MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > How did he lose re-election

How did he lose re-election

great economy
world peace

seems Dems played on some covid fears, fauci delayed vaccine to after election

not a bad play by dems, but they elected a war monger with dementia, now America is a disaster , the red tsunami is coming


Red tsunami? Just like what happened in 2020 and 2022? Explain exactly how America is a disaster.


the election was rigged...


the election was rigged...

they all wanted Trump out of the white house. dont you find it odd that no one seemed to care that Trump lost, even the republicans. there was like 2 republicans that feigned outrage that Trump lost. republicans and democrats dont want Trump to be president

The fact that almost everyone voted for Biden does not mean that the election was rigged. That’s not what “rigged” means.


Dead people and nonexistent people voted for Biden, so yes, that is rigged.


Only in your dreams


-Ballot harvesting fraud.
-Mail-in and drop-box ballots that did not satisfy signature verification requirements.
-Ballot stuffing.
-Duplicate and triplicate ballot scans.
-Mismatched or fraudulent mail-in ballot signatures
-Illegal votes or fraudulent votes.
-Tabulators and machine failures.
-Failed signature verifications.
-Dead voters.
-Manufacture ballots for people that are not real.
-Incorrect signatures.
-Faulty ballot printer settings that were changed on election day.
-Hundreds of thousands of 2020 election ballots also lacked the necessary chain of custody documentation.
-Voting machines hacked and exploited due to bugs and other security issues.


Trump might say that, but it doesn’t make it so.


Trump doesn't have to say it.

Democrats also do it against each other. Did you forget that they were recently caught on camera in CT?


Actually, he kind of does.

If Trump’s argument is that he lost the election for the reasons you stated, he can only make that argument if he states it.

I’m a little bit concerned for you that you would try to argue otherwise.


You can search all the listed methods above and find that they occur without having anything to do with Trump. You seem to be obsessed with him and appear to be suffering from a severe case of TDS.


Oh, I know those things occur, but it less than 1% of the votes. As much as some groups like to yell and scream about it, studies show that it very rarely happens.


Nevertheless, it occurs, and that is what matters.

Downplaying it or scrutinizing the specific percentage doesn't change the fact that all of it occurs and in 2020, that percentage was higher than average.

We all saw with our own eyes on election night that they switched a specific amount of votes from Biden to Trump, thereby decreasing Trump's count which is impossible since votes increase and never decrease.

The writing was on the wall from that moment including the amount of other things from the list I provided above.


Downplaying it or scrutinizing the specific percentage doesn't change the fact that all of it occurs and in 2020, that percentage was higher than average.

I'm not sure where you read that voter fraud in 2020 was higher than 0.0003%, but I would be curious to know.

We all saw with our own eyes on election night that they switched a specific amount of votes from Biden to Trump

Riiiiiight! What are you even talking about?


The vote switching occurred in every swing state. Below is one of those states.

CAUGHT LIVE ON CNN Vote Switching in PA.

November 3rd 2020 Election Night

Trump 1,690,589 to 1,670,631 = 19,958 votes lost.

Biden 1,252,537 to 1,272,495 = 19,958 vote gained.

You should be able to find the video(s) for it.

Before you or any other leftoid decide to search for a fact-checker to debunk it, don’t bother, “apnews” admitted that the videos are genuine but came up with the excuse that it was a “brief reporting error” that was discovered and corrected later that night, but guess what, they can’t prove that they fixed those errors for any/all of the swing states.


You do know that CNN doesn’t actually count the votes or certify votes or elections. You do know that … don’t you?

Wow, I can’t really believe I am taking the time to explain this to you.

If CNN or Fox or NBC reports a number incorrectly, that doesn’t actually mean that anything nefarious was happening. It means something was reported incorrectly.


According to tvfan the Democrats rigged the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen? tvfan seems to get stupider with each passing day if that's even possible.


