MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Every single day ---

Every single day ---

Republicans are secretly wishing they had voted for Hilary.


Not even close.

My main problem with trump is he is too moderate and is governing from the center, at least he’s not some deranged bitch like that dried up old cunt Hillary Clinton


Trumps not governing, he's vacationing. He literally hasn't done anything except golf and watch television since he took the oath.


"He literally hasn't done anything except golf and watch television since he took the oath. "

Proof that you're a moron:

Trump's accomplishments (and he's less than a year into his term.)

Jobs and the economy
•Passage of the tax reform bill providing $5.5 billion in cuts and repealing the Obamacare mandate.
•Increase of the GDP above 3 percent.
•Creation of 1.7 million new jobs, cutting unemployment to 4.1 percent.
•Saw the Dow Jones reach record highs.
•A rebound in economic confidence to a 17-year high.
•A new executive order to boost apprenticeships.
•A move to boost computer sciences in Education Department programs.
•Prioritizing women-owned businesses for some $500 million in SBA loans.

Killing job-stifling regulations
•Signed an Executive Order demanding that two regulations be killed for every new one creates. He beat that big and cut 16 rules and regulations for every one created, saving $8.1 billion.
•Signed 15 congressional regulatory cuts.
•Withdrew from the Obama-era Paris Climate Agreement, ending the threat of environmental regulations.
•Signed an Executive Order cutting the time for infrastructure permit approvals.
•Eliminated an Obama rule on streams that Trump felt unfairly targeted the coal industry.

Fair trade
•Made good on his campaign promise to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
•Opened up the North American Free Trade Agreement for talks to better the deal for the U.S.
•Worked to bring companies back to the U.S., and companies like Toyota, Mazda, Broadcom Limited, and Foxconn announced plans to open U.S. plants.
•Worked to promote the sale of U.S products abroad.
•Made enforcement of U.S. trade laws, especially those that involve national security, a priority.
•Ended Obama’s deal with Cuba.



Fake. He literally hasn't done anything. Nothing at all. Okay, well he has tweeted a whole bunch and embarrassed the country daily but other than that, nothing.


Boosting U.S. energy dominance
•The Department of Interior, which has led the way in cutting regulations, opened plans to lease 77 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas drilling.
•Trump traveled the world to promote the sale and use of U.S. energy.
•Expanded energy infrastructure projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline snubbed by Obama.
•Ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to kill Obama’s Clean Power Plan.
•EPA is reconsidering Obama rules on methane emissions.

Protecting the U.S. homeland
•Laid out new principles for reforming immigration and announced plan to end "chain migration," which lets one legal immigrant to bring in dozens of family members.
•Made progress to build the border wall with Mexico.
•Ended the Obama-era “catch and release” of illegal immigrants.
•Boosted the arrests of illegals inside the U.S.
•Doubled the number of counties participating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement charged with deporting illegals.
•Removed 36 percent more criminal gang members than in fiscal 2016.
•Started the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program.
•Ditto for other amnesty programs like Deferred Action for Parents of Americans.
•Cracking down on some 300 sanctuary cities that defy ICE but still get federal dollars.
•Added some 100 new immigration judges.

Protecting communities
•Justice announced grants of $98 million to fund 802 new cops.
•Justice worked with Central American nations to arrest and charge 4,000 MS-13 members.
•Homeland rounded up nearly 800 MS-13 members, an 83 percent one-year increase.
•Signed three executive orders aimed at cracking down on international criminal organizations.
•Attorney General Jeff Sessions created new National Public Safety Partnership, a cooperative initiative with cities to reduce violent crimes.



•Trump has nominated 73 federal judges and won his nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
•Ordered ethical standards including a lobbying ban.
•Called for a comprehensive plan to reorganize the executive branch.
•Ordered an overhaul to modernize the digital government.
•Called for a full audit of the Pentagon and its spending.

