MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > More Freedom because of President Trump

More Freedom because of President Trump

During his presidency, Donald Trump implemented policies that aimed to increase freedom across different spheres. He prioritized deregulation, reducing burdensome rules on businesses, which allowed for greater innovation and economic growth. Trump championed tax cuts, putting more money back in the pockets of individuals and stimulating entrepreneurship. He supported criminal justice reform, promoting fairer sentencing and rehabilitation efforts. Trump's appointments of conservative judges helped protect individual rights, including religious freedom and Second Amendment rights. Additionally, he advocated for free speech, challenging the dominance of political correctness and defending the rights of individuals to express their opinions without fear of retribution. These efforts collectively aimed to empower individuals, foster economic prosperity, and preserve fundamental freedoms.


Bump for Trump


Trump is awsome!


trump for bump


trump for bump and dump biden

TRUMP 2024!


Joe is a detriment to freedom and America


trump for bump


And the Democrat response…

Lockdowns on free Americans and small business.


Just in my area, at least 20 businesses went out of business during Fauci's lockdown.


Really? His anti-gun agenda was not to advocate for our 2nd Amendment rights.

2018 bump stock ban.

Take the guns 1st.


A bump stock is not a gun.


You are an example of why Trump loves the uneducated.


How does a bump stock fire a projectile?


I'm a non American and even I know the relevance of bump stocks


What is the relevance?


it turns this


into this

bullet bullet bullet bullet bullet bullet bullet bullet


That is true, but a bump stock does not fire a bullet. Ranb is convinced that a bump stock is a gun.


He knows that a bump stock is not a gun.

He is using an ATF misinterpretation to criticize and blame Trump, regardless.

On several occasions, he made deceptive “presumptions” and “opinions” for me and insisted on them even after I demonstrated where/how he lied.


Nobody cares about bump stocks. The Left wants to completely abolish the 2nd. It's not even comparable..


So the 500,000 law abiding Americans that owned them didn't care about bump stocks and were only too glad to give them up for Trump to kiss his ass? The people who made them for sale did not care? Trump said (in the CFR) that the economy was affected to the tune of $312 million, but screw the economy, right?

No kidding the left wants to destroy the 2nd Amendment. Tell us something we don't know. The GOP is not going to stand in the way of Trump destroying it either.


Joe gave away $200b to Ukraine but no one cares about that.


I care. Explain why you don't care?


you dont care, explain in detail why you dont care. I will wait.


I am unable to explain why I don't care. This is because I actually care.

You claimed that you (along with everyone else) did not care; going to explain why?


thats why we need President Trump back as the real President, because he cares.


I'm asking why you don't care.


I care about America and I care about President Trump.


Shutting down the Keystone XL pipe line caused gas prices to triple and 60,000 people were directly and indirectly affected.

Your fake president is the worst thing to happen to America. I would rather have Obama than him.


The Keystone pipeline was not shutdown and is still operating. Why do you think people here are stupid enough to believe you when you say Keystone was shutdown?

Keystone XL was the portion that was shutdown by Biden in January 2021 and not completed. It was intended to move oil from Canada to the US south coast for export to other countries.

Shutting down Keystone XL down did not affect prices as much as you claim. In January 2021 the average gas price was $2.36. In June 2022 they topped out at $4.94. The price is about $3.57 now. Your "gas price tripled" claim is very stupid.


Don’t be an idiot; some of us actually knew what he was referring to, and yes, gas prices soared by at least 50% because of that decision. Over twenty states were suing the Biden Administration over the closure of the KXLP.


Some people are stupid enough to believe the lies that Bubbathegut posts. So saying gas prices went up three times as high is okay? Why should anyone be stupid enough to believe that crap? Why didn't you call him on those stupid lies?


Gas prices were double in some places and triple in others.

Why should anyone believe any of your childish and idiotic nonsense?


Where were they triple? Got proof?

I posted a link to gas prices, as did Bubba. Are you also calling Bubba a liar?


No, just you.


Why? Bubba claimed 3x rise in gas prices per his link. But his link proved him wrong. Got trouble reading a graph?


More lies from Ranb (who thinks a bump stock is a gun).

President-elect Joe Biden formally announced on Wednesday he was revoking a key permit for the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, the second time a Democratic administration has scuttled the $8 billion project in less than a decade.

President Joe Biden’s decision to kill the Keystone Pipeline on his first day in office cost the U.S. economy 59,000 jobs and $9.6 billion in economic growth, according to a study released last month by his own Energy Department.

The proposed 875-mile pipeline would have safely transported up to 830,000 barrels of oil per day from the Canadian border to Steel City, Nebraska, where it would have linked up existing pipelines to American refineries.

The average price of gas was $1.90 and then it spiked to $5.10 under the failed leadership of your fake president.

The average price of gas today is $3.60.

President Joe Biden shut down oil and gas lease sales from the nation’s vast public lands and waters in his first days in office, citing worries about climate change. Now his administration has to figure out what do with the multibillion-dollar program without crushing a significant sector of the U.S. economy

As you can see from the facts, Dementia Joe is directly responsible for high gas prices and our failing economy.


