Not incomplete evidence at all, even you admitted that he praised his own movie, that's the end of the discussion, junior.


You need to read back the conversation. People simply disagreed with your claim because Craven dissed his own movie at the same time. And they had every right to do so, because it's a DISCUSSION board. They don't need to start a thread of their own. Instead of you trying to explain why you choose to ignore the second part of the quote, you set out to prove he never dissed his own movie.

Do you understand what "incomplete" means? You choose to ignore the second part of the quote, which makes the evidence incomplete.

I'm glad you admit that the statement you presented as fact is nothing but your own opinion, but it doesn't make your claim that Craven had a high opinion of himself any less moot. And you REALLY should look up that word.


Good for you, you disagree with me. I couldn’t care less, the fact remains that where I come from i don’t give a damn how many of your films you trash if you praise your own movie in your own movie even once, then that’s shallow. Get over it, numb nuts

I already explained your second paragraph, junior

Strawman, I never once said it was an objective fact and it’s not a moot point,

You seriously have to be running out of steam although I do commend you, I don’t know many who could take this amount of abuse and keep going


If you don't care, you wouldn't have posted it on a discussion board. Just go write it in your diary next time.

Not once did I say you called it an objective fact. Since you're not willing to explain why the second part should be ignored, your claim is still moot. And your opinion is dismissed as being ridiculous and laughable.


Learn how to read dumbass, I don’t care if you disagree. And I’ll post it here because that is the purpose of this forum

Then I have no idea what you want from me aside from attention. I do not consider it to be a moot point and I still consider Craven to be shallow and you’re not going to change my mind.

And it seems you don’t even know what an opinion is, you can’t dismiss it because it’s my opinion and I’m still going to think he’s shallow no matter what you say. And if anyone’s ever going to change my mind they are going to have to do a better job than your feeble effort


The purpose of this forum is to DISCUSS and that's exactly what people who disagreed with you did. If you don't want a discussion, then it's best not to post here.

Your claim is not an objective fact and therefore automatically moot.

I can dismiss whatever I want and I dismiss your opinion as ridiculous and laughable and based on incomplete evidence.


And that’s fine but understand you will not change my mind and I believe he does have a high opinion of himself and it’s supported by objective evidence, also you strawmaned me again as I never once said I didn’t want a discussion, shame on you

He praised his own movie in his own movie, that’s an objective fact numb nuts and you even admitted to it, don’t try to back pedal

Good for you, I’ll let you know the day I care about your opinion of me, honestly if you disagree with me, knowing the kind of loser you are I must be doing something right


You're the one who keeps strawmanning. I never said YOU said you didn't want a discussion (although it certainly doesn't seem you're open to that).
And I never said Craven didn't praise his own movie in a movie.

Anyway, your claim has been proven moot. And your OPINION that Craven had a high opinion of himself is completely irrelevant. You have to be delusional to think anyone would actually care about YOUR opinions.


Yes you did say that, go back and read your previous post. You are the only one who has strawmaned and I have busted you multiple times

Good I’m glad you concede that I’m right and you’re wrong

How can you prove an opinion? That is a direct contradiction of what an opinion is you idiot, and it’s not irrelevant it is literally the topic of this thread you idiot. And clearly you do care about my opinions seeing how you keep following me around like some horny school girl.


Nope, I never said that, you liar.

Stop making up stuff! I never conceded to anything!

Did I say you had to prove your opinion??? No, I said I'd proven your claim to be moot. And your opinion is always irrelevant, I don't give a shit what the topic of your thread is.


Go back and read you moron.

Don’t back pedal, that’s about the most cowardly thing you could do at this point

You have no proven my opinion is moot, I can have whatever opinion I want and the purpose of this thread is that he praised his movie in his movie and you’ve already conceded that I’m right, honestly I have no idea what you’re even doing here by responding seeing how pretty much all talking points have been wrapped up in my favor


Nope, I never said that, you liar.

Stop making up stuff! I never backpeddled. I never denied he praised his movie. Why would I, if it's not even relevant to my point?

You can have any moronic opinion you want,  but your claim that "Wes Craven sure had a high opinion of himself" was proven to be moot. Like it or not. And that was my sole point.


