MovieChat Forums > Seinfeld (1989) Discussion > George gets laid too often

George gets laid too often

It's always seemed ridiculous to paint a character as insecure and unattractive and petty and then to turn around and make him the show's lothario who dates many attractive women.


I think it's realistic: George lies quite a lot to make himself look better, is daring and persistant and doesn't mind being shot down. He is insecure, but could appear to be confident to a stranger.

He is unattractive but his actions, the situations he's in, and his total number of tries in a promiscuous city elevate his batting average. It's unrealistic only to normal, decent people in small or average cities.

A Mexican friend of mine in NY makes George look like Brad Pitt. He's ugly, short, covered in ugly, misshapen hairy moles, crooked teeth and small eyes behind glasses, wide nose, and he's an asshole too with little charm or game. Well, he never had problems finding a date and often got quite attractive and rich girls.


michael constanza sued jerry seinfeld so they had to make some changes.


As unrealistic as the show is for George dating women out of his league they take it to the new level in season 6. Episode 11 I believe where George dates an actual model. Drop dead gorgeous model who likes to eat but after a meal she is always running to the bathroom and George is concerned she is bulimic and vomiting.

She is so beautiful he honestly should not care provided she does not have bad breath.


In real life, ugly and/or mediocre people score attractive people especially if they have influence or can convince people that they do.


"In real life, ugly and/or mediocre people score attractive people especially if they have influence or can convince people that they do."

There's so much confusion about attraction, and I can't believe during the modern era people can still be this confused.

Look, men and women are different, when it comes to attraction. They really are. But men have hard time believing this, because they project women to be too similar (they're not), and women have hard time believing this, because they project in a different way.

Men's physical and etheric bodies are hardwired (or energy-wired?) to be attracted to beauty - the visuals - the physical body. Men's eyeballs scan the physical bodies even sub-consciously and immediately know whether the entity is attractive or not. Of course individual men have preferences, but there are general consensus when it comes to what is maximally attractive and what is minimally attractive, and most men's preferences do fall within those parameters.

There are not many men that prefer ugly, old, wrinkly, fat, tattooed, short-haired, nasty, vile, man-voiced, man-faced, smoking crack-wh*res to young, fertile, thin-but-curved, long-haired, pretty-faced beauties.

Sure, some men may have fetish for older women and they wouldn't find young women as attractive, but I am sure even those men would shrivel if they saw their own grandma naked.

Women, on the other hand, are NOT attracted visually AT ALL.

This is the hardest pill to swallow, but think about it; why would they? Looks don't guarantee anything, man's physical body is irrelevant compared to his actual status (man's place in hierarchy between men). A leader men is someone that can take care of the woman and protect her. Otherwise, the man could never have become a leader in the first place (slightly obfuscated by modern world, where a weak and timid nerd can lead a corporation, but on the other hand, it's hard to get to such position without being able to be somehow strong)


Even if this only means 'social' strength or 'resource gathering' strength (= wealth).

There's a BIG REASON why women do what they do, why they try to find out your job, car, and other status symbols. Why they want to immediately know that sort of stuff about you, why they play these mind games, why they do sh*t-tests.

It's not easy for a woman to 100% know if they're attracted to a man. They can fluctuate even when they're with the man, if they can't know every detail about them. Woman's sexuality is a fickle thing, it's not 'always-ready' as the man's is. A man could almost at any point have sex with some beautiful, young woman if that woman was available to him. No questions asked.

A woman needs to know whether the man is 'faking' status, or if he has ACTUAL status, so she has to play detective. That's why she tests the man a lot before she jumps in bed with him.

That's why women also use shortcuts, like 'ah, he arrived driving a Ferrari, I am attracted to him', that's why there are so many golddiggers (it's easy to see a man has status if he has wealth - one of the most direct symbol of high status), and that's why women are especially attracted to a man that some other woman or other women are already attracted to.

It's called 'pre-selection', and it's also a form of status - but it's also a shortcut. Why would the woman rack her brains out, when she can just see if the man is desired by other women or not. If he's pre-selected, this is arousing and attractive to a woman. So if a man walks into a club with two gorgeous women on his arms, he's immediately attractive to other women. It's the same as arriving in a Lamborghini or having a 'famous face' (celebrity is another form of status).

What confuses and obfuscates this fact, is that you DO see women with 'goodlooking men'. But what people fail to realize is that the woman is not with the man BECAUSE he's goodlooking. Women don't love Brad Pitt -because- he's goodlooking, but because he's a celebrity..


.. because he's rich, because other women love him (major pre-selection), and so on.

Man's good looks to a woman, are like woman's job is to a man. If you hear some gorgeous asian girl is a stewardess or a club hostess, it might rise the arousal a notch, but it alone is not enough to make the man feel attraction towards the woman. An ugly, old hag can be an air hostess all she wants, but men won't still find her attractive. It can add as a nice bonus to an already existing attraction, though.