Not just me calling bump stocks a gun. Trump says they are also, as did the Supreme Court.

You claimed Biden canceled the Keystone pipeline, that was a lie. Biden actually canceled Keystone XL.

The price of gas was $1.90 prior to Biden taking office. Your claimed three times increase in gas prices is only true if you use the lower price from months earlier and the high price that never existed in your link. Another Bubba lie.

Record profits in the oil industry have nothing to do with higher prices?


Obviously you didn't look at the facts or the links. If you want to play dumb then go right ahead. Just remember that Bubba owns you.


Nope. I think Bubba is being owned by the universe.


Evidence please.


I have none to provide. I think you will figure it out some day though.


I did already, President Trump is our best choice.



Well, your link is evidence that you're being owned by the universe.


A bump stock is not a gun.


Is that the link that you were referring to that you claimed had gas prices?
That is another propaganda article about stock share amounts from a lefty-biased source.

Prices were under $2.00 per gallon during the last three months of DJT’s presidency, and under Biden, prices reached as high as $6.73 per gallon.
Some gas stations were charging as high as $7.35 and $7.59 per gallon.


I was referring to the link that Bubba posted. Bubba is posting propaganda in your opinion now?

Yeah I know you can find gas stations with outrageous prices, but I was talking about average gas prices.


The average price of gas was $1.90 and then it spiked to $5.10 under the failed leadership of your fake president.


It seems you're looking a different chart than the one you posted. On which dates was gas $1.90 then spiked to $5.10? The most recent time that chart shows $1.90 gas was during Obama.

While Trump was in office, gas started at $2.46 in January 2017 up to $2.97 in June 2018, then tumbled to $1.94 during the pandemic due to lower demand, before rising to $2.28 in December 2020.

Gas was $2.42 in January 2021 when Biden took office then peaked at $5.03 in June 2022.


You are looking the wrong graph and a bump stock is not a gun.


Nope. I'm looking at the graph you linked to. Nice try though.

Your bubby Trump says a bump stock is a gun, why you calling him a liar?


A bump stock is not a gun.


The Biden regime is doing everything they can to ruin and destroy the USA:

-Biden has opened the border.
-Flooded the US with millions of illegals, drugs, traffickers, communist spies, and cartels.
-Destroyed the US energy sector.
-Blown up inflation.
-Blew up the pipelines causing the highest fuel prices in decades.
-Jailed political prisoners.
-Indicted the top opposition candidate.
-Cracked down on First Amendment rights.
-Surrendered to the Taliban.
-Armed the terrorists with 80 billion dollars in US equipment.
-Pushed the world to the brink of World War III.
-Propped up an imbecile with dementia as leader of the free world.
-Recently decided to send thousands of cluster bombs to Ukraine despite that they are banned in 120 countries.*

*credit to tvfan

Why does your president hate America so much?


Why are you not giving Trump credit for releasing Taliban terrorists who went on to kill Americans?

The border was never closed. Billions in commerce flows north and south over the border every year, no matter who the president is.

The US energy sector is very strong and profitable now.

Merrick Garland appointed Jack Smith (an independent) who pushed for the indictment of Trump. Go ahead and give Biden the credit, but Smith is more deserving.

Cluster munitions are being used to kill SOB Russian soldiers. Use them to keep Russia confined to their own borders.


As part of a deal made with the Taliban in 2020, the Trump administration agreed to the release of up to 5,000 Taliban prisoners in exchange for the release of up to 1,000 prisoners of the other side. Trump saved lives. Trump ended a 20 year war.

Commerce and people are different but you know that. Stop playing dumb.

No it isn't.

Garland was appointed by Biden. But you knew that. Stop playing dumb.

Why doesn't the G7, UN and NATO just invade Russia and put a end to the war? Throwing rocks at each other is not going to solve anything.


Next time you complain about bump stock ban and 2nd-Amendment rights been infringed by Trump, you should consider the side that is actually trying to destroy those rights:

Massachusetts Democrats Introduce One of the Worst Anti-Second Amendment Bills in the Country: Extensive Firearm Restrictions.

The Democratic Party in Massachusetts has introduced one of the strictest gun control bills ever seen in the United States and would take away “civil liberties.”

An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws (HD 4420), often dubbed as the ‘Lawful Citizens Imprisonment Act’ by gun-rights advocates, was introduced by Democrat Rep. Michael Day of Stoneham to “stem the flow of illegal firearms into the Commonwealth and increase protections from gun violence for our communities.”


No one denies that the Democrats are trying to infringe upon our 2nd Amendment rights. Do democrats persist in telling people that Biden is not a gun grabber? They do not. You're preaching to the choir when you call Democrats anti-gun or call them gun grabbers.

But on this forum, people like you try to convince others that Trump is not anti-gun. Some like Bubbathegut claim that they decide what a gun is, not federal law. Other says that when Trump grabs a gun or proposes anti-gun legislation, it is okay provided Trump is the one doing it.


