MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump is really dumb to say the least...

Trump is really dumb to say the least...

He seems more concerned about his chances to be President again rather than focus attention to his legal proceedings. If the charges against him are indeed politically motivated, then why doesn't he try his hardest on proving his innocence first instead of wasting his time with election rallies?


He’s hoping for a MAGA zombie revolution


Why is your failed fake president still sniffing little girls? Why doesn't he BBB?




Donald J. Trump is really smart. That is how he became a billionaire, a best selling author, a successful reality TV show host, and the President of the United States. In that order. Are you any one of those OP?

He is really smart to be holding rallies to enthuse his millions of supporters. By doing so he has taken the nomination that he so rightfully owns. DeSantis has no chance of getting the nomination now.

By spending his time campaigning and holding rallies he is saying the charges against him are illegitimate and he will win in court. He has the best lawyers working his case.

What many people don't understand about Donald Trump is that he is very smart and very tough. How many men could withstand what he went through in the last 8 years? Could you OP?

The swamp doesn't care that Biden is corrupt and senile. They remain in power if Donald Trump is taken out of the race. Whether it is through bogus charges or lies and propaganda they will stop at nothing to get him off the 2024 ballot.

They will likely fail. I say "likely" because nothing in politics is certain.

Trump will very likely persevere and win again.

TRUMP 2024


You need deprogramming
Think of your family


"Donald J. Trump is really smart. That is how he became a billionaire"

Being born on third base doesn't mean you hit a triple.


True UncleRuckis.

Not everybody born to a millionaire becomes a billionaire. Most lead lives of leisure.

You truncated my statement. Here it is again-

Donald J. Trump is really smart. That is how he became a billionaire, a best selling author, a successful reality TV show host, and the President of the United States. In that order. Are you any one of those OP?

Thanks for the bump.



[–] Callahan7 (619) 7 minutes ago
True UncleRuckis.

Not everybody born to a millionaire becomes a billionaire. Most lead lives of leisure.

Donald J. Trump is really smart. That is how he became a billionaire, a best selling author, a successful reality TV show host, and the President of the United States. In that order. Are you any one of those OP?
Are YOU any of these DJT, ahem, "accomplishments"? 👍


Fair enough.

Making a billion out of nothing is damned impressive. Making it from a starting point of hundreds of millions and having every advantage life could possibly offer is significantly less so.

"a best selling author" - that was a ghost written book written by a guy who publicly condemns Trump.

"a successful reality TV show host" - any asshole with a camera can have a sucessful reality show. Pawn shop owners, cooks, godamned Honey Boo boo, and the Kardashians had one and nobody would ever, EVER, call them smart.

"President of the United States" - this is really more of an indictment on our fucked up electoral system and the dems trotting out lackluster candidates.


No one is claiming it's a "rags to riches" story.

But it, and his other successes, are still impressive, and that you cannot be honest about that, reflects on you and your opposition to him.


Since when is grifting and lying impressive?


And another lefty that CAN'T be honest. You just CAN'T.

I would love an issue driven campaign. But YOU people, NEED to take it into the gutter of just bat shit crazy talk.

Becasue you know, that if this country EVER has a serious and honest discussion of the issues, that you people will lost EVERYTHING.


Issues? Let's start with electing a lying grifting twice impeached twice indicted sex offender.
Then we can work on the serious issues


The weaponization of law enforcement by you guys? Yes, a serious issue. We need to shut you people down, and hold you accountable for your crimes.


Those are Trumps talking points. All lies, that his pathetic brainwashed continue to buy into.


Really? I've was thinking of all the Congressional hearings into the issue.

You guys come off as looking really bad. Like sending whole units of armed agents to arrest people who offered to turn themselves in-bad. As one example.


Another Trump diversionary tactic whilst facing possibly four criminal indictments


Mmm, no, the people who did that, and other similar stormtrooper shit, where all YOUR side lefty. And you know it.


Another Trump lie you bought into
Multiple criminal indictments would make ANYONE LIE, especially when you know you're guilty


I didn't get this from Trump. I saw a congressman asking the guy from the justice dept about it. THe guy did not deny it happened. He just talked weasel words tryhing to justify it.

This issue is real. Your denial is the lie.