Women can appreciate man's looks intellectually, artistically, visually, and in a myriad of other ways, but a man's good looks are -never- directly connected to her sexuality, and hence, attraction. Man's good looks can't attract a woman, they can only get her attention.

This is why you see gorgeous women with really ugly men - women's sexuality doesn't care about a man's looks one way or the other AT ALL. I know, it's hard to swallow, but think about all the evidence.

Now, the thing that messes up and muddies the water even more, is that as I mentioned men doing, women ALSO project.

When a woman sees a 'good-looking man', she doesn't think 'ooh, good-looking man, I am so attracted'. She thinks 'ooh, he must be a doctor / wealthy / CEO / biker gang member / celebrity / alpha male / PUA..'

You get the idea. Woman doesn't just see the good looks, she PROJECTS status on top of those good looks, and THAT is why it looks like women are attracted to man's good looks. But she really isn't, she's just mesmerized by her own projections, and she'll only get -truly- attracted once she confirms that yes, the man does have high status, OR she'll become sahara desert once she realizes the man has NO status.

There are so many forms of status, though, and a good-looking man usually has high confidence, that might be misplaced, because he THINKS women are attracted to her good looks, when in fact, it's the confidence gained from this wrongful thinking that attracts the women.


It's like a self-perpetuating cycle.

Let's say you're a nobody, you have no prospects, no career, no money, no confidence, you feel self-pity, and you're a Linux-nerd living in your mom's basement and you are so shy, you don't dare even look women in the eyes, let alone say anything to them, especially pretty girls or women.

You can be the most chiseled-faced Greek God when it comes to looks, but when the woman realizes you do not live in the godly realms, but in a very earthly poverty and loserdom, she will have exactly zero attraction for you, and will go with that fat, dirty, smelly, rude and grotesque guy that treats her, oh, so wrong. The guy with charisma and game.

Be good-looking with no status, and woman won't feel attracted to you.

Be ugly, even grotesque, with any form of status, and woman will feel attracted to you.

I hope I don't have to explain this again, it's exhausting, because although it's simple, it's just so difficult to explain.


I admire your depth.


Well, it's a sit-com, what do you expect?

Seinfeld is still the most realistic comedy show.

They always do this in comedy shows, though. Guys that would _NEVER_ get laid without paying a professional for it, get laid left and right, every episode with some new girl .. and the explanation is 'somehow' or 'for some reason'.

Compare George to Alan Harper in 'Two and a Half Men'. He shouldn't be able to have a girlfriend either, but how many women does he actually bang during the course of the show? I can't even count, that's how many it is. He even has sex with his ex-wife numerous times.

It's ridiculous and unrealistic - in real life, George would never get laid without learning some PUA stuff, but he'd probably never learn it well, and he would fumble and fall.

Alan Harper would be just too nerdy, creepy and supplicating to attract women, especially the kind of beautiful women Charlie is used to (although in the show, they're not always shown to be that good quality, but we have to pretend these women are desirable even though you clearly see the naked Empress).

But they're sit-coms, so we have to stomach it... we're TOLD 'this man can never get laid, isn't that funny', and then we're SHOWN them to have girlfriend after girlfriend after girlfriend..


I never considered most of George's girlfriends to be super attractive. And it's not really all that difficult to get laid, so George having some success with women never struck me as absurd.

Honestly, Jerry's sexual exploits always seemed more unrealistic to me. Granted, he had some money and more confidence than George, though I always considered Jerry to be goofy looking and very immature. Yet he was constantly bedding supermodel, dime-piece type girls. Good for him, I guess.

Then again, it's just a 90s sitcom.


Didn't Seinfeld date a 17 year old in real life?


Ehh.. From my understanding, they met when she was 17 and maybe hung out causally as friends. They didn't actually "date" until she was legal. I obviously have no proof either way, but have no legitimate reason not to believe that.

It actually sounded like Jerry genuinely cared about the girl and wanted to make it work with her long-term. Unfortunately, it didn't.


Yeah, they broke up when she turned 21. Maybe she was getting too old for his taste.


Wasn't she the one who ended things, though?


Yeah right...and Seinfeld's wife divorced her hubbie to hook up with him right after their honeymoon because their relationship had been in a' yeah!


Meh. That's a whole other issue, and not really anyone's business but their own.


When you binge watch this its also kinda ridiculous that one if them is dating a new person like every episode.


Many women are interested in the content of a man's character. George wrote a sitcom pilot that actually aired on NBC and he worked for the NY Yankees. His life was tragic. These sorts of things can make even a schlub like George Constanza interesting.
