MovieChat Forums > Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Discussion > Starting to gain respect for this chick ...

Starting to gain respect for this chick ...

She is quite the scrapper who will fight and not back down from the moronic attacks by the right-wing. She is smart, fair-minded, working for the people, and I hope she has a great political career ahead of her.


No you aren't. She has the same political views as every politician (except maybe Trump) - increase government funding to giant pharmaceutical corporations. Even George Bush did that with Part D Medicare expansion.

You're just repeating dumb rhetoric you heard on TV. Someone can't be both uncompromising and even-handed. That makes no sense. Republican politicians are the ones who always cave and betray the voters. That's why we call them Republicans in name only. The Democrats' complaint is that their politicians don't do enough. They like their politicians. They like the ways things are going. But with income inequality always increasing never decreasing, they have to have a way of doubling down on their status quo. "The subsidies are never big enough!"

I respect her, but not for any of that, rather for the way she undermined that old Democrat crime boss she unseated. That was straight out of Trump's Art of the Deal. That's what underdogs do. Don't expect it to continue now that she's assimilated to the Borg. She's not Trump.


Ocasio-Cortez is as smart and as well informed as any Democrat now serving in the House or Congress.

Let that sink in ...


She’s a brainless bimbo with the IQ of a Barbie doll


She's dumber than a used toothpick.

Scary that people are actually listening to what she is saying.


The right is not afraid of her because she will tear the Democrats apart because they overplayed the identity politics card for way too long. Waiting for a pronouncement from Hillary Clinton saying that AOC is starting to look a little depressed then WHAM!!!!


Did you see the 60 Minutes piece? .... I like her even more because of it.


So did I because in Cooper's rush to make her look good it gave Biden, Clinton, and the other old line Democrats heartburn. Wealthy donors such as Warren Buffet, Zuckerberg, Musk, etc are no doubt gathering in secret to figure a retirement payment amount that AOC will accept so she will quietly exit in 2020. The only problem is the damage is already done in terms of keeping the most liberal D's in line for the 2020 POTUS run. The party elders have already attempted damage control by bringing up sexual harassment in Sanders' 2016 campaign to neuter him but there is not a whole lot more that they can do. Identity politics is spinning things out of control for 2020. A save at the convention in terms of using super delegates for Biden or Hillary will not be tolerated in 2020. Chaos will reign for the Democrats.


They are really pushing that sexual harassment lie, and presenting it in dishonest
website like Yahoo News ... the real fake-news as if it was Bernie himself who was
harassing women.

I was online and noticed one of Yahoo's news boxes where they summarize stories,
and it had like 7 out of 9 of the same story about this sexual harassment thing with
Bernie's picture in it, and slightly different headlines. I did a screen-grab of it, it
was so blatant. To bad I cannot post it here.

The main thing AOC has pushed has been a return to more progressive taxation. The
Founders when they devised taxation first had only the richest Americans and landowners
paying taxes at all. That was how they meant to finance the country , but over time now
taxes have become regressive, and people who cannot even earn a living wage are still
paying taxes, and they also have to pay the fees and fines dumped on them.

I don't think the Democrats have changed their rules very much for the primary process.
However, no one is going to hide it or let it go by again like they did. The funny thing is
that again the media and the trolls tried to spin Bernie's loss like it was Bernie's fault, and
then blame Hillary's loss on the "Bernie Bros" whatever they are, which is absurd. Bernie
knew the challenges he faced to run as a Democrat, and they did not have to let him into
the party at all, and few would have ever known or understood what happened.

He did very well, and might have won, and probably would have beat Trump. Hillary certainly
would have won if she had been able to get Bernie as the VP candidate instead of the weird
Tim Kane who seemed like a candidate deliberately chosen to turn people off.

I am very impressed with AOC, as she seems to have a very clear idea of the problems we
face, and how to talk about them without this kind of patronizing or boring tone most of
the Democrats always have.

I think the Trump experience has opened a big gash in what people think about successful
and rich people in America. The ones who are politically active are almost all like Trump,
ignorant blowhards who think they are gods and don't know or care anything about the
rules or the vision of America, they just want more money and power.

The corruption of the system is exposed, the racism, sexism, and finally the lie about
socialism in the rest of the world that people mindlessly accepted for so long that it was
all like Venezuela or Cuba.

Rich and powerful Republicans hate the idea of America so much they conspired with
Russia to keep Americans down, and have scores of ways to cheat the people out of
their lives and keep them down by manipulating the stories and news we all hear,
especially in the South.


People don't like Trump just because he's rich and successful. That's stupid. All politicians are rich and successful. Trump is the one who admits it rather than trying to pretend he's a regular guy. The honesty was refreshing. The media hates that they can't control him. He doesn't need the media to curate an image for him and that's what he and AOC have in common. They're both demagogues.

The divide is elsewhere. It's within you. You have this schizophrenic love for the media, the obsession with racism and sexism and all their corporate values. You want war with Russia or Syria or anywhere else. But this is the same media that destroyed Bernie Sanders, and tried to destroy Trump as well.


You know all they have to do to destroy AOC is get Hillary to endorse her. That will bring her in line with the warmongers and financiers. She already kissed the ring of John McCain.


Yeah I'm respectfully in love with AOC.


She's great,
BUT, she is also in danger of saying some not very bright things.
I think though that she has such honesty and good-will that it
will not matter, but she needs to be careful. I like that she has
been talking about the tax system and explaining progressive
taxation to the country, because so Republicans seems to try to
scare poor and working class people by telling them they will pay
high rates of tax, and that is BS.


She's probably the best thing that's happened for Republicans lately. And the more she opens her loud, dumb mouth, the better it gets.


i think she is hot i will give her that


I am the exact opposite lol i love her politics and hate her looks.


Attacking moronic policies does not make the attacker "moronic".

Her policies are impossible to implement and if attempted, will bring ruination to America. But if that's your goal, by all means keep supporting her.

And smart? Even blondes are telling AOC jokes.


What policies?

In terms of the ruination of America, Republicans are way ahead of her.


No, but what is moronic is thinking that rescinding a tax break means the equivalent amount of money is suddenly freed up for instantaneous use. That's dumb. AOC has shown numerous times that she's uneducated and basically ignorant of the fundamentals on whatever subject she's talking about.


I laughed for a good 5 minute after "she is smart"


Would say somewhere a pole is missing its dancer, but she is to ignorant for even that.


I can't wait to see AOC and Bernie battle it out.

"I will give you free shit"
"No I will give you more free shit"

All comes down to Bernie's old age + experience along with him starting it all vs. AOC's youth and inexperience but fiery passion.


Classic, cynical, tax-and-spend Democrats know that no social program is "free" (like "free college"). The new breed of moron Democrats, like AOC, really do think the money fairy puts up the capital. Either that or it's completely without consequence to print as much money as you want.
