MovieChat Forums > Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Discussion > Nasty and ugly piece of work

Nasty and ugly piece of work

She hates America and all that it stands for. If this type is all that the Democrats have to offer, I will be voting Republican for a very long time.





Never voted Republican since eligible in 2004 and probably never will.


That's pretty normal. Your still very young and optimistic, but haven't learned the practicalities of life. As the old saying goes "if you're young and you aren't a liberal,you have no heart. If you're older and you aren't a conservative,you have no brain."
I voted Democratic for a long time, but once I actually owned property, had kids in the school system, got involved in local politics and just generally had a chance to discover the true nature of society and politics, it became impossible for me to keep voting for the Dems. I'm definitely a libertarian at heart, but I'm playing the cards the political system dealt.


I voted democrat until 2012. And, with all of the fruitcakes like AOC coming out of the woodwork, it will be a snowy day in hell before I vote democrat again.

Trump 2020


Write in "Satan" in 2020 and you won't go to Hell!


I have never voted Democrap in my life, and I never will.


Havnt always voted Dem but never Republican. Don't want that on my conscience.


Please talk politics somewhere else. This is a movie forum.




Then you suck. Political junkies are the anal warts of the internet. I hope you're part loses every election.


Your not you’re.


Please take your non-Alexandria-Ocasio commentary to the General Discussion board where it belongs.

Go to the film board of the film you want to discuss and start discussing.

This forum on this page is Alexandria-Ocasio's forum, not a movie board.




I’m far left leaning and I don’t like her either. To be fair I haven’t reasearched her GND or much else but her Twitter comments are bad enough for me to form an unfavourable impression of her.

Why don’t you like her?


Well, she represents everything the US doesn't. Her brand of socialism is the type you would find under Corbyn's Labour Party in Britain (I'm British and American) and therefore, rude, vindictive, and everything against what makes a free nation great. She's an opportunist and an opportunity killer for people looking for steady jobs.She has an extremely foul mouth and not fit to serve representing the people of the US.


I saw some very odd tweets from her. The one that stands out was a some advice on how to respond to white men who objectify women of colour, lol.

As if men (and women) of colour don’t also objectify women (and men).

That’s the sort of finger pointing under the guise of being helpful that is really toxic and unnecessary. No wonder white guys hate her.


Yes, exactly! I think she has a very horrific brand of toxicity that goes against the very fabric of the nation. I think she's the worst the US has ever seen in congress besides Omar.


Not really. most of what she has proposed, if you look past her simplistic language, represents the view of most Americans.

You might take a look at this documentary if you still have any open part in your mind.

A Dangerous Idea


Love the insults when someone has an opposing viewpoint. Keep them coming.


You're the person doing nothing but posting insults. Your best response to her calling out Trump and Republicans for their crimes is to call her ugly and nasty instead defending Trump/Republican policies. She's won because all you have are ad hominem attacks against her instead of having evidence-based points defending the policies she's calling out. Tweeting that caging children does not represent American values? Instead of disagreeing, you call her ugly. Giving a speech that people are right now dying from unprecedented climatic events and it's time for the government to deal with it? You don't disagree, you call her nasty. Calling for banning assault weapons (which have been banned before with successful results) and bump stocks (which Trump and Republicans recently did) to reduce the charnel house of mass shootings? You don't disagree, you claim she hates America, all the while remaining silent on Trump and Republicans banning bump stocks.

The other person suggests you should watch a documentary about how long debunked eugenicist myths continue to this day to be used to justify rolling back long fought for gains in equality (which is why Democrats employ heated angry language, they're tired fighting the same fights over and over and over because other people refuse to accept facts and science) and you claim the other person is insulting you, even after that person himself acknowledged that Ocasio-Cortez uses "simplistic" language (standard leftist trope language....) to promote positions that most Americans really do support.

I don't even like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, I want her voted out, and I'm forced to defend her because it is you and your ilk who are ugly and nasty and perpetual liars.


You love insults? You think questioning whether you are open to new facts is an insult? from your comments it seems warranted to me. It was not meant as an insult, but more as a challenge. When you reply defensively like that you should not be bewildered when people question if you are really listening or not.


No I don't listen, I'll be straight up and honest with you there. I don't listen to people like you or any other person who votes, supports, or defends people such as AOC, who are trying their damndest to bring the USA to its knees.


> No I don't listen, I'll be straight up and honest with you there.

I know I'm right. That is very honest of you to admit it. Since you've admitted to what amounts to a very closed dishonest mind, there is no real point in responding to your fake accusations.


> ... who are trying their damndest to bring the USA to its knees.

As opposed to the bought and paid for people fighting to turn the United States into an oligarchy, ruled over by the almighty billionaires? Please. Anyone who refuses wealthy donors and big corporate bribes is deserving of support. Whether it's the Koch Brothers and the Mercers on the right, or Steyer and Soros on the left, we need these people and their minions out of politics. We need a Congress that actually represents us. There's room for policy disagreements. So long as there aren't hidden agendas and loyalties that benefit the few at the expense of everyone else.


" ... the very fabric of the nation." Sounds like something a jingoistic politician would say. What do you know of the very fabric of the nation?


Probably a hell of a lot more than you ever will.


Well EB, you really don't have the chops to debate with these folks. They come equipped with facts and knowledge and links, lol.

You say you probably know a hell of a lot more about the very fabric of the nation than snepts does, but you say nothing to prove that.

By your own admission, you don't even pay attention to the comments you're responding to on your very own thread.

You add merit to the case that most republicans are stupid and lazy.


This is ironic. The devil's advocate told me that Obama used to say that a lot. lolz


I don't hate her. I don't know that much about her, and I doubt you do, either. She was voted in by her constituents. What, do you think snuck in through the back door? All I'm gonna say is racist haters gonna hate.


Gerrymandering? Did they teach you about that in Civics. Oh, I forgot, you were probably educated in the Marxist school system.


Her district is mostly Democrat, the 6th most Democratic district in New York. Democrats outnumber Republicans by more than 6-1 in her district. Did you not research the person you're talking about before talking about her? Oh, I forgot, you were educated by Fox News.


She is kind of a nut ball but she is cute.


no she doesn't you guys do


You always were going to and always will. Nasty and ugly people like you do this. And you are the one that hates America. America stands for a lot of things none of which pubes stand for unless it's endless war and racism. Good luck.


Pubes, LOL, wow, thanks so much for the great comedy! So let me guess, you're a democrat, you know, the ones who kept slavery going and still want to keep people tied to the government, oh, I'm sorry, the gubment.


Anyways, I've got a living to earn, etc etc etc. Gotta make that money and put some away for my retirement.


Exactly Im voting for Trump again as well