You most certainly did, learn how to read you moron

You agreed that he praised his own movie, that was my original premise so you did concede that I’m right, or are you going to try to argue he didn’t praise his own movie? If you do then you’re back pedaling

How can an opinion be proven to be anything? It’s an opinion you dumbass. I could that meet the Spartans is better than The Godfather and you’d never be able to prove me wrong. I stand by everything I’ve said so get over it, sweetheart


Quote, please.

Read your thread title. That's the premise that was proven moot.

A opinion can be proven to be based on false assumptions or incomplete evidence. That's the case with your opinion that you actually presented as fact.

I never tried to prove any opinion wrong, what I did was prove your claim to be moot.


Go back and read, I refuse to dumb things down for people too stupid and lazy to read.

It wasn’t proven moot, first of all in order to make that claim you would have to have quantifiable parameters and be able to define what constitutes “moot”, secondly I never once said this was anything more than my opinion.

And I’ve considered all of the “evidence” and my point stands, you didn’t change my opinion, deal with it, honey

And you did a pretty pathetic job of it.


Since you can't show me a quote, your accusation has been dismissed as a lie.

The dictionary tells you exactly what moot means.

I'm not interested in changing your mind. My intention was to prove your claim moot, which I have done. Especially since you haven't explained why you ignore another piece of objective evidence.


Since you are apparently unable to read, you are dismissed as a dumbass

Is the definition quantifiable? If not then all you have is your own subjective opinion that I honestly don’t care about

You haven’t proven anything, all you’ve done is give me your subjective opinion which as I said I don’t care about. Lol objective evidence, objectives evidence that is subjective, you really are stupid


We've already established that you're the one who can't read. Post the quote or it's only further proof you can't read.

Uhm, you're the one who called a dictionary definition an "objective fact". So why not accept it as fact this time?

I didn't give my own subjective opinion. I didn't say whether I think Craven had a high opinion of himself or not. I've simply shown that a piece of objective evidence makes your claim moot.

If the second part of Drew Barrymore's quote is subjective, then so is the first part which your claim is based on.


You are dismissed, now that you have some free time pick up a book.

It was an objective fact that ANN isn't a sequel, just look at the definition. The term "moot point" however opens itself up to subjectivity, I don't feel it is a moot point, I feel it's legitimate and after all you've said I still think he has a high opinion of himself. False equivalence on your part.

You did not prove anything, I don't think my claim is moot at all, you didn't change my mind, I still think he has a high opinion of himself and I can back that up with objective evidence that even you conceded to.

I never said the second part of her quote was subjective, another strawman that you owe me an apology for. I said the point being "moot" is subjective, I don't think it's moot at all.


I don't care what you "feel", the dictionary says your claim is moot.

I have no interest in changing your mind. You made a claim while ignoring objective evidence that makes your claim moot. And that's a fact.

The "objective evidence" is the second part of Drew Barrymore's quote and you called that subjective. I accept your apology.


No it doesn’t, you just connected the dots in whatever direction you had to to reach the answer you wanted, whether it made sense to or not, in this case: not

Then why are you talking to me? I provided objective evidence to support my claims, I’m sorry sweetheart that the facts aren’t on your side but that’s really no ones fault but your own

I don’t feel that makes the point “moot”, game over darling


You're projecting again!

The dictionary and objective evidence prove your claim is moot. Fact.


Nope just giving you are harsh wake up call and a dose of reality which you so desperately need.

Only if we throw logic and reason out the window and redefine the entire English language


Yes, a wake up call to the harsh reality that there are actually people as mentally disturbed as you in the world.

So dictionaries are suddenly not an authority on the English language anymore? You're the last one to judge logic and reason!🤣


Naw a wake up call to how the world really works outside of this fragile little bubble you’ve built around yourself.

The dictionary did not directly say that my point was moot. How you arrived at that conclusion is just a result of your own deluded bias.


Says the guy who lives in his mother's basement!

Is that how you think dictionaries work? No dictionary directly says New Nightmare is not a sequel.

It's your own deluded bias that chooses the ignore the objective evidence of the second part of the quote.


Baseless accusation is dismissed.

No dictionary definition says it is a sequel either

I don’t feel the second part of the quote makes up for the first part you nitwit. I’ve literally explained this to you at least 20 times now


Says the guy who keeps making baseless accusations!😂

But if it's an "objective fact" that New Nightmare is a sequel even though the dictionary never directly says it is, then why isn't it an objective fact that your claim is moot???

