MovieChat Forums > John Fetterman Discussion > Dimwits joking about him having a stroke...

Dimwits joking about him having a stroke while ignoring a quack who tortures puppies just for kicks.




I truly look forward to hearing all the conservative squawking in the coming decade as the coming demographics cock block conservatism at every turn. More please. It's like mana to my ears.


What do you mean by that? Can you explain in detail?


Sadly Kazak has been radicalized into thinking paedo lefties are the majority.


Well, it sounded to me like he/her/they was/were promoting some sort of replacement theory. The smart people on the news channels told me replacement theory is dangerous misinformation. Is Kazak a Russian agent or something?


Not a Russian agent. I'm a red-blooded American from ruby red Oklahoma.


lol. Sure.


I love the way that lefties gloat about "demographic change" brought about by their policies, but at the same time, ridicule "replacement" as a wacist conspiracy theory.

They are utterly without souls.


They have discarded shame. That is the key to getting away with murder.


The supposed "red wave" that we were supposed to see in the last election was thwarted by women and young people voting en masse. Demographics are changing. Younger people are not aligned with conservatism, by and large. In the next election, there will necessarily be more of them, and fewer conservative voting people. Conservatism is doomed for the next 50 minimum, and, god willing, forever.


You think young people are into eating, murdering and raping babies and children? You're in for a surprise...

The red wave was thwarted by RINOs and voter fraud. That is common knowledge.


Excuse me, I was trying to have a conversation with the sane people.


Sane people don't want to talk to nutters like you I'm afraid.


That's just the result of a few decades of leftist brainwashing of children in public schools. They are turning out millions of obedient little robots, and as they hit eighteen it's beginning to show in elections. There is beginning to be a backlash against the indoctrination, however, and eventually the country might return to some level of more conservative sanity, and the woke cancer will be thwarted, god willing, forever.


Education bad.


Where was the celebratory “liscarkat reaches 12000 posts” thread? Guess you’re not in the clique


who tortured puppies?


His opponent.


do you have a credible link?

CNN, MSNBC, etc don't seem to know this


They also like to bring up an old story about Fetterman supposedly chasing down a guy with a gun. He's explained the situation many times. I don't understand why republicans fail to realize they don't have the moral high ground when it comes to gun issues.


Hopefully he is in pain.


So, euthanizing dogs as part of cardiac care research to benefit humans is worse than intentionally killing human fetuses.

I see.
