MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > Be honest. Would you hit it

Be honest. Would you hit it

I would. She is sexy as hell to me.


It's an 8-pinter at least.


8 at least, lol


I definitely Would! I'd take her to Pound Town! Spray on her face!


This pig has had more dicks in her than the urinal at the Rose Bowl!


She is very attractive, a fellow would be lucky to meet such an accomplished, smart and fetching woman

‘Hit it’ is a weird phrase, I get what you mean but I prefer the old way…flirtation, dating, a trust built up between two people and then on to bed…


She's certainly accomplished, fetching is in the eye of the beholder, but smart? I mean, she says some of the dumbest things. Only AOC makes her appear intelligent.


I’m not a political person, I find politics to be a complete shit show here in The States so I choose to ignore it
My work coworker Pals hate AOC but I never ask why, I find politics very boring

These American politicians are all con men, I suspect they are all clever, clawing bastards or loons, freaky weirdos or greedy shits robbing from our neighborhoods

Harris seems like a decent person and she sure is pretty as can be


Well, most politicians are crooks - I won't argue that point. But my comment wasn't intended to be political. When asked about the Russia - Ukraine conflict, this is what happened:

During an appearance on the syndicated “Morning Hustle” radio program, Harris was asked by co-host Headkrack to explain the conflict “in layman’s terms for people who don’t understand what’s going on and how can this directly affect the people of the United States?”

Speaking slowly, Harris began, “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe.”

“It exists next to another country called Russia,” she continued. “Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for.”

I mean, I used to tap-dance when the teacher asked me a question on a chapter I hadn't read, so I get that - except I'm not the VP.

Reminds me of Rodney Dangerfield in Back to School when Sally Kellerman (his teacher) asked him about the book The Great Gatsby. Rodney answered "The Great Gatsby... he was... great!"


She might not have been an A+ student in college but she sure is a 4.00 in the looks department!


Yeah a 4 out of 10...


Opinions vary, nothing to bother too much about


It's that weird looking neck of hers. I just can't get past it. No one ever brings up what a gross, alien looking neck she has.


“a gross, alien looking neck”

Like ET?




How convenient. Good people ignoring what's going on is why we're in such a mess right now.


We are always in a mess CraigC, every day, every year, every decade…If you have a roof and a gig don’t sweat it buddy


If you ignore it, then you really don't know what the hell is going on, do you? Sorry but I can't bury my head in the sand. Yeah, I have a roof and a gig. I'm also paying a lot more in income tax than I did 2yrs ago, even though I made less. Sorry but this shit has a direct effect on people's lives and it's people like you that are to blame.


Hey man, we’re all feeling the pinch right now, what are you going to do about it?

You and I can do nothing about it but soldier on and not worry about stuff we can’t control

Relax Pal, we’re both alive


If this administration could line us up and kill us they would. The only thing stopping the psychopaths from doing it is because the largest army in the entire would is the armed U.S. populace. They tried controlling us with that B.S. covid "pandemic" you know, the virus that 99.98% of people survive if they get it. Yeah, what a truly menacing pandemic... I wouldn't touch her if you promised me a billion dollars.


Good for you, carry on




Honestly, I just don't find her attractive. But she was probably boner inducing like around 35 years ago.


For sure


maybe 30 years ago...


You admit to hitting women. Stop promoting violence against women




I totally would, sex is like the only thing she’s good for.


True. And I bet she is good at it.


I’m sure Willie Brown agrees.


he definitely knows, lol


Heels up lol


She told those people, Don't Come.