Combatting opioids
•First, the president declared a Nationwide Public Health Emergency on opioids.
•His Council of Economic Advisors played a role in determining that overdoses are underreported by as much as 24 percent.
•The Department of Health and Human Services laid out a new five-point strategy to fight the crisis.
•Justice announced it was scheduling fentanyl substances as a drug class under the Controlled Substances Act.
•Justice started a fraud crackdown, arresting more than 400.
•The administration added $500 million to fight the crisis.
•On National Drug Take Back Day, the Drug Enforcement Agency collected 456 tons.

Protecting life
•In his first week, Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy that blocks some $9 billion in foreign aid being used for abortions.
•Worked with Congress on a bill overturning an Obama regulation that blocked states from defunding abortion providers.
•Published guidance to block Obamacare money from supporting abortion.



Helping veterans
•Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers.
•Signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act.
•Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, to provide support.
•Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 to authorize $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program.
•Created a VA hotline.
•Had the VA launch an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with a way to access wait time and quality of care data.
•With VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin, announced three initiatives to expand access to healthcare for veterans using telehealth technology.



Promoting peace through strength
•Directed the rebuilding of the military and ordered a new national strategy and nuclear posture review.
•Worked to increase defense spending.
•Empowered military leaders to “seize the initiative and win,” reducing the need for a White House sign off on every mission.
•Directed the revival of the National Space Council to develop space war strategies.
•Elevated U.S. Cyber Command into a major warfighting command.
•Withdrew from the U.N. Global Compact on Migration, which Trump saw as a threat to borders.
•Imposed a travel ban on nations that lack border and anti-terrorism security.
•Saw ISIS lose virtually all of its territory.
•Pushed for strong action against global outlaw North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons.
•Announced a new Afghanistan strategy that strengthens support for U.S. forces at war with terrorism.
•NATO increased support for the war in Afghanistan.
•Approved a new Iran strategy plan focused on neutralizing the country’s influence in the region.
•Ordered missile strikes against a Syrian airbase used in a chemical weapons attack.
•Prevented subsequent chemical attacks by announcing a plan to detect them better and warned of future strikes if they were used.
•Ordered new sanctions on the dictatorship in Venezuela.

Restoring confidence in and respect for America
•Trump won the release of Americans held abroad, often using his personal relationships with world leaders.
•Made good on a campaign promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
•Conducted a historic 12-day trip through Asia, winning new cooperative deals. On the trip, he attended three regional summits to promote American interests.
•He traveled to the Middle East and Europe to build new relationships with leaders.
•Traveled to Poland and on to Germany for the G-20 meeting where he pushed again for funding of women entrepreneurs.


So yeah, he 'literally' hasn't done anything.

Fucking moron.


Game set and match!





The left must really hate African Americans, President Trump has gotten many of them off of food stamps and out of poverty and the left (Pelosi, Schumer) has a problem with it. Therefore the left must be racist.


Of course the Left is racist. They see EVERYTHING through the lens of race. And BTW, they hate almost everybody. The Left is the largest hate group in this country. Probably the only larger hate group in the world is the Muslims.



Exactly the left just wants all black people to be on food stamps so that they can always depend on their votes by convincing them that they're victims and that the GOP is out to get them. The left only cares about identity politics (gender, race) and it is sick and disturbing.


Amen. They must have a permanent underclass in order to obtain and hold power. They are a despicable and evil lot. As Dr. Michael Savage says, "Liberalism is a mental disease."



Well done, Wolf! Let's see what the Lefty Loons can come up with to dispute that!



It's a vicious circle. The mainstream media won't report on Trump's successes, and their idiot followers refuse to watch anything but the mainstream media. So of course they're going to think that all Trump does is play golf and watch TV.

And then they all come around, arrogantly thinking they know what's going on.


Well there's a lot there and while Snags enjoys the luxury of copying and pasting the white house's official claims, responding would take time. I think the majority of it is probably true, but arguments can be made on whether many of those items are positive accomplishments of not (those on the environment I especially don't like) or even the result of any actions Trump has taken.