No, you've said it doesn't make up for it, but you have not explained why.


No baseless accusations from me, everything I’ve said has been supported by objective data unlike you

Your definition says nothing about New Nightmare even though the definition I found proves it’s not a sequel

To me praising your movie makes you far more shallow than dissing your movie makes you humble


Lol, you're still at it?

I repeat, your definition says nothing about New Nightmare, so it doesn't prove anything more than my definitions.

Dissing and praising are the direct opposite of each other, so that's some warped way of thinking.

But you acknowledge it does make one humble, huh? Well, in that case your point is proven moot.


Speak for yourself, sweetheart

There you go, and your definition doesn't prove that it is a sequel so therefore to quote you "it's a moot point"

I feel praising carries more weight than dissing.

It doesn't override his arrogance in the previous comment, IMO.


Buddy, you were the one who said your definition proved it is NOT a sequel, I simply provided two definitions that said that the view that it IS a sequel is a legitimate one. But why are we still discussing what the definition of "sequel" is? The word was never uttered.

"I feel praising carries more weight than dissing."

Dissing a movie and praising a movie are the direct opposite of each other, so according to what kind of warped logic does one carry more weight than the other???

Another argument against Craven being more arrogant than humble is that the line was written by Williamson and that Craven wanted to leave out the line it until he realized his own movie was also being dissed (and this is confirmed by Williamson).


You made the claim that it was a sequel so if you cannot prove it is (which you can’t seeing how there are definitions out there that say it isn’t) then the logical position is to not accept your claim, basic logic 101 darling

That’s my standard you idiot and that’s what I’ve been saying this whole time. For you to prove your point you’d have to be able to somehow quantify vanity and then “Anti vanity” or whatever and then show that both statements are equivalent on opposite sides of the spectrum in terms of vanity. If you can’t then you have no basis in saying I’m wrong

He still left it in and he didn’t have to.


No, you were the one who claimed it was NOT a sequel. Then I showed that New Nightmare being a sequel is a legitimate view. The logical position is to not accept YOUR claim. But again, there's no reason to discuss this any further, since the word was never uttered.

The antonym of praise is criticism. If praise makes one vain, then criticism makes one the opposite. If you can't show how one overrides the other, then your point is moot.

The reason he left it in was because it dissed his own movie not because it praised his own movie, which actually suggests he's more humble than vain.


No I just didn’t accept your claim that it was and I have provided a lot of evidence that it isn’t, since there is so much evidence to the contrary and since you never proved your position in the first place it’s logical to not believe you until you get your facts straight

The degree of vanity outweighs the degree of humility in this case IMO, you will never change my mind, darling


Now that's nonsense, because my claim was never that it IS a sequel. Only that legitimate dictionary definitions say it is and therefore prove your claim moot. And you have provided no other evidence except one dictionary definition. But like I said, why are we discussing this again?

I don't care about changing your mind. Since you haven't explained why his supposed vanity outweighs his supposed humility, your claim is still moot.


It not nonsense at all, your definitions do not prove my claim “moot” because this is all a matter of opinion, definitions do not matter in this instance. I find that dissing one film doesn’t override praising your own film. It’s kind of life stealing $100 and then giving $50 back, you’ve still stolen $50.

I clearly explained that this entire discussion is a matter of subjectivity, if you don’t understand that by now then this all goes back to my suspicions that you are mentally challenged (not artistic)



Lol, except that dissing other movies says absolutely nothing about one's vanity. I can say A Dark Knight sucks big time, but that doesn't reveal anything as to my own opinion about my qualities as a filmmaker. And Craven also praises other movies throughout the film, so what's your point?

Also, saying your own movie is "scary" is not even on the same level as saying your own movie sucks.

If Craven followed my dictionary definition, then claiming he didn't diss his own movie is simply incorrect. That's why your point is moot.

"Bitch"? You mean your mother?


Yes it does, he was dissing the movies he didn't direct while praising one he did, he was clearly making a statement that the original he directed was better than 2-6. So yeah a score of 6-1 in my favor, that is an absolutely blowout for me.

Why should anyone follow your dictionary definition? What makes it better than every other dictionary definition??? My point isn't moot, in fact the final score is 6-1 in my favor.