You would be the kind of person to support slavery because the law said so.


Nope. I also don't support various gun control laws just because they are the law.

But it seems that you will support any anti-gun law or regulation if it was back by the GOP. Have you ever condemned any anti-gun law or regulation that was enacted by the GOP?

You spam the forum with the claim "bump stocks are not guns" even though you know that Trump ordered an amendment to 27 CFR that says they are contraband machine guns. That is your way of denying that Trump is an anti-gun zealot and that he did not order the confiscation of any guns owned by law abiding Americans.


"I also don't support various gun control laws just because they are the law."

So is a bump stock a gun or not?


Bump stocks are contraband machine guns. That is what the law says.

When I say I don't support various gun control laws, it means I am not in favor of them and they should be repealed. I am not saying I think they are a hoax, like you do.


You didn't answer the question, is a bump stock a gun?

Do you support the law that says a bump stock is a gun?


Don't pretend to be stupid. A machine gun is a gun. A bump stock is a gun. Question was answered.

I oppose the regulation banning bump stocks as it is a violation of our 2nd Amendment rights. I do not think the regulation is a hoax as you seem to believe.


How does a bump stock fire bullets and where do you load them at?


Good questions.

I’m also interested in his answers.

Hopefully they will not be misdirected or non sequitur.


Me too, so here are where we are at.

Ranb said this:

"I also don't support various gun control laws just because they are the law."

"A bump stock is a gun"

He doesn't support gun laws just because they are laws but still says that bump stocks are guns.

I have been trying to get a straight answer for 2 years now. lol


I have been linking this forum to the regulation that says bump stocks are guns since 2019. Why don't you understand the words in it?

When I say I don't support those laws, it means I don't like them. Why are you still pretending to be stupid?


You just said a bump is a gun but you dont support the law. That literally makes no sense. It would be like saying I hate cows but like steaks.

Normal people know that bump stocks are not guns despite what the law says.

I cant tell anymore if you are being serious or just dumb.


I have explained in the past that bump stocks are legally classified as firearms. In this case, I can tell you are just being stupid.


So you are saying that a bump stock is a gun right?


Ha, I knew that his response would be a misdirect or a non sequitur. lol 🤣


Its always a misdirect.

Ranb has said so far:

"a bump stock is a gun"

"a bump stock is not a gun"

"a bump stock is a machine gun"

"a bump stock cannot fire a bullet"

"I also don't support various gun control laws just because they are the law."

"a bump stock is a gun"

He literally cannot make up his mind. lol


Yes I am. So does Trump, the ATF and the CFR. Which part of the US Code do you not understand where is says a bump stock is a gun?


How does a bump stock fire a bullet and what kind of bullets does it use?

If someone broke into your house and you had a choice of a shotgun or bump stock, which would you choose?


You know it does not shoot anything. You also have been told several times and shown the law several times; in the USA, a firearm is not limited to things that shoot bullets.


I know it doesn't shoot anything because its not a gun. Which just proved my point again for the 156th time.


The US Code defines what a gun is, not you. Which is something I've explained to you over and over. What makes you so special?


If its a gun. Does it have a firing pin?


A gun does not need a firing pin to function.

Why is it that you refuse to acknowledge that the law legally defines a gun, not you?


Yeah it does.

Because the law is dumb. Would you support slavery if it was the law?


It seems you know little about firearms in general. Matchlock, flintlock and wheel-lock muskets and rifles do not need firing pins. Caplock rifles rifles also lack a firing pin. Almost all muzzle loaded firearms lack a firing pin.

If you have been trying to convince everyone on this forum that you very little about firearms in addition to knowing next to nothing about gun control law, then you have succeeded.

Slavery is still allowed in the USA as punishment for a crime. Slavery did not end with passage of the 13th Amendment. I am opposed to this. Are you?


Interesting point. So if bump stocks had been invented in the 1700's then flintlocks would have been flintlock machineguns. Could you imagine the carnage of a 30 shot flintlock?


Why do you evade answer to the simplest of questions here?

I'm assuming that you read the amendment to the CFR that Trump directed the ATF to write? A bump stock only works on a semi-auto rifle.

You have to be a special kind of stupid to think they work on a single shot firearm.

It was only in 2018 when Trump was president that any politician thought it was a good idea to ban those kinds of bump stocks by classifying them as contraband machine guns.

Even the Obama administration thought that was stupid and refused to ban them in any way.


I assume you are not aware of the law that says bump stocks are machine guns. Therefore if you put a bump stock on a flintlock it would be a flintlock machine gun. You obviously no nothing about guns as flintlocks are still available today and are used in war reenactments.


Bump stocks were only classified by the Trump administration as machine guns in 2018.

So much for your nonsense about flintlock machine guns in the 1700's.


Flintlocks still exist. I think there should be a ban flintlock machineguns. The carnage of 30 lead balls would be devastating.


Why are you so anti-gun? You really think it is the gun and not the murder that is the problem?