I think a list like that deserves consideration though and while I don't have time to go through all of it today I will try to go through a couple items a day. What amazes me about the unemployment claim is that the statistics he is using to claim success with the low unemployment number is the very same statistic that he insisted was fake toward the end of Obama's presidency. Why does he get to have it both ways? The fact is that the unemployment rate has been consistently moving downward since 2009, and this is a good thing for both Obama and Trump's first year of presidency.


Perhaps, but the DJIA was going sideways under old Dumbo Ears at around 18,000. Since Trump was elected it has SOARED to 25,803.19. That's an increase of over 7,800 points. The market knows that our country and the economy are now headed back up.



Well when Obama took office the DJIA was just under 8,000 and at the end of his presidency it was just under 20,000. This was a successful run regardless of whether some people want to admit it or not.

The DJIA performed exceptionally well for Trump's first year and it no doubt got a boost from the rollbacks of the Obama era regulations. But as someone who lost their job after the market crash of 2008, I worry that mistakes of the past will be repeated. In any case the stock market had a successful year but let's remember that this is a marathon and not a sprint. If Trump gets to claim he is responsible for this year's stock market success, then he will also have to accept responsibility for any future decreases under his watch. Time will tell if this growth can be sustained.


That was the recession. A big reason for the recession was the Democrat federal legislation which forced banks to make sub prime loans to people who didn't have a prayer of paying it back. Of course, the banks made it worse by all the shit they did.

No, at the end of his presidency the DJIA was hovering around 18,000. So that was a rise of 10,000 points in EIGHT years. Under President Trump it's risen over 7,800 points in ONE year.

And yes of course it's a marathon, not a sprint. And the market is going to go up and down. But it goes up faster when we have a President who understands the economy, instead of a Socialist community organizer who thinks we have 57 states. And who doesn't know how to pronounce Navy "Corpsman".



I seriously think that after the "57 states" comment and the "Navy Corpseman" incident that Barack Obama has to be mentally retarded. No wonder he was such a sh!tty president.


I don't think he's retarded, just stupid.



The Dow was at 19,732 on the last day of Obama's presidency.

As for the 57 states thing, it was a simple misstatement. You don't have to like Obama but it's ludicrous to suggest he actually thought there were 57 states.


Um considering what a Fck up job he did I seriously think before that he thought there were 57 states just like he thought there was such thing as a "navy corpseman"


Thanks, Mark! You just made my point!

Of course it was at 19,732 on Dumbo Ears' last day in office, because it had been more than three months since Trump was elected, and Trump was about to be inaugurated. Trump started driving the DJIA up even BEFORE he was inaugurated.

Back on Election Day Tuesday Nov 8, 2016, the DJIA closed at 18,259.60. So it had climbed 1,473 points since Trump was elected. So the Market was reacting to Trump's election. The DJIA closed at 25,803.19 on Friday. That means it has SOARED exactly 7,543.59 points since Trump was ELECTED. The Market knows. And you ain't seen nothin' yet, Mark. The Tax Cuts will put our economy into overdrive.

And no, I don't think he's that stupid. But he is ignorant of many basic things. He's also arrogant, smug, self-centered, narcissistic, and an habitual liar.



Yes I've seen the corpsman video, didn't strike me as a big deal considering we all misspeak and mispronounce things at times. Having never served in the military I would've mispronounced that word if I were to read it, much like Trump referred to "Two Corinthians" instead of "Second Corinthians" as it should've been pronounced. It's a bit of a gaff for sure but ultimately no big deal.

As for the 57 states thing....He lectured Constitutional law at the University of Chicago. The idea that he didn't know how many states are in the U.SA. is just plain ridiculous and deep down you must know this.


Meanwhile here's a list of Crooked Hillary's accomplishments since the election:

She wrote a crappy book.

And then she, uh, ummm, oh I got nothin' here!



"She wrote a crappy book."


A crappy book that basically said, "I take full responsibility for losing, but here's all the reasons other than me for my loss."

