Only in Gavin Newsom's California.


Will she kill again? And who would be the victims? The Kardashians, Quentin Tarantino?


Patricia Krenwinkel and Lynette Fromme both went to my high school, as did four of The Turtles.


I like Turtles.


I have a feeling she is no longer a danger to society.


Which is irrelevant. She should have been gassed fifty years ago. In the absence of proper justice, she should have been kept in a cage until she died naturally. She doesn't deserve anything resembling a free life outside of prison.


Hear, hear!


Also, Sharon Tate and her baby boy never finished living apart of society.


Approximately 165,000 people die every day. Are you going to cry for every one of them? She was an impressionable young woman that was talked into doing horrific things by a man she was mesmerized by. Charles Manson holds no sway over her anymore. I am 100% confident that she will live out the rest of her life peacefully.


I'm not crying over anybody, I was just saying everyone should have that right to live out the rest of their life, and not have it taken away.


Leslie had nothing to do with the Tate murders as she was not present there that night.

--Michael D. Clarke


Also, Leno and Rosemary LaBianca never finished living apart of society.

-Dr. Thomas T. Noguchi


That makes her only the second Manson follower convicted of murder to be released. Steve "Clem" Grogan, convicted in the murder of Spahn Ranch worker Donald Shea, was released in 1985 after providing the location of Shea's body.

Tex Watson, Patricia Krenwinkle, Bruce Davis & Bobby Beausoleil are the only ones still in prison.


I wonder where she'll try to live. She's so well known.

In the UK, they put convicted criminals who are that infamous in something like witness protection. They get new identities and set up with a place to live.

She'll be left on her own, though, won't she? I don't know much about the California justice system.


halfway house


Horrible! She might not be a menace to society now, but she took people's lives and really should have been kept in prison for all of her life.


Ridiculous. Some crimes are so heinous they cannot be redeemed by a "well, I'm a changed person now, I swear" or a "she's no longer a harm to society" sentiment.

Harm to society or not, does this person deserve to be breathing free air? Her victims certainly aren't.


She was part of a group that went out looking for someone -- ANYONE -- to kill in a Los Angeles/Los Feliz suburban neighborhood so as to maintain the "reign of terror" that they had started with the Sharon Tate murders.

By sheer (bad) luck, they chose the home of Leo and Rosemary LaBianca. This couple got home a little earlier than usual on a Sunday night so as to watch a favorite TV series.

Instead, the killers worked long and hard -- and with no ease -- to stab the couple to death, carve "War" on the husband's chest and to leave a fork embedded in his stomach. It was a long and agonizing pair of murders. Van Houten held down Rosemary then helped stab her.

These things COULD have happened to Leslie Von Houten:

ONE: "In fantasy": Quentin Tarantino had Brad Pitt smash a Manson woman's face into hard objects(including a fireplace brick wall) until her face turned into mush unto death. That would have been nice.

TWO: "In real life": The death penalty. The Manson killers were sentenced to death, but the Death Penalty in California was abolished in 1972 and the reinstated in the late 70s but by then -- all the Mansons had been commuted to life.

THREE: Life without parole. This is what folks are told "the worst of the worst" should get if the death penalty isn't available. But the woman has been released. 74 is not THAT old in this day and age.

Think about Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, chosen to die for no other reason than to terrify an entire city(and to disguise the murders as racial in origin.) Think about the fork in Leno's stomach.

Enjoy how screwed up things are in 2023.

PS. This might get tossed into the Presidential race, which would just add more futility to the issue. No one will care. The Governor in question who let her go denied parole to Sirhan Sirhan, who killed a major US Senator, Robert Kennedy. Different victims, different outcomes.


Agree. She's forfeited her right to live in our society.


But gee whiz! She got a Master's degree and spent her time in prison "counseling" inmates!

Anyone who "gets counseling" from the likes of an evil animal like her really needs help!!

This whole affair is sickening and shameful.