Twice impeached twice indicted sexual abuser one term disgraced ex-president Trump is facing 37 felony charges for being a traitor. Yeah, what a success.


Oh im honestly not impressed by him, or any other rich asshole who basically starts from a position where it's nearly impossible to not succeed.

From a place of massive wealth, you are free to shoot as many shots as you like without fear of failure, because failing basically has no consequence. It'd be like being impressed that someone beat Grand Theft Auto, but they infinite lives, guns, and money turned on.

You named 3 things he did well, but didn't mention the slew of businesses he failed miserably at. Hell, he failed at owning a casino, which shouldn't even be possible.


LOL. So, how would someone born rich then, impress you? Kill themselves? LOL


Off the top of my head
- invent something
- create something
- be a pro athlete(talent cant be purchased)
Basically achieve something that you can't simply buy your way into. That might sound callous, but if you come into this life with all the barriers that make life hard removed, you better do something extremely impressive to earn my adoration.


LIke being elected President? MMMmm, soooooo......?


I hate to break it to you, but getting elected president requires spending a massive pile of money. Not necessarily your own money, but both parties are ridiculous for this. Biden spent over a billion in 2020.


Perhaps. But money alone doesn't cut it. You are a small man, unable to be honest.


" Hell, he failed at owning a casino, which shouldn't even be possible."

This should be brought up more often.
he should be known as

Donald "I failed at Casino" Trump


Donald J. Trump is really smart.

Thats just hilarious.

In fact I'm off to google how smart he is , so we can all admire his massive smarts


In 2016, presidential candidate Trump challenged a critic, Mayor Sadiq Khan of London: “Let’s do an IQ test,” as if intelligence testing were a board game, or an arm wrestling match.

DAMN! Khan must have chickened out. what a pussy, he let Trump get away with his insane bragging when he could have done something about it


He was given a $400,000,000 inheritance from his father. That a lot more than "a millionaire". He could have put his money in CD and would have become a billionaire.

Best selling author? He didn't write any books, Tony Schwartz did.

Successful reality TV host? The show was scripted for him. The only thing he was given control of was who got fired (something he is familiar with). And the writers of the show have said that often his decision was so eratic that they had to scramble to creatively edit the show to make it look like the person did something terrible.

President of the United States. Based on peoples false perception of him as a successful person (see above) and with an assist from Russia and the director of the FBI. And managed to get fewer votes than Hillary Clinton.


"Best selling author? He didn't write any books, Tony Schwartz did."

Incorrect. Tony Schwartz is a bitter loser who lies about Donald Trump all the time.

I read "The Art of the Deal." It is largely written in the first person. It reads like Donald Trump is narrating what happened. The words clearly come from Donald Trump and contain a lot of information that only he would know.

A great book. High ratings on Amazon. Check it out-

"Trump: The Art of the Deal" by Donald J. J. Trump (Author), Tony Schwartz (Author)

Tony Schwartz polished the book and was paid handsomely. The ingrate turned on Donald Trump when he ran for President. Who cares about Tony Schwartz anyway?

I read it more than 30 years ago. I was young and it had a positive influence on my life.

Donald Trump has written many other books also. Search Amazon or your favorite search engine and you will find his other books.

Where did you pull that "$400,000,000" figure from? Your ass?

Donald Trump expanded on a Queens real estate business and moved to Manhattan. A very tough business. He was unwelcome because he was from Queens. He did not let that deter him and he became successful.

"Successful reality TV host?"

Yes! That's right!

Donald J. Trump is really smart. That is how he became a billionaire, a best selling author, a successful reality TV show host, and the President of the United States. In that order. Are you any one of those Information Police?

One would think that "Information Police" would be more factual in his posts.

TRUMP 2024


Trumps most successful book is "The Art Of The Grift"and only fools bought it.

Growing up in New York we all saw through his grifts and carnival barking since the 1980s.

His genius lies is when he found the gullibility of the midwest.


You don't know what a ghost writer is, evidently. They write the book for somebody else. If the person who hires them wants the book to seem like an autobiography, they write it in the first person, as if they were that person. Sometimes they aren't even credited. However, the very cover of "The Art of the Deal" says, "Donald J Trump with Tony Schwartz."

All Trumps books were ghostwritten.

