MovieChat Forums > Seinfeld (1989) Discussion > Would they make shows like this today?

Would they make shows like this today?

I sometimes wonder if they'll still make sitcoms like this today or not.


The closest show I have seen to Seinfeld is Community and that was in 2009. Going forward from 2023, I seriously doubt any show will be as original as Seinfeld and not woke.

Every show today is overly diverse and woke.


You have no idea what you're talking about.


Yeah I do. Every TV show today has to have minorities in it otherwise it will be labeled as racist and then cancelled.


Okay, nutjob troll, from wherever you are...You've obviously never watched this show, since it had several recurring minority characters in it (Jackie Childs), featured various ethnic groups, and the characters were Jewish. Kramer even had a black girlfriend in one of the earlier episodes, and there was another episode where Elaine thought she was dating a black guy.

But that's neither here nor there. I don't know what COUNTRY you're from, but stop fouling up discussion boards dedicated to American shows with your B.S. You people are disgusting--and cowards, to boot. So, this is how you're going to "defeat" the US, huh? By camping out on the boards of American shows you don't know about and just spreading nonsense?

Cowards, all of you.


Says the person who just signed up to troll. I give you a B+ for your effort.

If you are going to troll someone with a brand new account you need to be more subtle in your approach.


You got a helluva lot of nerve complaining about someone ELSE trolling


How does calling out a troll make me a troll?


Just pick any one of your 11.9K posts.
You are the textbook definition of a troll.


Masturbating and trolling does not work for you.
Your trail of thought is all over the place.
Pick one or the other.


How original of you.


They can call you anything and that makes it so. They live in fantasyland.Anything is possible.


"and the characters were Jewish"

Of the four main characters, only Jerry was Jewish.


I'm from NYC. The characters were all clearly Jewish-American (particularly East Coast/NY), but the show deliberately made it ambiguous (last names that sounded WASP, French, Italian) so that it could have broader appeal and do well in what are known as "flyover states," who would've rejected if it had come across as too Jewish.

So, the show wouldn't have been obvious to flyover state country, but to anyone familiar with so-called Catskills or the more hipper version of Jewish humor that was shaped by guys like Woody Allen (when he was a comic), Joan Rivers, etc. The characters were all neurotic (a running joke in Jewish humor), and they used expressions like "shiksa" and other stuff common in that community.


The characters were all clearly Jewish-American

The characters were all neurotic (a running joke in Jewish humor), and they used expressions like "shiksa" and other stuff common in that community.

That's hilarious, given that Elaine was the "shiksa," meaning she wasn't a Jew, meaning you refuted your own assertion.

Also, Kramer was anti-circumcision, so he wasn't a Jew. George's family celebrated "Festivus," not Hanukkah, so he wasn't a Jew either.


Exactly. Kramer, Elaine, and George were clearly not Jewish, proved by the evidence you have provided.


Bro you praised Jimmy Carter. You could be one of the stupidest people in history. But let’s be honest, you’re just another sock and will be gone in a week.


I'm not a sock, you moron. Why do you guys everyone of socks? Because you're all socks? Because that's how you all roll? How many socks do you juggle?

I don't care what you think about my opinion of President Carter. What a raving narcissistic and lunatic you are, to think that I actually what you think. You're NOBODY. Nobody at all. I'll forget this post and your name as soon as I log off here. I'll be putting you on ignore as well, so I don't have to see and hear from you anymore and try to interact with actual American movie and TV show fans. Not TROLLS who just hit every IP that trends to scream "woke, woke, woke."

BTW, how LONG have you and the others 6-8 "regulars" been at MC? EIGHT THOUSANDS POSTS you have under your account. EIGHT THOUSAND.

What do you DO in real life? Do you work? Do you have responsibilities? Do you have a hobby? A significant other? A family? Or is MC your JOB, which is what I suspect?

I'm here because I want to discuss shows and movies during DOWNTIME. Apparently, you're here because you have no downtime and MC is your job?

I've put you on ignore, because I want to bring this message board back to what the IMDB used to be, so that film and TV fans can talk about the shows they knew and love, not wasting time arguing with troll farmers who spend all their free time derailing threads with B.S., most who aren't even of the nationality of the IPs in question.

Good bye and God bless. And God help you. You and so many of the "regulars" here are so mental. It's sad that you don't see it.


You're a liar.


What's the story with posters posting a thread like this, getting into a spirited debate, but all of a sudden, they delete their username like they don't want to be caught??


It's possible a moderator banned them.


No, they could never make shows like this today, because society has become the very thing that this show was making fun of. The entire point of Seinfeld was to make fun of petty behavior and attitudes, and everyone is so much worse than the characters in this sitcom.


also see Mike Judge's "Idiocracy"


No. Look at how poorly All In The Family is received by the younger generations. Back in its day the average person could tell that most of the writing was critical of Archie's viewpoints. People today think if Archie is even remotely present in an episode that means the show is pro bigot, racist, misogynist, etc.. As said elsewhere on this board the Seinfeld characters are intentionally written as uncaring jerks. That the finale where the 4 have to spend some time in a minimum security lockup is karma coming face to face with them. Even during the course of the series there were plenty of episodes where the characters lost their battle of the week. Kramer picking up trash for Suffolk County after poaching a lobster trap for example.


"That the finale where the 4 have to spend some time in a minimum security lockup is karma coming face to face with them."

Where did you get the idea that it was minimum security? At the end of the episode when Jerry is doing his standup comedy act in prison, we see that he's in there with a guy convicted of first-degree murder. Convicted murderers don't go to minimum security prisons.


Yes. Always Sunny is the modern version of this show. Before that, Arrested Development


Sunny went woke with the gay Mac episode. The new episodes are terrible...


lol ok. It is still the modern version of Seinfeld


It was, until it went woke. I use to love watching Sunny, but not much anymore.


What is the modern version of Seinfeld then?




No. It’s funny, and humor is no longer allowed.


except Curb Your Enthusiasm exists..


Curb is on HBO hidden behind a pay wall, Seinfeld was on NBC in prime time.


yea gotta move the goalpost there.
Most shows are behind a paywall these days.
So the new claim is that you can't make a show like that unless its on a streaming service which is where most shows are these days any way. Got it


No. It would hurt the Millennials.


Nope, the American Democrat Party won't allow it.


Why wouldn't they? That I don't understand.


Because someone could get offended.