I really should stop responding, but I’m just having too much fun 🤣


hahaha, reported incorrectly for all swing states by switching an exact amount from Trump to Biden where votes never ever decrease because it is an impossibility?!

Votes always increase, they never decrease, you do know that right? Try again.


According to you the Democrats rigged the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen? You seem to get stupider with each passing day if that's even possible.



According to you the Democrats rigged the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen? You seem to get stupider with each passing day if that's even possible.


tvfan (8875 Said.........5 months ago

Nevertheless, it occurs, and that is what matters.

Downplaying it or scrutinizing the specific percentage doesn't change the fact that all of it occurs and in 2020, that percentage was higher than average.

We all saw with our own eyes on election night that they switched a specific amount of votes from Biden to Trump, thereby decreasing Trump's count which is impossible since votes increase and never decrease.

The writing was on the wall from that moment including the amount of other things from the list I provided above.


Give it up. The election was NOT STOLEN.


A CNN fact checker? LMAO

LIVE on CNN Nov 3, 2020, in front of the entire nation.

PA Trump 1690,589
PA Biden 1252,537

37 seconds later …

PA Trump 1670,631
PA Biden 1272,495

A clear and exact switch of vote totals 19,958 between candidates.

Oh, and FOX 'called the election' …. that's confirmation that the $800 million was an internal payoff.


You can make all the lists you want. It doesn't make them true. In fact, all of the things you have listed, except for the printer which had no bearing on the election, didn't happen or if they did, were perpetuated by trump supporters.

I know facts are hard for you but please try and keep up.


perpetuated by trump supporters

Because they wanted to sabotage Trump? lol, Unless they were fake supporters, your argument is a contradiction.

Facts are Facts, those things did occur regardless of the lies that you choose to believe from the MSM.


According to you the Democrats rigged the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen? You seem to get stupider with each passing day if that's even possible.


[–] tvfan (5880) 15 hours ago
-Ballot harvesting fraud.
You'll be hard pressed to find laws on the book that have the words "Ballot Harvest" within the 50 states of the USofA. Some states have just created rules or laws and policies regulating voters' ability to designate another individual to return their ballot, the policies can vary drastically. Still, some states do not have any policy regarding third-party ballot returns. That's where ballot harvesting comes in.

Is Ballot Harvesting Legal?
Although ballot harvesting is legal in some states, it is illegal in others. However, some of the same tactics are used both in states where ballot harvesting is legal and where it is illegal.

This leads ballot harvesting to generate controversy, praise, and criticism from people across the political spectrum. Some practices that are uniformly illegal across the nation include:

Filling out a ballot for another voter
Intimidating a voter into voting for or against a candidate
Influence a voter's decision
In practice, ballot harvesting does tend to increase the number of votes tallied within a given election without much controversy. However, voting laws vary significantly from state to state, and small differences in voting law can significantly impact an election.

Should we move on to your next non-bullet point?


Is Ballot Harvesting Legal?
Although ballot harvesting is legal in some states, it is illegal in others. However, some of the same tactics are used both in states where ballot harvesting is legal and where it is illegal.

hahaha, At least you didn't deny that it occurs, oh, and yes, all the other things on the list also occurs.


According to you the Democrats rigged the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen? You seem to get stupider with each passing day if that's even possible.


According to you the Democrats rigged the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen? You seem to get stupider with each passing day if that's even possible.


[–] tvfan (5881) 15 hours ago
Dead people
How exactly do Dead people vote?
“Yes, every once in a while, it turns out that someone votes in the name of someone who’s passed away,” Justin Levitt, a law professor at Loyola Law School and a voter fraud expert, told us via email. “A handful of votes in a sea of millions. It’s not OK, but it doesn’t swing results.”

Levitt said it was hard to evaluate Graham’s claim that the Trump campaign “found over 100 people they think were dead, but 15 people that we verified that have been dead who voted” without knowing more details about the methodology.

