MovieChat Forums > GetWokeGoBroke

GetWokeGoBroke (646)


Kino just released this on 4K Does anyone have the new Arrow 4K box set? Expendables 5? Has anyone bought the new 4K yet? 5.6/10 is way too low for this Oh boy...... You can't beat the original! Which version of Hellraiser 3 do you like best?... This movie is a huge bomb..... Friday fans hate part 5 because it doesn't have Jason yet....... View all posts >


of course It's hardly a "bad movie" LOL.....give me a break. I didn't think he was bad. earlbenson no dude, it's VASTLY superior to Quantum. But it's not a shit movie and inferring that everyone who likes this movie are stupid is pretty smug, arrogant, and self-righteous. Nah, I strongly disagree. I never saw it as a Home Alone rip off at all. "Worst film in the Bond canon by far"..... you gotta' be joking? It's one of the best. Because it's fucking stupid, that's why. Did you escape from the insane asylum lol? View all replies >