The $400,000,000 (actually $413 million) has been well documented by the NY Times and widely reported. If you never heard that (even if you don't believe it) you should get your head out of your own ass.


I know what a ghostwriter is and I also read "The Art of the Deal." Tony Schwartz admired Donald Trump until he ran for POTUS.

"Oy vey! Running for President! Oh no!"

Then he went on Legacy Media networks and told the foulest lies about Donald Trump. "I put lipstick on a pig!" he said on news outlets including "Real Time with Bill Maher" and got applause.

Donald Trump still won the 2016 election against all odds. His victory was amazing.

I can't believe you mention the New York Times as a reliable source on anything pertaining to Donald Trump. They have been lying about him since he came down the escalator in 2015 and announced his candidacy. They have been totally discredited.

That 413 million figure is total bullshit. A made up number. Possibly a false number given by Mary Trump. Her alcoholic father was written out of Fred's will and she hates her uncle Donald Trump with a passion.

No reporter or member of the general public knows the actual details. Politico says "Maybe 100 million." Other sources say 40 million. He didn't inherit Fred Trump's entire estate. Details are sketchy and private.

New York Times reporter Maggie Hagerman won a Pulitzer Prize for writing articles that were full of lies about Donald Trump.

Donald J. Trump is really smart. That is how he became a billionaire, a best selling author, a successful reality TV show host, and the President of the United States. In that order. Are you any one of those Information Police?

The New York Times, Tony Schwartz and propaganda news networks like MSNBC hate Donald Trump. So do you little man. Are you going to quote Rob Reiner's tweets next? LMAO

Who cares? The American people see the truth. MAGA is winning.

TRUMP 2024


You absolutely love being grifted!


No foreign wars?

Low gas prices, USA is energy independent?

Good economy, draining the DC swamp, terminating the Marxist woke agenda?

Strong military, saving American culture from the globalists that want to destroy us?

That's not being "grifted".



I’m afraid it is


If twice impeached twice indicted sexual abuser one term disgraced ex-president Trump was such a fantastic president as you Trump supporting morons claim then why was he not re-elected? Try to answer that without any conspiracy theories.


No matter how many people come out against Fat Donny, the MAGA crowd will instantly hand waive them away and claim they're just liars who hate Trump.

Donald Trump must be truly amazing to be able to weather having hundreds people lie about their first hand interactions with him.


Biden came from a wealthy family too.




BDS suspensions are pretty good I hear, have you installed one yet?


And that's relevant why? I don't recall saying I'm impressed by Joe Biden in any way.


I thought you hated rich white guys? No one is impressed with Joe except for the Deep State.


Why would I hate someone for circumstances of their birth? I just refuse to treat those circumstances as an accomplishment. Nor will I give someone credit for winning a race when they only had to run 10% as far as the competition.

I specifically hate trump because he's a vile, awful human being!


Biden is also vile human being, but not one person that voted for him will openly support him nor do they make any positive posts about him. The Joe Biden board is a graveyard, while the Trump board is full of people that support him and love him.


Biden isn't great, but he's no Trump. Fat donny is uniquely awful! Make no mistake, Trump has just as many people that hate his guts vs those that love him.

I have zero love for Joe, but if Trump is the other option, I'll sprint to the voting booth!


Like I said, no one likes or wants to talk about that other. But somehow he got 81 million votes but no one wants to talk about him.

I can talk about Trump all day. Tell more about why you dont like Trump.


"I specifically hate trump because he's a vile, awful human being!"

Finally your TDS slips through.

If "he's a vile, awful human being" why is he loved and supported by many millions of Americans?

Why do polls now give him the nomination in a walk over DeSantis and favor him in the general election?

All this working class mumbo jumbo was just a cover for the fact that you hate Trump. Who cares? Donald Trump certainly doesn't care little man.

TRUMP 2024


It must take some serious mental gymnastics to see a man singularly loathed my millions and millions of people, a man who openly flaunts personality traits that make for a shitty person, and decide that it's those millions of people who have the problem and not him.

For context, nobody despised Romney, McCain, or many of the GOP douchebags that they disagree with politically. Trump is unique in the way he fucking sucks!


"It must take some serious mental gymnastics to see a man singularly loathed my millions and millions of people, a man who openly flaunts personality traits that make for a shitty person, and decide that it's those millions of people who have the problem and not him.


