As they leave the knight is like

"Thanks for destroying my place mfers..."

reply’s been fine for hundreds of years....then these fools show up and it can’t last an hour.


He didn't seem too upset about it. I bet he enjoyed the excitement.



I think he enjoyed that immensely ...


Could you imagine what it'd be like to just sit there guarding the grail for hundreds of years?


He has his Bible. What more do you want?


Well I do believe in God and the bible but I frankly would rather just live my life helping people and leading people to Christ than guard the Cup of Christ. Also though I like this movie I feel it is wrong about the cup of Jesus. The thing that gives you eternal life is accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. I don't believe the physical cup Christ used at the Last Supper has any power. I also don't believe any of his followers kept the cup as an artifact either.


Its just a movie. Everyone involved in the making of the franchise is likely part of the reprobate so of course most of it is not Biblically accurate.


I did not say it not being religiously correct bothered me. Just was stating my stance on how I did not want to sit there guarding the grail for so long. And what I believed about the grail as a Christian.


He has his Bible. What more do you want?

A Rubik's cube? A deck of cards? An optical stereo viewer with cheesecake pictures of hot ankles???


He looked sad and resigned, to be honest. It's like "I knew this time would come, and I'm sad it turned out the way it did. Farewell."


he fulfilled his oath and completed his Crusader as a true Crusader


I don't understand why people don't understand why the knight doesn't leave the cave with the rest of them. Because he drank once from the cup, he is immortal, as long as he stays in the cave and doesn't cross the seal. That is the curse of his immortality. He is hundreds of years old. If he leaves, he will instantly die.
Indy drank from the cup, so he should now be immortal. Wrong. He will be immortal if he stays in the cave and doesn't cross the seal. His Dad is saved from dying from the bullet, and because he drank from the cup, he would also be immortal...if he stays in the cave!
They leave the cave, so they will return to their ordinary lives, maybe a bit healthier and maybe living a bit longer but not forever.


I don't get your reply here - when did anyone question why he doesn't leave?

What you say is completely obvious and in the movie itself ...


If he leaves, he will instantly die.

I don't think that the knight's fate was determined by what we saw in the film. You can argue that since he was 800 years old and well in bonus time, the second he crossed the seal he would be dust, or you could argue that he would have the balance of the life a very old man in absolute perfect health.

In any case, I don't know why the knight would stay behind the seal even if it did offer immortality. If we believe the story, then there's supernatural influence here. The knight believed in the cup of Christ, so I'm sure he'd be itching to move on towards the light now that his duty was discharged.


After that long he’d be yelling instructions on how those clowns could get across the chasm.


Hopefully a rock doesn't land of him immobilizing him forever.


"Hopefully a rock doesn't land of him immobilizing him forever."

Grail Knight: "I chose... poorly."