It is interesting how Trump turned Republicans into anti-gun zealots. His supporters care more about supporting Trump than their own civil rights.


If you put a bump stock on a sling shot it would be a machine gun. We need to ban fully automatic sling shots!


A bump stock all by itself is a MG. That is what the regulation says.


If you put a bump stock on your butthole, it becomes a machine gun butthole, the Germans call it The Fartknocker.


A device does not have to be able to shoot bullets to be defined as a gun in the USA. How long are you going to pretend to misunderstand the law?

Exactly where are you finding the legal definition of a gun where is says it has to shoot a projectile to be a firearm? While it is one of the definitions, it is not the only one.

It is a Republican who is telling you that bump stocks are guns. Why don't you understand the regulation?


Basically since a bump stock is a gun. How would I go hunting with a bump stock? Wouldn't the other hunters laugh at me?

In a nutshell. You will believe any law even though it is wrong? You would be the person to have slaves and then say you don't support slavery.


You would not go hunting with a bump stock by itself, stupid. Because not all guns fire projectiles, stupid.

I believe the law exists and can be enforced. Why do you have a problem with that?

Do you actually believe that 27CFR does not classify bump stocks as firearms?

I would never support slavery. You're the only one suggesting that you do support slavery.


If a bump stock is a gun how would a person load a bump stock and what kind of ammo would I use for a bump stock?


It doesn't. Federal law does not require that a device be able to load or fire ammunition. Drop in auto sears, silencers and silencer parts are also legally firearms in the USA. Why are you so willingly ignorant of federal gun control law?


Have you stopped to consider that you are misinterpreting the ATF’s broad usage that parts and accessories are only considered a firearm after it has been assembled?

Yes, sometimes, documentation can be “misworded” and “misinterpreted”.

They are “parts and/or accessories” until assembled, and then they are considered firearms.


I have considered it. But no court has defined it that way when bump stocks are concerned.

For example, the Biden administration determined that an incomplete ar-15 lower receiver, when sold with a drilling jig, is now a firearm. They also said that the lower receiver of an ar-15 is a firearm all by itself even though it does not contain the bolt.

Do I like or agree with these regulations? No. Are they legal? Yes, until they are changed or the courts overrule.

The only people I've seen claiming that bump stocks are not guns are some of the people here on MovieChat. Everyone else understands the English language well enough to know what the phrase "bump stocks are machineguns" means when used in 27CFR.

Why Bubbathegut thinks his opinion supercedes federal regulations is beyond me. It is possible that his devotion to Trump means more to him than his integrity.

What part of the phrase "bump stocks are machineguns" do you fail to understand?


How is a bump stock a machine gun?

What kind of ammo does it use? Is there a video that supports your claim that a bump stock can fire multiple rounds?

Would you support slavery if the law said it was legal?


I do not support unjust laws, but I do believe they exist. That is why I try to get them changed. You just claim those laws do not exist or they do not apply to you.

Slavery is legal in the USA. It is also immoral and should be prohibited in all forms.

Slavery has always been legal as a punishment. The 13th Amendment did not completely abolish slavery.

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.


If do not support unjust laws then you agree with me that a bump stock is not a gun right?


The law is the law even if it unjust. When you don't like a law, you work to to get it changed. Ignoring it usually does not work.


-So if the law says that a man can be a woman and woman can be a man, you believe it.

-If a law is created to say that the sky is green, you believe it.

Their programming and brainwashing has worked very well on you. lol


If the law actually exists, then it is the law. Would I agree with just any law? No.

Are you claiming that bump stocks are legal and have not been banned?


You are def the king of double talk. lol


Don't be a coward. How did Trump ban bump stocks?


He banned fully automatic machine guns.


Trump did not did not ban machine guns. They are still legally for sale on the internet.

Machine guns have always been legal in the USA. But they must be registered with the ATF to be legal.

In 1934, Congress passed the National Firearms act with required the registration of machine guns, short barreled rifles/shotguns, destructive devices, silencers and AOW's. A $200 tax was required on most of these along with registration.

In 1986 Reagan signed the FOPA which closed the civilian machine gun registry. This means it was impossible for an unlicensed civilian to register a new machine gun after May, 1986.

This is how Bush banned spring loaded bump stocks in 2006 and Trump did it with the rest in 2019; they just classified them as machine guns. And since they could not be registered, they were contraband and had to be destroyed or surrendered.

Why is it too much to ask for you to learn about gun control law? Read this;


If you put a bump stock on a sling shot it would be a machine gun. We need to ban fully automatic sling shots!


A bump stock is a machine gun all by itself. It does not need to be attached to anything to be classified as a MG by the regulations Trump had amended.


If you put a bump stock on your butthole, it becomes a machine gun butthole, the Germans call it The Fartknocker.


A bump stock is not a gun. Case closed.


Are you claiming that bump stocks are still legal to possess because they have not been banned?


No, Trump banned machine guns.


Trump did not did not ban machine guns. They are still legally for sale on the internet.

