MovieChat Forums > Under Siege (1992) Discussion > Do people actually like this movie?

Do people actually like this movie?

Just finished watching it and I hated it. Seeing Gary Busey in drag is enough to scar me for life but most of Tommy Lee Jones’s dialogue is just rambling nonsense, Miss July somehow didn’t hear the gunshots and thought she was still supposed to pop out of the cake, 200 million is a drop in the bucket in terms of the federal government so how was Busey ever going to buy the presidency?, the action is boring, there was not even a hint of romantic chemistry between Miss July and Ryback yet they kissed at the end, the knife fight is underwhelming and everything about this movie is pretty stupid. I’m shocked it has such good reviews. It’s batshit insane and not in a good way


Yes, guilty pleasure. The only Segal movie I watched until the end. And even more than once.


As my username (and post history) may indicate....I'm a die-hard Seagal fan.
I genuinely like the guy and his movies (I'm not one of those frat-boy ironic-type fans)
But, even though I think his fight scenes (especially the climatic 'Knife-fight) were on point......I've never been too impressed with this movie, either (despite the fact that it's his most successful role)

My problem with the movie, is (by-and-large) the pacing......It takes forever to get going, and there's little suspense leading up to things, because everything is spelt out for you. Given Seagal's previous winning formula of movies, UNDER SIEGE seems like a watered down 'variation' of the standard he'd already set. It clones DIE HARD (heavily) but at least, Bruce Willis had a vulnerability, that leant to the ensuing suspense-factor. Whereas, only four movies in, Seagal had already cemented his 'omnipotent' persona.....leading to 'UNDER SIEGE's bad-guys not standing a chance from the get-go (which is why I prefer it when Seagal plays his enraged cops out for vengeance, as opposed to putting him in a 'Right-Guy-Wrong-Place' there's rarely pretence of suspence....just straight-up bloodshed)
A good example being, Andrew Davis throws in a scene were Seagal is (mildly) injured at one point, but it seems like an after-thought (and none of it rings true) Seagal looks more upset, that the film-makers have foisted a 'weakness' upon him, he looks a little miffed for around 20 seconds, and then the entire 'injury' is quickly forgotten about.

Plus Gary Busey is totally 'wasted' (and I don't mean inebriated and/or high on narcotics, either)

UNDER SIEGE 2 (whilst more of the same) is (at least) better paced, slicker and fully aware of how ludicrous it is (almost winking at it's audience) Whereas UNDER SIEGE is largely remembered for Erica Eleniak's tits.

Either MARKED FOR DEATH or OUT FOR JUSTICE are much better showcases for Seagal's skillset and persona.

Truth be told, I prefer a shit-ton of his more recent (DTV) fare than Under Siege (gulp!.....there, I said it)


Truth be told, I prefer a shit-ton of his more recent (DTV) fare than Under Siege (gulp!.....there, I said it)

This is the first time I've ever encountered someone who prefers Seagal's DTV stuff compared to any of his holy-quad-grail of early films.

However, this post has me curious, which films do you actually prefer from Seagal's DTV selection over Under Siege? (I might actually check them out, because Van Damme made a few pretty good DTV films as well, with Universal Soldier: Regeneration actually being better than the original film, and Wake of Death being a pretty badass entry for Van Damme as he got to play a no-nonsense Steven Seagal-style character in that film, which actually suits Van Damme a lot more than it does Seagal.)


Recommended STV titles.

Belly Of The Beast
Urban Justice
Pistol Whipped
A Dangerous Man
Code Of Honour

I'd gladly take any of these over (the hugely successful) 'Under Siege'
'The Glimmer Man' is my favourite theatrical Seagal release (closely followed by 'Out For Justice')


Oh, I remember Urban Justice because it had either the most ridiculously cool squibbing or CGI blood effects I've ever seen.

Haven't seen the rest. Sounds like A Dangerous Man has some good fight scenes, and Belly of the Beast seems interesting.

I will have to look into the others. Thanks for the suggestions!


Belly Of The Beast has insane fight sequences (slow-mo, wire-work, bullet-time, etc) Seagal is doubled quite a lot (primarily because the movie has his character performing spinning roundhouse kicks)


LOL I was just reading about that in the trivia section. Apparently the director already had an idea of how he wanted the fight scenes to look and it wasn't up to Seagal's liking, but Seagal went with it anyway so I'm guessing it's more Eastern-flavored with the fight choreography?

People can say what they will about Seagal's ego, but he REALLY was quite proficient at choreographing believable, hard-hitting, and bone-crunching fight sequences in his earlier films that hold up really well even today (mostly because, if the stunt men are to be believed, Seagal wasn't really pulling his punches, LOL)


Either MARKED FOR DEATH or OUT FOR JUSTICE are much better showcases for Seagal's skillset and persona.

True. He was already packing on the pounds by time Siege rolled around. And MFD had a wicked villain in the form of Screwface and a superb song by Jimmy Cliff on the soundtrack


Truth be told, I prefer a shit-ton of his more recent (DTV) fare than Under Siege (gulp!.....there, I said it

Madness plus sacrilege.

Under Siege is the only Seagal film that isn’t a complete unintentional comedy, plus TLJ and Busey are awesome villains.


Yes, they do.




Its Seagals best movie and one of the best war movies ever overall


I'll agree with you on the first part (that's not saying much) as for your second assertion: BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Actually I think Hard to Kill is his best




It contains good action.


lol yes but most action films are pretty dumb
i loved Busey in this, and Tommy Lee Jones is great as the psycho alpha


guilty pleasure for me


I didn’t expect anything from it and thought it was better than I expected. I only want watched this for the first time recently too.

I didn’t see what was so special about Erika though plastic boobs, short hair. Meh