And her followers just lapped up that bullshit. The same followers she left high and dry on election night because she was having an emotional breakdown. Yeah, that's someone we want leading the country.


You forgot such gems like:

1. He spoke to the President of the Virgin Islands when Hurricane Maria hit.
2. He sold F-52 fighter planes to Norway.
3. He cheated on Melania with porn star Stormy Daniels.

Too many to list of these jewels of his.


"You forgot such gems like:"

Libtard lapping up the fake news again.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


Libtard lapping up the fake news again.

Which one is fake? Just because FOX didn't report it, doesn't mean it's not true - just the opposite.


"Which one is fake?"

The first two were simple misstatements that the slavering media blew up into big stories. (Otherwise known as fake news.) Funny that they didn't do the same when Obama claimed he visited 57 states, or mispronounced the word 'corpseman'.

But such kind of hypocrisy is typical for libtards.

As for the last one, just unfounded claims. You're so desperate to believe it's true, you didn't even realize that if it did happen, it didn't occur during Trump's first term.

Haahahah! What a fucking retard.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


Don't worry about doggiestyle, I caught him lying 3 times and he refused to own up to it. He's a coward.


I wasn't lying - they were 'misstatements' as snaggy says about T-rump.

See snaggy has an excuse for anything and everything T-rump and the conservatives do these days. But he's not too forgiving with liberals.


"See snaggy has an excuse for anything and everything T-rump and the conservatives do these days."

There's no need to 'excuse' something that's a figment of your imagination. You ignored a long list of Trump's achievements, and listed three things you imagined were high crimes.

And you accuse me of being biased? Now that's funny.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


I didn't ignore a long list of T-rump's achievements - the list is laughable, at best. I didn't take it seriously since I didn't think it was supposed to be taken seriously.


"I didn't ignore a long list of T-rump's achievements - the list is laughable, at best. I didn't take it seriously since I didn't think it was supposed to be taken seriously."

So, in other words, you ignored them.

Seriously, dude. This has to be a joke account. You can't possibly be this dumb.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


I didn't ignore them - I didn't think they warranted a response.
Let's face it - they were there for entertainment. Therefore, I laughed out loud - just like I do to many posts by you and other republicans. They're entertaining - nothing more, nothing less.


"I didn't ignore them - I didn't think they warranted a response."

So you ignored them.

refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.

Fucking brain dead idiot.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


Doggie-doo and his "gems" ---What does the Presidency have to do with sex? According to you folks, when Bill had his fun, "it was just about sex". Had nothing to do with the way Billy Boy governed. He screwed around on Hillary from before they married. Now, OMG!!!! marital faithfulness is your NUMERO UNO priority. What hypocrisy.

All of a sudden the lefties in this country are SO upset with adultery. Never bothered you folks before. LOL Of course who could blame Bill anyway while married to that scary mug? Who wouldn't seek solace elsewhere!


"All of a sudden the lefties in this country are SO upset with adultery. Never bothered you folks before. "

All of a sudden, the righties in this country are SO accepting of adultery. Always bothered you folks before.


Yes, adultery is wrong and it bothers me a lot. But as you have said in numerous posts, "it is SO wrong to be judgmental." Aaah, yes, UNLESS you are judging a Republican!

I wish Pres. Trump had a sterling character above reproach. But I guess he doesn't. So why not treat him like you treated your hero Pres. Clinton and turn a blind eye to his faults? Yeah right, LOL

Whoopi Goldberg mentioned his adultery in a book she wrote way back in 1997. I was browsing in a book store, saw her book, and I looked through. I considered buying it. But I happened on a page where she was a full out apologist for Bill Clinton's adulterous behavior. Something along the lines of , "Who cares if he dips his pen in forbidden ink?"

So yeah, who cares? Certainly not the left if one of their boys in in office. However now, the leftwing has become big fans of the seventh commandment.

