MovieChat Forums > The Terminator (1984) Discussion > Bill Paxton wasn't killed

Bill Paxton wasn't killed

He was just knocked out only 1 punk was killed out of the 3 and it wasn't Bill Paxton I don't know why their is a myth around that Bill Paxton was the only person killed by an Alien Terminator and Predator.


I don't know how you can be so confused.

1) Bill Paxton is an actor, not a character in the movie. Of course HE wasn't killed.

2) You can't know for sure that the 'knocking out' wouldn't have killed the CHARACTER, people have died from less.

3) The scene isn't shown fully, so we DO NOT KNOW all the things that transpired, it's possible the terminator, being a terminator, terminated all three punks for having been assessed as threats. Would YOU leave threats alive if you were designed to terminate threats?

4) "Their"?? Is it REALLY that hard to select the correct word between 'there', 'their' and 'they're'? Could you PLEASE at least take the 20 seconds it takes to PERMANENTLY LEARN the correct meanigns of each word? Please. Shortposters or Sh1tposters like you are giving me ulcers.

Not only does your point make no sense, you confuse characters with actors, you write an INCREDIBLY short post (if that can be called writing), you can't even write THAT correctly, and then you make claims that make no sense and have no backing in the movie itself.

To add, 'there is' requires the word 'is' as well, geez. How does anyone become that ignorant and incompetent?


LEARN the correct meanigns of each word?

Lol, and you mean ''meanings''?


how about you go to hell and stop being a internet grammer and spelling nazi and mark some school work instead? or perhaps don't waste your time reading and replying to my post if it is to much for you and makes you sick might not be good for your health. but hey you took 10 mins of your time to go nazi like about it pointing out ridiculous things like 'Bill paxton is a actor

no f'';; sh'''' go google about Bill paxton (the actor) about what he has in common with the terminator predator and alien

or would you prefer I refer to him as 'the punk' in terminator instead??? will that make your ulcer go away now?? take your pills before you hop on the internet it isn't good for you

I edit my OP so there is a 'full stop' at the end but you can keep your 'their' for you instead just to piss you off more


I don't like that arrogant sack of human garbage Avortac4 either. He also completely ignores that none of the 3 punks have names in the movie. So you can only specify them by the actor who played them. Anyway, I think he may have died. His body was slammed pretty hard into the fence.


You forgot to admonish him for missing a comma.

This reads like it's an Alien Terminator.
i.e. a Terminator that's an Alien.

" an Alien Terminator and Predator."


You seriously think a Terminator isn’t going to kill him? Bill Paxton’s character was absolutely killed.



Different situations, in both of the examples you cited he was actively pursuing Sarah, she was the main priority at the time.


Looked like Brian Thompson is the only confirmed kill in that scene but Paxton was grabbed by the neck and thrown. It's possible he broke his neck. The other guy panicked and started stripping because he didn't want to be next.

Anyway, assuming he was killed, he's no longer the only one anymore. Lance Henricksen now has that distinction as well.


it can be argued though he was not a human in Aliens he was a android so he can't have been killed. just destroyed


Well that doesn’t matter, as he as a human was killed in Alien vs. Predator, which counts for both series.


According to at least one of the novelisations of Terminator, Paxtons character died instantly when he hit the fence.


We can safely assume that Paxton's character was killed. Because he would have had a cameo appearance in T2.

I do like your observation however.


Yeah not showing for T2 proves that he was killed.Cameron would have used him for comic relief