Machine guns have always been legal in the USA. But they must be registered with the ATF to be legal.

In 1934, Congress passed the National Firearms act with required the registration of machine guns, short barreled rifles/shotguns, destructive devices, silencers and AOW's. A $200 tax was required on most of these along with registration.

In 1986 Reagan signed the FOPA which closed the civilian machine gun registry. This means it was impossible for an unlicensed civilian to register a new machine gun after May, 1986.

This is how Bush banned spring loaded bump stocks in 2006 and Trump did it with the rest in 2019; they just classified them as machine guns. And since they could not be registered, they were contraband and had to be destroyed or surrendered.

Why is it too much to ask for you to learn about gun control law? Read this;


Apparently, you are the only one that I’m aware of that insists on believing or perceiving such fallacy.

Everyone I know IRL that has firearms disagrees with you.

It is simply an accessory/part until it is assembled.


You and everyone who agrees with you are idiots.

So if bump stocks are not machine guns as the CFR says, do you claim that bump stocks are still legal to own and no one has ever been arrested for simply possessing one since 2019?


On the contrary; we use something called “common sense” and we are aware that in the past, the government has misinterpreted and misworded their documentation that makes some policies ambiguous, which apparently, you believe is impossible.

Trump didn’t create nor enforce those laws.
For someone who is anti-Trump, you and others like you, literally give him more power and elevation than a regular human being.

The irony is that you’re level of 'negative/positive' expectation of DJT are almost the equivalence of a deity.


So how were bump stocks banned? Do you have any idea how the National Firearms Act works?

Trump did create the amendment to 27CFR to ban bump stocks. I have posted it several times here. It is a searchable PDF file. Although Trump cannot do anything he wants per Article 2 of the Constitution, the president does have much power.

Here is the rule, again.

If you search for the word president, then you will see that Trump did in fact direct the ATF to ban bump stocks. Congress was not involved and the ATF did not go rogue as some people claim.

On February 20, 2018, the President
issued a memorandum to the Attorney
General concerning ‘‘bump fire’’ stocks
and similar devices. Application of the
Definition of Machinegun to ‘‘Bump
Fire’’ Stocks and Other Similar Devices,
83 FR 7949. The memorandum noted
that the Department of Justice had
already ‘‘started the process of
promulgating a Federal regulation
interpreting the definition of
‘machinegun’ under Federal law to
clarify whether certain bump stock type
devices should be illegal.

You are a perfect example of why Trump likes stupid voters. He can screw them over and they will deny that he did it.


The ATF's final rule on bump stocks starts off with,

bump-stock-type devices—meaning ‘‘bump fire’’ stocks, slide-fire devices, and devices with certain similar characteristics—are ‘‘machineguns’’

This is what Trump wanted, what he approved of and what he did to screw over law abiding Americans.

Exactly what part of "bump stocks are machine guns" do you not understand?

It is stupid and unfair, but so far it is legal. A few courts have struck it down in their districts, but the US Supreme Court is letting it stand.


lol,🤣 no common sense whatsoever. 🙄
Everything I have stated, went right over your head. 🤔


It seems you do not understand what the phrase means then. After all this it seems as though you're just jerking my chain.


You have been jerking your own chain. lmao 🤣🤣🤣


How is it that you have no idea how NFA law works?


A flintlock with a bump stock is a machine gun. The law says so. I guess you dont know how the NFA law works.


The bump stock itself is a machine gun now, thanks to Trump. It does not matter what it is attached to.

The Department of Justice is
amending the regulations of the Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and
Explosives (ATF) to clarify that bump-
stock-type devices—meaning ‘‘bump
fire’’ stocks, slide-fire devices, and
devices with certain similar
characteristics—are ‘‘machineguns’’ as
defined by the National Firearms Act of
1934 and the Gun Control Act of 1968


If you put a bump stock on a sling shot it would be a machine gun. We need to ban fully automatic sling shots!


A bump stock is a machine gun all by itself. It does not need to be attached to anything to be classified as a MG by the regulations Trump had amended.


If you put a bump stock on your butthole, it becomes a machine gun butthole, the Germans call it The Fartknocker.


So you are saying a bump stock is not a gun now?

You said earlier it was gun. If you would just admit its not a gun we could move on with our lives.


My life is always moving on, whether you like it or not. On the other hand you are loath to give direct answer to my questions, especially if you understand what the phrase, "bump stocks are machineguns" means.

A bump stock is a gun, as defined by federal law. I have never varied from this at all.

What part of the phrase "bump stocks are machineguns" do you fail to understand?


I have never varied and have given a direct answer a 157 times. A bump stock is NOT a gun despite what the law says.

If a bump stock is a machine gun. Then what kind of ammo does it use and where do you load the bullets?

You proved my point yet again, you will support any law even though it is wrong.


I have been lobbying to change gun laws for a long time. Have you ever lifted a finger to change unjust gun laws?

Probably not. You just say "that law does not apply to me". It's probably going to get you in trouble some day.