Naw it's all you, you've earned that title.


It's so funny how you first said that it doesn't matter how many of his movies he dissed and now you're keeping score. Moving goalposts again! 😆

So I'm saying I'm a better director than Nolan by saying his movies suck??? That's some warped logic. Saying your movie is "scary" is hardly praising and you're also forgetting about the other movies he praised in the movie.

Also, you can't even count, there were 5 sequels directed by someone else at the time and Craven actually wrote the script for the 3rd movie.

Freaking hell, why are you repeating yourself??? YOU claimed it was not a sequel. Why should anyone follow YOUR definition???


You are the one who wanted to turn this into an objective measurement so I am only giving you what you wanted and the quantifiable data says I’m right.

If you were a director and you said that then yes, but you are merely speaking as a fan in that hypothetical scenario so it’s nit the same thing

I didn’t miscount at all: he got 1 point for vanity by praising his movie then another 5 for dissing 2-6

I never said they should, I’m just providing a logical reason why they shouldn’t follow yours


Not once did I suggest that the amount of times that movies are praised or dissed has anything to do with objective measurement.

In that case, you're comparing apples and oranges. Dissing another movie and praising your own is not the same thing. What does being a movie director have anything to do with it? They can watch a movie as a regular person and see that it sucks. Also, Williamson wrote the line, who says Craven even agrees with what his characters say? Does he agree with what the killers say or do?

Your ridiculous measurement has nothing to do with measuring one's vanity and since you yourself said the amount of movies doesn't matter and since the point of the OP is that Craven was shallow for praising his own movie, it's not accepted.

But there's logical reason to follow my definition and if Craven did, then he did diss his own movie. But since the word sequel is never mentioned, there's no reason to discuss the meaning of the word "sequel" anymore.


Actually you did because you said the fact that he "dissed his movie" as well that cancelled out the fact that he praised his movie. Well I hate to break it to you darling but the numbers are not on your side. I have provided objective, quantifiable data that he does have a high opinion on himself, it's by a ratio of 6:1

Because if you aren't a director then you are free to bash whatever you want because you are speaking as a fan. If you are a director then if you are bashing another director it's saying that your movies are better, that's why Michael Bay has no business bashing Christopher Nolan or Steven Spielberg, but an every day person can because he's just a fan expressing his opinion.

Yes my measurements are quantifiable and objective, funny how you now want to dismiss data when it doesn't suit your agenda, sorry sweetheart but you don't get to pick and choose, just admit you're wrong and move on with your life.

Doesn't matter, she said "the rest suck" so he also "dissed" 5 other movies he didn't direct which are points towards his vanity, he only got one point for humility and that is very much a stretch but for arguments sake I'll give it to you (not that it matters, I still win)


I didn't say the number of times mattered, just the fact that he did diss his own movie.

The character spoke lines written by the scriptwriter, the director didn't say anything.

Dissing other movies says nothing about one's vanity, so no, I won't accept that.

"but the numbers are not on your side."

And what side is that? The side saying your point is moot? Surely not the side that says he was more humble than vain!

You know what's funny? We've come at a point where you acknowledge that dissing your own movie is a sign of humility and you want to discuss if Craven was more vain than humble. Which exactly proves my point that your claim that Craven had a high opinion of himself is moot (just look up the word!). My job is done.🙂


The number of times absolutely does matter and his score for vanity and pomposity outweigh humility 6 to 1, which is an absolute blowout, you’ve been owned again

The director told them to say those lines

Doesn’t matter if you accept it or not, it’s an objective fact whether you like it or not

That he has six times the number of incidents of vanity as his points for humility, vanity wins, therefore I’m right in saying he has a high opinion of himself

The score is 6-1 it’s not even a contest and I totally own you


Dissing other people's movies is no sign of vanity, it says nothing about how that person feels about themselves.

The director gave his approval after realizing his own movie was dissed, it is not his opinion.

This is all objective fact.