The left has lectured the rest of us for years that it is not important to be faithful to your marriage vows. NOW because Trump is President it is a matter of extreme importance to you folks? Good grief, could you be any MORE hypocritical?
Yeah I guess you could!


"The left has lectured the rest of us for years that it is not important to be faithful to your marriage vows."

When did that happen? Which lecture are you referring to when we said it was not important to be faithful to your marriage vows?

"So why not treat him like you treated your hero Pres. Clinton and turn a blind eye to his faults? Yeah right, LOL"

Because Clinton never ran under the pretense party of 'family values' which T-rump is president. How can you not see the difference? Oh yeah, I just remembered - you're that special kind of stupid.


Family values is now a "pretense"?? LOL So when did Donald Trump talk about family values anyway?

WHEN did the left lecture us that marriage vows were not important?? they told us often enough that it was "only about sex". And...I cited one of your View heroes Whoopi-pie Goldberg for one.

Of course you do not address arguments which you cannot win. You deflect and talk bull@#@#. But I do understand. You have leftwing blindness. It might literally kill you to admit the truth!

But of course I agree that even Bill Clinton did not have the chutzpah to run on "family values". While he was running, his campaign and Hillary were engaged in damage control and dealing with "bimbo eruptions". Again, not a big deal for the left.

"Special kind of stupid"?? Oh wow, I feel the burn from your clever hot tongue! LOL I just hope to live long enough to read a post from you which isn't filled with personal attacks, juvenile name calling in lieu of an actual argument and YOUR special kind of stupid!!! haha


"Family values is now a "pretense"?? LOL"

Read my post again, nitwit. Pretense is the adjective before 'party', not 'family values'. You really can't comprehend.

" So when did Donald Trump talk about family values anyway?"

When he joined the Republican party and was endorsed by them.

"they told us often enough that it was "only about sex". "

When did they do that?

"While he was running, his campaign and Hillary were engaged in damage control and dealing with "bimbo eruptions"."

And can you imagine if he was caught on tape saying he loved grabbing women by their pussy? He would have never stood a chance to become President because the GOP would have massacred him. And if Hillary passed it off as 'locker room talk' and 'boys will be boys'? Dear God! My, how times have changed.


Oh forget it already. LOL It's like talking to a wall (a dumb wall), discussing things with you! hah ha

Bill's problem was "only about sex." You REALLY don't remember how the left lectured us on that? Were you living under a rock during those years or were you hit on the HEAD by a rock?

It's obvious you will never admit to Bill Clinton's serial womanizing or Hillary's work of destroying those women, lest they attack her meal ticket and "free ride" to the Presidency.

True, Hillary did not pass off her husband's disgusting behavior as "locker room talk." First of all it was considerably more than talk! Bill was a man of action. LOL
Hillary attributed it to " a vaaaaaaast right wing conspiracy." According to her, everything is the fault of a right wing conspiracy. Good grief, Bill and Hill are pure as the driven snow. They never do anything wrong. Your heroes!


"It's obvious you will never admit to Bill Clinton's serial womanizing or Hillary's work of destroying those women, lest they attack her meal ticket and "free ride" to the Presidency. "

Sort of like Melania and Ivanka being complicit with T-rump's sexually abusing 21 women (so far)? They won't speak out against such abuse by T-rump because they need their meal ticket. Then Ivanka tries to be part of 'the movement' when Oprah made her inspiring speech last week, only to be shut down on Twitter by everyone reminding her of her complicity with her own father's behavior. Yep, quite a meal ticket for Ivanka.

"True, Hillary did not pass off her husband's disgusting behavior as "locker room talk." First of all it was considerably more than talk! Bill was a man of action. LOL "

And according to T-rump's hot mic on Access Hollywood, he's quite the man of pussy-grabbing action, among other things. And YOU defend him.

"Hillary attributed it to " a vaaaaaaast right wing conspiracy." According to her, everything is the fault of a right wing conspiracy."