Levitt said he sees claims about widespread cases of dead people voting every election season, but upon closer inspection, “Far more frequently, the claims collapse. Over and over and over and over. … [F]rom past experience, I’d bet that administrative error and list-matching problems explain the vast majority of whatever’s here.”

Richard Hasen, a law and political science professor at the University of California, Irvine and a nationally recognized election law expert, agreed.

“I have not yet seen any evidence showing dead people voting in Pennsylvania, a very common allegation that seldom pans out,” Hasen told us via email. “But even if a few cases were found, it would not invalidate the election. One would have to show, at minimum, more illegal votes than the margin between the candidates. That would be quite an extreme scale of fraud. Let’s see what the evidence is.”

and nonexistent people voted for Biden,

so yes, that is rigged.
You don't know what "Rigged" means, do you tvfan?

Rigged means manipulated or controlled by deceptive or dishonest means. It is often used to describe a situation or system that has been manipulated or tampered with in an unfair or dishonest way. The term implies that the outcome of a particular event or process has been predetermined or altered in order to favor a specific individual or group, usually to the disadvantage of others.


I always forget that lefties have a one-track mind about everything and literal about everything except when it is convenient not to, lol.

Yes I'm aware of what it means, don't stress over the meaning of a single word when words also have synonyms.

arrange fraudulently
interfere with
tamper with
tinker with
trump up


According to you the Democrats rigged the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen? You seem to get stupider with each passing day if that's even possible.


According to you the Democrats rigged the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught or having a single problem. Not one. Knowing human behavior that's impossible. Why hasn't one single person involved come forward as a whistle blower? Why haven't Republicans provided any proof that the 2020 election was stolen? You seem to get stupider with each passing day if that's even possible.


Yeah, it was a "conspiracy" of the voters to vote Trump out!! 🤣


I know! Somehow the voters “rigged” the election … by voting.


[–] Ziggy (1223) 13 hours ago
I know! Somehow the voters “rigged” the election … by voting.
Don't try explaining that to tvfan. That poster doesn't know what the word "Rigged" means or how to properly use the word in an allegation. 🤣🗽


The economy actually sucked despite the artificially low interest rates during the time. He was an absolute disaster on the world stage. Also, there's the fact that he's a psychopathic narcissist.


Exactly right on all points. The stock market (and my portfolio) is up over 30% since the orange stain lost the election. Unemployment down. Job creation up. Post pandemic inflation reduced…one of the best recoveries in the world. Thank you Pres Biden!!


The US economy tanked during the pandemic that Trump mismanaged. Trump's Operation Warp Speed helped provide 17 million doses by January 2021.

How did Fauci delay distribution of covid vaccines until after the election if Trump did not announce Operation Warp Speed until May 2020? The covid vaccine was very rapidly developed; what evidence do you have that Fauci delayed it at all?

Every two years people predict a red tsunami, but it never really happens. What is different this time? And what if it does? The GOP had Congress and the White House from 2017 to 2019, they did not accomplish much at all other than Trump's gun grab.


The deep state conspired with the media and Big Tech to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story that would have flipped a large percentage of voters toward Trump. Also four Democrat-led swing states suddenly stopped counting votes on election night, then after a few days of silence, they suddenly say Biden won. Lots of other sketchy stuff too, but these are two of the most prominent examples.


Basically, you just answered your Question and that pretty much sums it up.. The American people simply got suckered but they're going to be wise to this shit again in 2024 after how poorly this Country has been under Communist Joe Biden and his Communist Democrat Party & Inept Administration


Trump manages to alienate people with his anti-gun agenda, his attitude towards women, his claim that he bears no responsibility for anything, his use of the Secret Service to line his own pockets while traveling to his own properties, etc.

Those kinds of things does rub some people wrong.


Trump was voted out for being a repugnant criminal


Russia hijacked the election and chicanery and mules.


Don’t forget the pillows!


If Russia had hijacked the election, Trump would have won by a landslide.


For some reason Russia was only able to hijack the 2016 election. No one investigated for Russian collusion in 2020.


Pillow did!
