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Do you blame his wife for their son's kidnapping?

From Wikipedia:

He and his wife, Revé, had a six-year-old son, Adam. On July 27, 1981, Adam was abducted from a Sears department store at the Hollywood Mall (today Hollywood Hills Plaza), across from the Hollywood Police station. Revé had left Adam in the toy department at a model video game console at the Sears while she looked for a lamp. When she returned several minutes later, Adam was missing. Police records in Adam's case, released in 1996, show that a 17-year-old security guard instructed four boys to leave the department store.[9] Adam is thought to have been one of them.

Why would she leave her six-year-old kid by himself just so she could look for a lamp?


I agree not a smart thing to do, I was allowed to roam free from about age 11 onwards but 6 years old is nuts!


I'm trying to think of any possible reason why she couldn't take the kid with her. So far I haven't come up with any legitimate reason.


She let him play video games with the other kids, got bored and went shopping for crap for the house


Why would the security guard throw minors out of the store without notifying their parent/guardian?


Not sure.


The security guard was a 17 year old kid.


Yeah, why would a store hire a 17 year old for a security guard?


No, the security guard being only 17 years old would explain why she would throw out a 6 year old boy without notifying the parents (it seems like she did ask the older boys if their parents were present in the store and assumed Adam was part of the group). Why the store would hire a 17 year old for a security guard is a completely different question. Maybe because it was a summer job and the store never had any big issues with security before.


This was common back then. I was always left by the toy section growing up.

The Rules were simple:
1. Look but don't touch
2. Do not wander off
3. Do not talk to strangers

Aside from being forgotten in the store a couple times, it worked.


Maybe your parents forgot you because they didn't want to see you for... Anotherday.


Lol. They always seemed disappointed when we called them from the managers office. But, as soon as they answered, I knew it was going to be 45 minutes before they'd get there.


He was relatively safe in the department store. If anyone is to be blamed, its the security guard.


Or the child rapist/murderer.


Security can only do so much. They can't keep their eye on every thief or kidnapper doing their crime hiding in a corner.


I agree, then the department store should be blamed for hiring an over-zealous 17yr old security guard.


I heard the kids were causing trouble so the guard asked them to leave.


All moms did that up until this case got publicity. Things changed really quick then. In the early '70s at 5-6 years old I was left alone all the time in toy departments and there were usually lots of other kids there too. Ten years later in the early 80s when the Adam Walsh case happened, my nephew was about that age. Then, you would never see kids alone in stores.


I was walking to kindergarten and back alone at age five. At age six I walked half a mile downtown to the park, stores, library, and movie theater all the time. This was common in the past, for all kids. His mother did nothing unusual or wrong. Child abductions by strangers were, and still are, extraordinarily rare.


I know times were different, but that doesn't mean it wasn't stupid for it to be acceptable.


Its only considered stupid when something bad happens.


I suppose.


What happened to the other 3 kids? Did they ever talk about that?


I haven't heard anything.


Here's John Walsh describing all the details of the case with Leslie Foster

With Larry King

With Geraldo Rivera


How he started America's most wanted on FOX:


I don't think I've seen him in an interview before this. You can tell he's upset while still maintaining composure.


Yeah he's quite passionate in the wake of that tragedy.


It's a safe bet that Walsh himself iced his own son, then milked the fame for all it's worth. The adage "Crime Doesn't Pay" was more poorly thought out than pretensions of a colorblind society were