And T-rump and his family, along with his sled-dogs over at FOX NEWS, call it a 'vaaaast left wing media fake news conspiracy' doing whatever they can 'to take down T-rump and destroy his Presidency'. No, T-rump, Donny Diapers, Melania, Ivanka and those chuckleheads at FOX and Friends - they're just playing T-rump's audio tape from 2007.

Keep trying PJ, but next time with a little effort. It's too easy to knock you down again and again.


YOU knock ME down? LOL You never address anything I say. You obviously have no excuse for Hillary and her attempts to destroy the women her husband raped and molested. So naturally, turn the tables. It's all a vaaaaast right wing conspiracy. You do come up with some great stories! I suppose in your twisted libtard world you have "scored" great points in your little pointy head!

Well I will give you credit for trying. But I do that with all special needs kids, they need an ego boost once in a while! After all, when tying your own shoelaces is a big accomplishment, one does need a bit of praise for something else.

Tsk, tsk, listening to FOX News again? I really thought you'd be spending your time worshipping at the altar of the MSNBC crowd.

Oh and why does Ivanka Trump need a "meal ticket?" She is a businesswoman. You know! A ll those businesses you rubbed your witchy little hands together and cackled about gleefully over at IMDB when you thought she was losing them?

You are a trip, a sad little trip, but funny nevertheless.




Two thumbs up for a typical libtard reply! When logic fails, when the argument fails, when common sense fails, when your attempts at cutting edge "humor' fail, feign boredom! Way to go Doggie!


When logic fails, when the argument fails, when common sense fails, when your attempts at cutting edge "humor' fail, feign boredom!

Very true - your logic failed, your common sense failed, your attempts at cutting edge humor has failed.

(Although no one is feigning boredom. No one has any interest in what you're saying.)


Oh brother. You were the one who "yawned". I know you are stuck in a leftwing world, but can't you at least TRY to be honest? Stop emulating your hero Hillary.

"No one" has any interest in what I say? Well, I dunno. You seem to answer me real quick for someone who has no interest,
You feign disinterest yet you seem to be determined to bring me down. As if....

You are fun though. Arguing with you is like being pelted with marshmallows.


"You are fun though. Arguing with you is like being pelted with marshmallows."

OK, if that's considered fun in your empty life - so be it.


Every time you reply (even though you have "NO interest" in what I say) I feel like paraphrasing Carol Ann from "Poltergeist". "He's heeeere"

Did I say you were my ONLY fun? No, just one of the cheapest! And one of the surest laughs. LOL

I hope some day you can come up with a clever reply. I may have to wait a long time though.


Again - whatever fun you get in your empty lonely life is A-OK with me.


It IS so interesting that you are SO concerned with my "empty, lonely life". LOL!! I never figured you for the empathetic sort.

Talk about an empty post three new threads a day about your Trump hatred. Gosh, if one had a life perhaps he'd be busy with IT and not be so busy posting angry thoughts. No boyfriend? No girlfriend? No hobbies? Hester not talking to you anymore? ha ha


"It IS so interesting that you are SO concerned with my "empty, lonely life". LOL!! I never figured you for the empathetic sort."

Not concerned at all. You post about how much joy I bring to you via this forum, and I respond accordingly. But from your response above, I guess you look at that as 'caring' - and you need a lot of that in your life, too, it seems.

"Talk about an empty post three new threads a day about your Trump hatred. Gosh, if one had a life perhaps he'd be busy with IT and not be so busy posting angry thoughts. No boyfriend? No girlfriend? No hobbies? Hester not talking to you anymore? ha ha"

I don't post three new threads a day on "T-rump hatred", I post facts from the news. As he keeps Tweeting and talking out of his ass all day, I like to keep everyone informed here, out of concern to our country and how he's slowly destroying it. I guess you see what he says and tweets as 'hatred', according to your posts. I'll admit - you are correct.


So glad you don't care what I think and you are ignoring me. LOLOL

"Concern for our country". Oh stop, you are making me laugh too hard, you make my sides hurt.

