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Liberals in Meltdown mode....CNN Drops 26% In Prime Time As Fox News Dominates April Cable Ratings


And what good are their ratings when advertisers are fleeing FOX prime time shows as though their heads are on fire?

For T-rump supporters who don't understand: big ratings mean a show can charge a premium for their 'prime time' advertising spots, so they can pay their expenses and turn a profit. Yet Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Jeanine Pirro are seeing advertisers flee their shows quicker than you can yell 'Titanic!' Those major advertisers are spending their money at CNN and MSNBC (which is winning their timeslots with Lawrence O'Donnell and Rachel Maddow). A network can not survive without advertising revenue, and so far three FOX 'prime time shows' are not producing.

Speaking of which - looks like another major advertiser has kicked "repugnant" Tucker Carlson to the curb:


People are fed up with being lied to by CNN. People are tired of liberal media and liberal lies. Trump wins big in 2020.


I'll explain one more time...

It doesn't matter - all that matters is advertising revenue, and FOX is no longer getting it. Not from Tucker, not from Ingraham, and not from Pirro. They are hemorrhaging money from these shows.

It's time for FOX to "clean house" and get rid of these dead-weights, which I'm sure Disney (new owners) is working on as we speak. Why keep employees who are not generating a cash flow for you?

Meanwhile, the cash revenue is flooding in to MSNBC and CNN. That's all that matters.


But...but...but...but what about Hillary?


What cash is CNN bringing in? Donations from insane socialist liberal donors?


That took one Google search, and it was the top result.

I just typed in: cnn profit 2018


Illegitimate source, fake news


LOL @ deliberate ignorance. It fits your Neo-Nazi mentality perfectly.


That doesn't answer his question at all.


It exactly answers his question and you're obviously another meathead's sock puppet just spreading bullshit because that's all you dullards do.


Ad revenue that FOX is losing thanks to Carlson, Pirro and Ingraham.


I thought corporations were only interested in money?


Correct. Corporations are avoiding backlash on social media by pulling their ads from FOX. Trumpers don't realize they hurt businesses when the world sees who those businesses are advertising on.


Trumpers will be in meltdown mode in 2020.


You're bragging that Hillary/CNN got more corporate donations than Trump/Fox. Most people would be embarrassed about that.


I'm not bragging about anything. Show me where I was bragging about Hillary/CNN.


Meanwhile, the cash revenue is flooding in to MSNBC and CNN. That's all that matters.

Were you not cheerleading this?


Nope. Sure wasn't.


Then what were you doing?


Who's talking about donations?

Sweetie, the cash revenue flooding in to MSNBC and CNN are not 'donations'. . These networks are selling a product (advertising slots) which the advertisers wish to purchase. So they buy it, not donate money to the network. At the end of the month, they list this as 'ad revenue' and 'income'; not 'donation'.

I'll make it easier: WalMart sells "MAGA" red hats for $1.98. You want one of those hats to brazenly show the world you support T-rump, so you walk into WalMart, pick up a hat, and give the cashier $2.00. She, in turn, gives you two cents back. That's called a purchase - not a donation.

No one would ever say you donated $1.96 to a huge corporation called WalMart inb return for a red hat, because you didn't. You made a purchase - and that (again) goes under 'product revenue' and 'income', not 'donation'.

Do you understand now?


No one cares about the ratings on Faux or any other news outlet. People like you just want to brag about of bunch of morons jumping on the same bandwagon. Pat yourself on the back.


Transformers and Avengers sell lots of tickets and are garbage so I agree with your sentiment. But what's interesting here is that CNN is getting more advertisers than FOX in spite of fewer views. That shows which side is the real corporate propaganda.


You bought into Bush's lie about WMDs and became a cheerleader for him and the deep state. You have no ground to complain about a corporation that makes their money by entertaining people without bloodshed.


Oops! Winning?


CNN and MSNBC seem to be winning. FOX? Not so much.


Not anymore, viewer ratings is down to 16%


CNN blows.


Its in freefall mode now. The Network could be off the air by the end of this year is what some people are saying.


You blow so much of it that you may be out of smoke this year.


Possibly, I am saving up for the fall of 2020.


What people? The same mysterious unnamed people who give T- rump-all his misinformation? Do tell!


The people on the internet. I googled people and thats what it says.


Yeah - same mysterious people who give T-rump all his misinformation. 'People' on the internet, all unidentified.


CNN and it’s parent company WarnerBroadcasting are 170 billion in debt. Expect more of their bozo actors to be canned.


The U.S. is trillions in debt and Trump has made that far worse far faster than any President in history. Expect him to be canned.

Welcome back to Gd5150, another Neo-Nazi propaganda sock who has been resurrected for proof of how desperate the trolls on this board always are.


I can't wait till Lemon and Cuomo are shown the door.


Then they can call T-rump and beg him to intervene and save their job - just like Jeanine Pirro did in March when FOX News was drawing up her termination papers !


We've called it the "Communist News Network" for years. During 2016, it was the "Clinton News Network." I don't know why they still believe they are the leading name in news, when our president has made them a laughingstock.


Again, this is bad news. Faux News attracts a huge crowd that wants to hear what they want to hear.

Everyone else in REALITY is more likely to diversify sources instead of tuning into State TV or some singular news source.

Meltdown over ratings? Only a Trumpet would be so petty.
