MovieChat Forums > SusieQ

SusieQ (111)


Would be a much better show if.... Horrible first season. View all posts >


Oh dear, the simple things just fly over your head don’t they sweetheart. Much like everything else. Ahh, someone who can have a conversation without being defensive. A thousand thank yous. And I’d probably agree with you. His ending as bring hope to the galaxy once again was quite fitting for the character. Maybe it could have been handled a little differently, but still fitting. The build up, I can say that whatever JJ had in mind rian symbolical threw away in the first moment of Reyes meeting with Luke. Of course why else would Luke have exiled himself far away from everyone and everything? It was already established that he failed in training new Jedi, so there wasn’t much for rian to do with that. So I can understand why he went with his over all theme of heroes failing for the film. W grew up with Luke, and it sucks to see our heroes especially childhood ones come crashing down to earth. But I think that was the point. Luke had been built up in the Star Wars universe. He was legend, the last Jedi that brought peace to galaxy and killed the evil empire. The last Jedi shows a glimpse of what that burden might be like and the toll it takes. Is that what people wanted to see? Probably not. But I would argue that Luke’s story is over. He did what he was supposed to do. These new films aren’t about Luke, han or leia. Theyre background to this new trilogy in much the same way that obiwan was to the OT. We find Luke as a tired old man. The burden of myth and not living up to that myth taking its toll on him. And in the end he rediscovers his faith in himself and others and uses the last drop of life he has to bring fresh hope to the galaxy when it was needed most. I understand it and I kinda like it, just wish it could have been done better. There’s also the point of Carrie fisher passing away. It would have made sense to leave the character dead at the start of the film, and leave Luke alive at the end for the last movie. In saying that I am expecting a time jump in the next movie. So leia will die off screen, meaning not that much of a problem for JJ Most is not all, is it? Lol yeah right. Stupid shit should be met with utter disdain. He might as well have said it was the porgs that did it, it would be as worthy of conversation. As for your assertion of what this movie is, remember that’s just your opinion. You need stop acting like what you think is right and everyone else is wrong. Lol why so defensive? Can’t you just have a conversation without being a dick about it? How would you have ended Luke’s story? Huffing glue isn’t good for people’s brains. Just saying. 😂 your desperation smells like fish. Squawk squawk squawk. You kill ever time you jerk off then? View all replies >