It doesn't infringe my rights. You don't need a bump stock for hunting.


The 2nd Amendment is not about hunting. Where do you draw the line on the confiscation of guns or accessories?

Right now it seems that you draw the line at, "If Trump does it, it's okay".


I draw the line at stupidity. A bump stock is not a gun. Case closed.


Tell me how Trump managed to ban bump stocks.

Do you understand how he accomplished that when Congress did not pass a law banning them?


Trump banned fully automatic machine guns.


Trump did not did not ban machine guns. They are still legally for sale on the internet.

Machine guns have always been legal in the USA. But they must be registered with the ATF to be legal.

In 1934, Congress passed the National Firearms act with required the registration of machine guns, short barreled rifles/shotguns, destructive devices, silencers and AOW's. A $200 tax was required on most of these along with registration.

In 1986 Reagan signed the FOPA which closed the civilian machine gun registry. This means it was impossible for an unlicensed civilian to register a new machine gun after May, 1986.

This is how Bush banned spring loaded bump stocks in 2006 and Trump did it with the rest in 2019; they just classified them as machine guns. And since they could not be registered, they were contraband and had to be destroyed or surrendered.

Why is it too much to ask for you to learn about gun control law? Read this;


If you put a bump stock on a sling shot it would be a machine gun. We need to ban fully automatic sling shots!


A bump stock is a machine gun all by itself. It does not need to be attached to anything to be classified as a MG by the regulations Trump had amended.


If you put a bump stock on your butthole, it becomes a machine gun butthole, the Germans call it The Fartknocker.


lol 🤣


All sources reference weather a bump stock should be considered as “part” of a “machine gun” in order to ban it or make it illegal.
They are not stating that a bump stock, independently, is a machine gun based on your interpretation.

Bump Stocks are considered nothing more than:

- Parts
- Accessories
- Attachments
- Conversion Devices

Shift the blame where it belongs:

- The Shooter
- Public pressure from Leftists/Liberals
- RINO Advisors

The ATF/DOJ made a decision based on public pressure that would have been made regardless of POTUS/Administration; the fact that the Supreme Court is letting it stand is proof of that.

BTW, The Biden Administration is defending the ATF’s misinterpretation:

January 9, 2023

Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod wrote in the lead majority opinion that a bump stock is excluded from the technical definition of “machine gun” set forth in the Gun Control Act and National Firearms Act, although the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives says a bump stock is part of the definition of machine gun, a position that the Biden administration is defending.

April 27, 2023

At issue in the cases is whether a bump stock is a machine gun “part” that can be banned under the law that prohibits possession of machine guns.

The 6th Circuit noted that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has flip-flopped on the issue. At first, the agency maintained that a bump stock is not a machine gun part, but it changed its position after a shooter used bump stocks attached to semi-automatic rifles to kill 58 people in Las Vegas.

Other federal appeals courts that have considered the issue are divided.

“And our own circuit is split down the middle, with eight judges voting to uphold the rule and eight judges voting to strike it down,” the 6th Circuit said, referring to a 2021 en banc opinion. The split had the effect of upholding a district court decision in a different case that allowed the bump-stock ban to take effect.

Those differing interpretations show that the machine gun law is ambiguous as applied to bump stocks, the appeals court said in the Hardin case. And because the machine gun law carries criminal penalties, the rule of lenity applies. That rule requires courts to resolve ambiguity in statutes in favor of criminal defendants.

“Because the relevant statutory scheme does not clearly and unambiguously prohibit bump stocks, we are bound to construe the statute in Hardin’s favor,” the 6th Circuit said.

April 25, 2023

At a minimum, as the majority opinion holds, the National Firearms Act of 1934 admits of an interpretation that excludes a bump stock from the definition of a "part" of a "machinegun" under that statute. Indeed, this is the original interpretation that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) gave to the statute.

That ATF later changed its views in order to ban bump stocks does not render unreasonable the ATF's first reading of the statute. Indeed, the ATF's first take aligns with the views of numerous judges on this court and elsewhere who have considered the relevant statutory text.

Simply put, under the statute as it currently reads, the addition of a bump stock to a rifle clearly does not make it a machinegun.


When the Atins Accelerator (spring loaded bump stock) was marketed, the Bush administration said they were legal as the trigger was pulled once for each round fired. Later on complaints were made and the ATF in 2006 banned them by classifying them as contraband machine guns.

When more bump stocks appeared without springs, the Obama administration repeatedly refused to classify them as machine guns. Because of course they were not.

It was not until Trump was president and he wanted his own gun grab that he did what Bush did, banned bump stocks by classifying them as contraband machine guns. Trump had the ATF write up their bullsh-t rule just so Trump could flex his muscles on gun control.

Did you notice that your quotes are 2023 decisions?

It was back in 2018 that Trump told the ATF to write a rule to amend the CFR to classify bump stocks as machine guns. They did this. Bump stocks were required to be destroyed or surrendered in 2019.