We've come at a point where you acknowledge that dissing your own movie is a sign of humility and you want to discuss if Craven was more vain than humble. Which exactly proves my point that your claim that Craven had a high opinion of himself is moot (just look up the word!). My job is done.🙂


Yes it does because he did it right after praising his own which means he’s stating that his movie is better, this confirms my point from my OP and refutes yours

And he also approved praising his own movie and dissing other directors which outweighs the one film of his he’s dissed , again 6-1, it’s a blowout

My job is done, I’ve proven that I’m right and you are wrong, going by the objective, quantifiable data he does have a high opinion of himself, vanity outweighs humility by a factor of 6, it’s no contest.

Maybe next time you should think things through a little better before you jump into a discussion you know nothing about, ok honey.


He never said his movie was better, Casey said the movie was "scary". Also, character's opinion, not his. I guess he also agrees with butchering people, huh?

Dissing other people's movies is no sign of vanity, it says nothing about how that person feels about themselves.

We've come at a point where you acknowledge that dissing your own movie is a sign of humility and you want to discuss if Craven was more vain than humble. Which exactly proves my point that your claim that Craven had a high opinion of himself is moot (just look up the word!). My job is done.🙂


And the intention was to be scary, therefore he was saying it was a good movie. As for your second point you are wrong because the movie exists within our universe, Freddy Kruger butchering people does not.

It is because it shows his insecurity and the need to prop up his own film. He clearly was more vain than he was humble.

And praising your own movie is a sign of vanity, Vanity scored more points in the scene than humility did which means my point stands and is not "moot"


This thread is the face of mental illness.


Haha, I was just about to say the same thing. Jesus, both of you are nuts.


Uhm no, I'm not the one that's nuts. This guy has a history of abusing people who contradict him and, frankly, most of us are fed up with him.


It’s literally impossible to end an argument with this guy, he must keep going on and on and on...


I'm aware of that, but I don't mind doing an experiment since I have nothing better to do at the moment anyway.


If you feel I am abusing you then stop posting. And don’t get too attached to Nicks, he’s only here and on your side because I put him in his place on another forum as I am doing to you


"And don’t get too attached to Nicks, he’s only here and on your side because I put him in his place on another forum as I am doing to you"

Having delusions is a common symptom of mental illness.


Just being an objective, unbiased, honest observer.


Oh sweetie, you might think you are putting people in their "place", but you are really just demonstrating to the rest of us how tedious, obnoxious, and honestly how hypocritical you are complaining about someone else having a high opinion of themselves while having a high opinion of yourself. It's just sad actually.


Not at all, just giving you people a helpful wake up call and a dose of reality that you so desperately need.


Who is "you people" and what sort of wake up call are you giving? The message is really confusing, so you might want to work on that.


Sorry but I refuse to dumb things down for stupid people


Or you don't even know what you are arguing anymore so you try to make yourself feel better by calling others stupid.

Food for thought.


He's desperate, he even called me the b-word.😑




Oh, but he also called me sweetheart and darling!

Basically everyone who contradicts him is an idiot, a dumbass and a "little boy". I'm kind of surprised he hasn't been banned yet, but oh well.



Tell yourself whatever you have to to be able to live with yourself (it can’t be easy)


Now, you've moved on to insults. It's like clockwork.


No insult from here, just a little friendly advice which you are apparently too foolish to take


Umm, you've called me stupid, said that it can't be easy to live with myself, and implied that I'm foolish.


The first step to getting help is admitting the truth to yourself. You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge


Good advice. You should consider it.


I’m glad you’ve decided to wisen up, I hope you find a good therapist


I have a great one. I'm sure I could find someone for you in your area.




Good, you should make an appointment immediately, I hope he can help you.


Awww, look at you being all sexist as well as just being obtuse.


Sexist? Please elaborate


To quote you

MovieChatUser497 (7302) a day ago
Sorry but I refuse to dumb things down for stupid people


What does that have to do with gender?


That one went right over his head.




So the fact that Craven praised one of his own films is evidence to you that he has a high opinion of himself, correct? Well then, by your own logic, the fact that he also INSULTED one of his own films should likewise be evidence to you that he has a LOW opinion of himself. Therefore the two statements, looked at collectively, demonstrate absolutely nothing about how high or low his opinion of himself might be. He is patting himself on the back AND making fun of himself at the same time, and he obviously just included it in the film as a little bit of tongue-in-cheek self-awareness regarding his past successes and failures in the genre.


I don’t see that the second statement reverses the first.


I'm sure that's EXACTLY what he was doing.
