MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Lawrence Discussion > So full of herself.."fix our democracy"....

So full of herself.."fix our democracy"...

.....lmao....does she think she's some kind of Messiah now???


The actress, who once said that she had to get "very very drunk" to film a sex scene with former co-star Chris Pratt in the film "Passengers,



Oh no I do. Hence the " "It's still extremely pretentious of her to make that comment.



No I do understand you idiot. That statement is still reeks of self importance. I know she doesn't think she can really fix it. Doesn't make the comment any less stupid.


"I’m going to be working with this organization I’m a part of: 'Represent.Us.' It’s just trying to get young people engaged politically on a local level. It’s just anti-corruption and stuff trying to pass state-by-state laws that can help prevent corruption, fix our democracy. And then I don’t know what I’m doing next.”

You are absolutely right...the stuff she's talking about is awful. I mean engaging young people, anti-corruption....she is clearly a monster. But it doesn't sound like she thinks she's a messiah as you questioned in the OP. Nor did she seem to suggest she'd be doing any of this single handedly, just referring to the group she is working with who aims to do these types of things. Taking quotes of context is fun though, right?


Dude she is self important. She thinks she is self important. Self important enough to tell is she's gonna fix democracy in her own small way.....ahhhhh hahahahahahahaha.....



Non partisan way? Didn’t she blame a hurricane on republicans? She’s a Liberal nutcase lol



I actually laughed out loud when i read that.

Such arrogance and stupidity, yeah we sure need Jennifer Lawrence to 'fix' democracy!


She's become really annoying and pretentious the past few months. Her new movie is getting bad reviews, let's hope her A-list status doesn't last much longer.



Wtf, are you like JLaw's lawyer or something? I like JLaw personally, but can totally see how someone could find her "pretencious" and "annoying".

Don't take it so close to your heart pal...





But... It's not 100% bullshit tbh. Of course many haters exaggerate, but many have a point. Some of the things that she does are simply abysmal and I can see how someone could find her annoying.



"My issue is complete irrationality on the part of the haters, who genuinely tend to wallow in complete and utter bullshit. When you are so desperate that you disparage every project she is in before you've even seen it, talk as if self-sacrificing activism or dropping out of school to act is a character flaw, there is something wrong with you, not her."

Yes, on that I'm with you 100%.

I also hate this kind of mindset. I must admit that there are some actors and directors who I literally stopped bothering to even watch theirs movies. BUT... If I hear numerous good comments about a movie they made or play in, I am opened to give them another shot.

I have a few specific examples when this happened (for the same of this I'll had franchises on which I gave up but they kinda redeemed themselves):

- Sylvester Stallone who achieved it with Rocky Balboa (which I found outstanding personally) after over 10 years of decent AT BEST movies or simply total garbage. (Prior to RB I think his last actually very good movies were Demolition Man and Cliffhanger both in 1992)

- Michael Keaton who surprisingly came back to life with Birdman after his last worthy movie was Jackie Brown (GREAT movie though).

- Ridley Scott who actually surprised me with Prometheus (of course it's nothing next to the first 2 movies (the second being directed by James Cameron), but it was actually way better than I expected). In his case, I couldn't even tell what's his last movie that really made me go "WOW" by the end (and I really don't want to say Blade Runner... Too far).

- Oliver Stone with Snowden... First excellent movie since Natural Born Killers, I guess (his BEST imo though).


- Star Wars with The Force Awakens... Not because it's great by any means... But better than the prequels and that alone is enough for me. It's the only currently HUGE franchise that I still follow simply because Star Wars is my childhood.

- Robert Zemeckis impressed me with the walk. And even though I enjoy Forrest Gump and now that many would consider it there favorite... On my part the last REAL eternal love for me goes back to Who Frammed Roger Rabbit?

- Dustin Hoffman who I don't follow closely, he looks like he's doing fine on tv shows recently (I watched some of it and actually think it has potential... I am simply not too much of a tv shows guy).

There are others but I think you get the idea.

"If the best you can come up with is her tossing beer in the face of a stranger who starting harassing her and swearing at her when she was trying to mind her own business with friends--and really, it will be the best you can come up with--then you simply don't have a case."

Nah, actually that one I always thought it was a normal human reaction.

I have more of an issue with incidents like: her being rude (and you can watch the video... If this is not an arrogant attitude...) to an interviewer at the Golden Globes simply because he... Looked at his phone, and her urinating on sacred stones while shooting the last Hunger Games (I don't have such a problem with the act itself, but the fact that she actually bragged about it on television like if it was a joke... That IS disrespectful to the natives to whom these stones have a huge significance... To the point that they don't even touch them.)



Okay, I get it, you are a retarded fanboy who will turn all the facts in his favor to defend an actresse who doesn't give a fuck about you. Send her a love letter, maybe?

Good luck with your pathetic and delusional life, I'm done here.



I bet she thinks Africa is a country.


Most everything she's been in has been best. And anything she's been in that was watchable was carried by the other cast members. She's an average actress, also "at best".

Oh, and I'm quite liberal, so it's not her politics that bugs me. It's her "assholiness". In fact, that's how she should be addressed: "Yes, your assholiness." ...."No, your assholiness." ....etc.





Asshole deluxe:



J law herself admits she’s an asshole



I’m going to leave you with the very wise words of Russel Crowe. “I owe you my best performance, I don’t owe you a good attitude.”. And that’s what it comes down to. Whether she is an asshole or not shouldn’t matter to you. The only thing that should matter is that she gives you her best effort.


Right. But she puts herself out there and we have a right to comment on her bullshit.


Where did I say otherwise?


That the only thing should matter is her performance. Sadly an actor that acts like an ass in real life turns off fans.


And that wasn’t to you, it was to the person who seemed to be making it their life’s mission to defend her.

Why you care tha5 she’s an asshole or not, I don’t get either. But you do you.


Ahhh.. Another spurned J Law fan turned hater


Red Sparrow is a pretty good movie. I was impressed with her acting as well.



Her best role was the naked pics from her phone that some a-hole leaked.