It is only more recently that the courts have started to push back. Have you noticed that the Biden administration does not seem to be getting in the way of the court's decisions that Trump's gun grab is BS?

But Trump is still the gun grabber who banned bump stocks by amending the CFR to classify them as contraband machine guns.

Are you claiming that Trump is blameless because he folded like a lawn chair after a single mass shooting that involved bump stocks and some people complained?

We need a strong person as president, not a lawn chair.

You should list your sources instead of just quoting them.


-Decisions that reference everything up to 2023.

-A rule based on the ATF's misinterpretation passed to Trump’s Advisors.

-Any/All amendments were based on the misinterpretations by the ATF/DOJ.

-From your perspective, Trump should have informed his Advisors, the ATF, and the DOJ that they shouldn't have folded to public pressure and should have listened to him since he is the firearms expert.

*Blame DJT because he is not a firearms expert.
*Blame DJT because he is not a scientist.
*Blame DJT because he is not omniscient.

We need a strong person as president, not a lawn chair.

Blame DJT because he is not enough of a Dictator, Tyrant, or Authoritarian.


I blame Trump just like I blame Bush and Biden. They are/were presidents and need to act like it. Do you also give Biden a pass for banning forced reset triggers? Probably you do. You're an anti-gun freak just like Biden and Trump are.

Trump folded like a lawn chair when it was actually time for him to stand firm and remember that he is supposed to protect our civil rights instead of trampling on them.


Trump did not shy away from his gun grab. He seemed rather proud of it like when he bragged about grabbing pussies as a perk of wealth.

Trump did try to blame Obama for legalizing them. Too bad this made him look like a complete idiot instead. The Obama administration merely said bump stocks were legal and took no action on them; like Trump should have. Like Bush and Trump should have.

“Obama Administration legalized bump stocks. BAD IDEA. As I promised, today the Department of Justice will issue the rule banning BUMP STOCKS with a mandated comment period. We will BAN all devices that turn legal weapons into illegal machine guns,” he wrote on Friday.

Trump wanted a gun grab to prove he was a tough guy. Too bad it made him look like a little bitch instead. So far Trump's scare card on grabbing our stuff is (according to the ATF) up to 520,000 bump stocks, without compensation. Obama was zero guns grabbed over 8 years. I don't know how many reset triggers Biden grabbed, but you're probably hopping Trump got more.


I blame Trump just like I blame Bush and Biden.

Liar, you are using others to justify your sole blame for DJT due to your TDS, nice try.

Once again, point the blame at the ATF/DOJ for their 99% role with the assistance of RINO advisors.

They would have enforced it regardless of POTUS/Administration; the fact that the Supreme Court is letting it stand is proof of that.

-The ATF/DOJ deliberately misinterpreted in order to ban and make them illegal.

-You misinterpreted because you are an ignorant idiot or a hypocritical liar.

-You may continue beating that dead horse, but it will not change the facts.

BTW: Bush was a RINO.


Why do I need to justify blaming Trump for his gun grab? It was Trump's decision no matter how much you want to call him a lame duck who needs other to make his decisions for him.

It is 100% Trump's fault. He told the ATF to make it legal to grab bump stocks, so they did his bidding.

Why do you think Trump did not push for Congress to pass a law banning bump stocks? It was because Trump wanted sole credit for his own gun grab.

You really think the ATF has the power to write any regulation they want even if the president oppose it? The authority to enforce the law of the land by writing regulations ultimately rests in the hands of the president. You don't really think the president is just a figurehead do you? Have you ever read the constitution and especially article II? They don't call the president of the USA the most powerful man in the world for nothing.

Read this;

Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress. Fifteen executive departments — each led by an appointed member of the President’s Cabinet — carry out the day-to-day administration of the federal government. They are joined in this by other executive agencies such as the CIA and Environmental Protection Agency, the heads of which are not part of the Cabinet, but who are under the full authority of the President.

If the president did not want bump stocks banned, then the ATF would have not banned them. Do you really think that Trump was not aware of the uproar his gun grab caused? He could have changed his mind and admitted he made a mistake. But Trump wanted his own gun grab, so there was no way he was ever going to admit to making a mistake when he violated out 2nd Amendment rights.


It is 100% Trump's fault.

lmao, 🤣 thanks for proving my point.

Continue to lie and blame all you want, it will not change the facts.

ATF/DOJ + RINO advisors.


Anyone who deflects blame form Trump to anyone for a gun grab, actually thinks Trump was a lame duck who had no business being president.

What lie did I tell?
1. You think Trump is powerless to stop the ATF from grabbing guns?
2. You think the president does not have the powers outlines in Article II of the Constitution?

Why do you think Trump is such a poor judge of character that he would listen to his RINO advisers? Were these advisers the same ones that are in prison or facing other legal problems?


You have been lying since our first discussion from months ago.

This is my third time stating the obvious facts:

Trump being an outsider falls prey to the swamp politicians that pose as MAGA candidates.
Because he is not of the swamp, he can be fooled by the swamp reps because they will do all they can to suck up to him.
Look at how he trusted McCarthy, McConnell, McDaniels, MTG, Pence, Pompeo; he had no choice!


