MovieChat Forums > John Walsh Discussion > Do you blame his wife for their son's ki...

Do you blame his wife for their son's kidnapping?

From Wikipedia:

He and his wife, Revé, had a six-year-old son, Adam. On July 27, 1981, Adam was abducted from a Sears department store at the Hollywood Mall (today Hollywood Hills Plaza), across from the Hollywood Police station. Revé had left Adam in the toy department at a model video game console at the Sears while she looked for a lamp. When she returned several minutes later, Adam was missing. Police records in Adam's case, released in 1996, show that a 17-year-old security guard instructed four boys to leave the department store.[9] Adam is thought to have been one of them.

Why would she leave her six-year-old kid by himself just so she could look for a lamp?


I wouldn't blame his wife for that tragedy. The truth is the odds are low that something like that could happen. I would blame mall security though for putting him outside no questions asked..

John Walsh has said that it was only 3 minutes out of her sight for Adam to vanish.

For the record I used to ask my mom around that age to go into the toy store all the time just like Adam instead of being bored following her around shopping. Not out of the norm.


After seeing the link you provided, I also blame the police for losing the evidence and not giving a concrete decision that this Toole guy was really the murderer.


Sadly, Toole is clearly not the murderer.


I do not get why one would do that, but "blame", no. She probably thought he would be safe hanging around a bunch of older kids.


Ultimately the killer is to blame, but she could have been smarter.


It's a lesson for all of us.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with what she did. The responsibility for her son's kidnapping lies entirely with the piece of shit who kidnapped him.


I should have worded it better. Do you think she should have been more careful by keeping an eye on her son?