Freudian slip?

Donald J. Trump is loved and supported by many millions of Americans UncleRuckis. If you hate him for whatever reasons that is personal.

Romney and McCain were part of the DC establishment that wanted the globalism that was started by George H.W. Bush. McCain never saw a regime change war he didn't like.

President Trump was not of the establishment and promoted America First policies. That included staying out of foreign wars.

Donald Trump was not of them and the political establishment hated him and did everything they could to undermine him and his administration.

"Trump is unique in the way he fucking sucks!"

Profanity aside, what's wrong with low gas prices, energy independence, a good economy, policies beneficial to farmers, and sanctions against China?

You may not understand the CCP and how China wants to take over the world.

Try to put aside your personal feelings about the man UncleRuckis. Join the Trump Train. Toot! Toot!

I'll save you a seat.


Biden's father sold used cars.


Used car salesman are scum. Trumps' mom was a maid.


LOLOLOL. Cope little Magat


These legal problems are trumped up bullshit the establishment has been throwing at him since he first got in office. Remember Russiagate? John Durham just proved it was all bullshit, same with the impotent impeachments, which were even more baseless than the one forwarded by Boebert. Biden is a real criminal. He took those bribes, and regarding "stealing" top secret documents, he did it when he was just VP and didn't have the power to declassify. Obama took documents and had them in his sock drawer.

So, hell yes he should focus on winning. We as citizens should work on cleaning up corrupt elections.


Corrupt elections?
Hmmmmm, fake electors??


No, mainly voter fraud, but they use other methods. I have explained this here before and even presented some of my own research that showed evidence of it. I am not going to repeat it here. Evidence is all around you. You just have to look for you. I will tell you one thing, No one from legacy media will tell you about it, because they are just propaganda outlets for the establishment. If you have ever read George Orwell's '1984', he was prescient, as we are living that book now.


Are you also aware of Trump and his crazy lawyers trying to have Mike Pence stop the electoral vote counts in the states he lost with fake electors ?


temporarily. If you watched the election, it certainly looked suspicious. We all went to sleep and it looked like Trump had an insurmountable lead. Then in the middle of the night, Joe Biden pulls ahead with mail-in. After years of researching it, we have learned that mail-in is the easiest way to commit voter fraud and that is what happened in 2020. Trump *was* robbed of the presidency. Recent polls suggest most Americans now (finally) agree with the conclusion that fraud affected the 2020 election.

Perhaps the most egregious example of fraud happened in Arizona in 2020. The Secretary of State (Katie Hobbs) refused to step down as SOS in an election she was running in. In addition to mail-in fraud, where the signature match was set to the minimum of 10%, voting machines were tampered with after the safety seal was applied and several of them just happened to fail in republican districts. What a coincidence! This is how Hobbs won the governorship despite trailing Lake significantly in every single poll leading up to the election.


Trump lost and so did Kari Fake
Millions were spent looking for voter fraud and nothing came of it.
Ask the cyber ninjas , pillow and two independent groups Trump had on it.


"Millions were spent looking for voter fraud and nothing came of it."

What!? We found plenty of evidence of fraud, especially in AZ. I myself conducted a study on Philly voters that suggested mail-in fraud.


If you have this evidence of a rigged election then produce it because no one else has. I won't hold my breath.


Obviously you aren't looking. I am not going to spoon feed you, some people just don't absorb information as well as others. Search a few posts back from me. I describe my own study, but I'm not going to repost it here.


You aren't going to to repost your nonsense because you have no proof. I looked for ballot rigging and like everyone else there was none to be found. If the Democrats did rig the election it would have taken millions of co-conspirators to pull it off. Then if you think that everybody involved would keep quiet you're mistaken. People in general cannot keep secrets. Trump and Lake lost fair and square. Move on.


Then why did the ninjas, pillow and Trump find nothing in AZ?
We’re you paid by pillow?


John Durham spent all those years and found nothing. To exonerate Trump.
The Russia investigation found a ton of evidence of Russia helping the Trump Campaign and 10 instances of obstruction of justice by Trump.


He's pretty stupid for admitting to his crimes in public all the time. He somehow thinks that if he admits it then it is not a crime.
