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His days are numbered

No, it won't be jail or impeachment though he deserves both, he'll crack under the strain. We know he has a weak heart, he's overweight and showing signs of dementia. His cabinet and party are against him. Law enforcement is hot on his heels. Kids are ready to pick over his bones. Either he will be declared unfit or end up dead or hospitalized. Kind of a sad ending really.


karma is a bitch, lesson here is to know your damn place and not persue what you cant do, being president is hard.


I honestly believe he ran as a joke and just went along when people liked him for being stupid. A lot of people online and off have told me they voted for Trump because he says stupid things. Who chooses a president that way?


goes to show how much faith
the people have lost in institutions, come on all governments are bs, always has been always will be.


Preaching the truth!



No. Government is inevitable. Happily the US govt isn't a singular entity but a pluralism.


McQualude. . ...Trump is absolutely pathetic. I can't wait for him to be gone, as quickly as possible. If that is truly why people voted for him, because he says stupid things then those people are pathetic as well.


And that mindset is exactly why the Democrats will lose a second term to him. Maybe you should truly understand the motivation of most of Trump's voters to avoid keeping him in office for 4 more years. Or just keep ignorantly complaining and backing a collapsing party. Up to you.


Not sure I understand your reply. . .. Trump's voters want to avoid keeping him in office for 4 more years? Really? I thought Trump supporters love him.


The 25th amendment is going to be put into effect.


Do we really want Pence as president?



I have to agree. Trump is an embarrassment but truth be told, Bush was a far worse president.


So far. If he's in office 8 years my money's on him being a far more destructive president than Bush.


Bush was competent but a bad president with a single minded focus of removing Sadam at all costs. Trump is incompentent and largely ineffective. He's spent too long having his ass kissed and others doing for him, he's weak, unhealthy, and all he wants is more fame, the damage will come from him signing off on loads of Republican garbage that will wreck the economy down the road and poison the environment.


I bet he doesn't make it to the 500 day count.


Hasn't he already been in nearly 100 days longer than that?


Yes, he’s just under 600. Maybe he will be indicted or arrested on day 666.



LOL. That sh*t is funny. Everyone's days are numbered. Duh.


Well I checked my calendar, and it seems every day is numbered.


What signs of dementia are you seeing? I've experienced it in more than one person I care about, but am not seeing it in Trump....Heres whats going to happen...Hes going to finish his term and we will all move on with out lives. I don't even like the guy, but your full of shit with your assumptions.


It's an observation. You don't have to like it but deep down you know I'm right. The vacant look, stuttering and stammering, sentences trailing off, changing subjects mid sentence, getting facts wrong left and right, forgetting people's names. He's nothing but a Charlie McCarthy doll.


He's a narcissist and possibly a sociopath, but he does not have dementia. As mentioned before, I know what dementia looks like. I hate Trump, but he's not the antichrist the left makes him out to be.


I know what it looks like first hand and he has it. Find his unedited campaign speeches and interviews, watch them. The man is not all there.


Whatever you say Dr. McQualude. The right was claiming Hilary Clinton had dementia during the last election and now shes fine. Keep grasping at straws.


You didn't even spend a second to consider what I wrote.
1. Defending Trump regardless of truth, always party first, check.
2. First to be insulting, check.
3. Bringing up Hillary who has nothing to do with it, check.
Prove me wrong, that you're not just another Trump bot.


Well, yes. I am defending Trump in this instance even though I hate him. You claim he has dementia based on nothing except your dislike for him.

I wasn't being insulting, just joking around.

And I thought bringing up Hillary was pertinent to the conversation because the same tactic was used against her during the elections. Remember how many people were claiming she was unfit due to medical reasons i.e. dementia? Or how about the conspiracy theories about those glasses she was wearing? Only people with brain injuries wear those things apparently.

Politics is a dirty game and our country is so divided right now it makes me sick.


Failed to convince me. You're still talking about Hillary to deflect from Trump. It's a dead giveaway. Sorry man.


Have to agree. Trump has always been an impulsive, trash talking overgrown adolescent.


Tronald Dump's days of stinking up the White House are definitely numbered. I only hope they drag that sloppy mess out of the White House before he gets a chance to really ruin us.