How about you quote the statement I made that was a lie, then prove it is a lie. I've been quoting the actual laws and regulations here for years trying to educate you idiots and all I've been getting is your hobo-lawyer crap.

Trump had a choice. He could have chosen better people to advise him. He could have read the damn law himself. He could have said to himself, "I'm not a gun grabber". But Trump decided he wanted to be a gun grabber.

You're calling Trump an idiot and then claiming that is some kind of reasonable excuse for his stupid actions.


He should have, he could have, he should have, he could have.

He did the best that he could while surrounded by liars and vultures like you.

You would have fit perfectly as part of that swamp.


A gun grab is never doing your best. It was not the best for Bush, Biden or Trump. Why do you think a gun grab was the best Trump could do? It sounds really really nuts.

I would not have fit into that swamp. I have never been indicted or even accused of a crime.

I think you want it to be a crime to insult Trump though. Too bad, this is America you savage. :)

So you figure out how to use that quote function to show where I lied on this forum?


What would be the point, you are just going to double down on more lies as usual.
You just stated five lies in that last reply.


What would those be? That a gun grab is never best? That gun grabs are nuts?


a bump stock is not a machinegun....


Trump says it is. Why do you call Trump a liar?

The term “machine gun” includes a bump-stock-type device

What part of that phrase do you not understand?


I call Trump President Trump.


Getting trumped is what they call getting your guns grabbed now. :) Good luck with that.


sure, thats why we need President Trump back as the Real President....


So that Trump have have another gun grab? Maybe he will get his red flag laws without due process so he can grab any gun anytime.


Donald trump cost 400 million to create, add marketing 600 million , gross box office , 365 million, he flopped no sequel


Sequel has just been delayed that's all.


Nah, hes being rebooted, ronald rump


Nope gonna be a Top Gun Maverick style sequel that is a huge fan pleaser.


Why are you so enamored with Trump? You're not even an American.


Why are you using the cloned chat forums of an English website? You're not even an Englishman.


Wait, what?


Are you too dense to understand simple English? I'll repeat it for you.

Why are you using the cloned chat forums of an English website? You're not even an Englishman.


I don't know what you are babbling about. I ask you again. Why are you so enamored with Trump? You're not even an American. Where are you from?


IMDB is an English website. MovieChat is a clone of IMDB's chat forums. I ask you again.

Why are you using the cloned chat forums of an English website? You're not even an Englishman. Where are you from?


I don't know what you are babbling about. I ask you again. Why are you so enamored with Trump? You're not even an American. Where are you from?


I don't know what you are babbling about. I ask you again.

Why are you using the cloned chat forums of an English website? You're not even an Englishman. Where are you from?



Faggot? Okay... I'm done with you. Good morning.


Oh no I'm sure going to miss you avoiding my questions and just copy pasting your responses, my whole day is now ruined!

Don't act all offended as if you were talking to me in good faith. Faggot.


Joe is a detriment to freedom and America.


How come you never talk about Joe? I thought you voted for him?


Joe bigone


Lol, what?


joe bidone, as in he is done, gone, joe flopden


I get it, just thought it was funny. Joe Flopden. 😁🤣


He’s the Jason Vorheeves of great presidents.


cant wait for the return of the Trump part 2. The Trumpening.




gentlemen your RepubliiKKKan Drone Mr.Gut


He conspired to take away a basic freedom from millions of citizens - the right to vote and have our votes counted.


Really? I dont remember this. Please post evidence and citations.



I dont see anything about taking our freedoms away nor taking votes away.

“Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections,” Mollie Hemingway reveals how social-media companies like Twitter and Facebook responded to the 2016 election of Donald Trump to go from free-speech advocates to censors — including blocking The Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden.

Facebook once touted its ability to shut off 80 percent of the Internet traffic to any link it deems misleading. When deciding whom to censor, Facebook relied on media “fact-checkers” who consider themselves the opposition party. Biased journalists were given the power to scrub their rivals from the Internet, thanks more to the legacy of their places of employment than their own work.

This process of erroneous or slanted liberal media reports informing Facebook “fact checks” played out through Trump’s entire presidency and reelection effort. It suppressed dozens of news stories in the public interest and helped get Biden over the finish line.

Democrats rigged the 2020 election. Joe was right, there was chicanery.


You can keep going around this, being debunked and repeating the same bull, but you will go it without me.


I can because the democrats did the same thing when Trump was President. All they did for 4 years was say he stole the election and then they tried unsuccessfully to get rid of him 3 times.

Meanwhile your dementia patient is ruining American and no one cares.



No comment? lol


you are so funny Trump lost election by wide margin if we did not have electoral college which shows that the USA if run by money not votes


Is there proof that Trump lost? When does the investigation start?



Why was the 2016 election investigated for 2 years and the 2020 election wasn't investigated at all. Joe said he would lose by chicanery. Was there any chicanery?