Yeah, you post from the "news", but that's hardly the same as posting facts.

"Talking out of his ass". Well... looking in the mirror again? We ALL know where your brains are located!


Liberals hate facts so they will dispute everything in that list.


Snagswolf, President Trump could cure cancer and he wouldn't get credit for it. The blind hatred for him has consumed these people. There is no point in talking to them. Its funny, in my lifetime, I have seen the tables turned. 30 years ago, the left were the righteous and the right were the crazies. Its completely reversed.


"Snagswolf, President Trump could cure cancer and he wouldn't get credit for it. "

Let's see. Let him cure cancer and see what the response will be.

I'm betting it can only be a better response than how he has destroyed the Office of the Presidency in less than a year, and became a total embarrassment for our country.


LOL I think you have President Trump mixed up with Barry Obama.


Liberal fantasy.


America is based on liberal ideas. Liberalism is inclusive, Conservatism is exclusive.


Another liberal fantasy.


Correct, America is a liberal fantasy come true.


Yeah, that's why liberals are doing their best to change America.


Liberals are America. The Bill of Rights is a liberal document. If you are anti-liberal, you are anti-America.


Wrong. Classical liberalism, yes. Not what liberals have become today.

Classical liberalism stands for personal freedom, and yes, our Constitution is based on that. But today's liberals don't stand for personal freedom anymore. They want to take away our gun rights, and the free speech of anyone who disagrees with them. They want to force people to buy health care they don't want, and they want to use the power of the government to steal wealth from some Americans and give it to others.

Today's liberals have gotten so far away from their original tenets, that the Communist USA Party no longer puts up a candidate for president. They just tell their fellow Communists to vote for the Democrat candidate.

Why do you think Obama vowed to "fundamentally transform America"? Because he, like most of you liberals, hate what America is, and think it needs transformed. The simple truth is, if you are one of today's liberals, you are anti-American.


That's bullshirt, Mc.



Liberalism is all about identity politics while conservatives don't feel the need to point out the attributes of peoples identity. Liberalism is about feeding dead beats at the expense of all tax payers money while conservatism is about fiscal responsability and knows the country is to broke and feeding every deadbeat that refuses to work is unsustainable.

In short Liberalism is about being compassionate at the expense of the majority.


That's bullshit, and you know it Qual!



Nope! Not true.







While I am BEYOND tired of everyone (including Trump) dragging everything back to Hillary and Obama, I have to admit you're probably right but not exactly for your implied reasons.

Hillary would have been a nightmare. A different TYPE of nightmare, but a nightmare nonetheless. And I'm sure McConnell and Ryan and Rubio and the rest of the evidently spineless GOP members we have WISH she was in office so that they could go on the offensive when she did the things we all know she would have done that were not in everyones best interest.

As it is, they are stuck with a blatantly racist misogynist who embarrasses the party on a daily basis and they end up looking bad because they can't even convincingly go on the defensive, so they just stay quiet and gutless. I'd love to see a REAL Republican, a REAL patriot stand up and just say "look, some of your ideas are good, but you take them too far and you damage our message with your desire to be on TV. This is not a studio, this is a government and you've now shown you can't tell the difference.".

Sadly, there's not one decent Republican (REAL Republican, not the alt-right closeted racists who support Trump and are cheering that he called Haiti and Africa what he did) to right the ship nor is there a less bleeding heart, more mainstream Democrat that can challenge him. The GOP (my party) bought into his flash and showmanship and now we're all paying for it and now that the cat is out of the white hood....if you still support him, you're a racist as well. No bones about it.


Much, much better than being stuck with Crooked Hillary!



I’m no Hillary fan but you gota admit, at least half of the negative stuff people hate her for is made up. The attack machines run 24/7 and they use a spaghetti on the wall approach, see what sticks true or not, real or imagined. That being said, she is the right’s #1 punching bag so maybe the best thing she could do for her party at this point is throw herself off a bridge.

Trump is a daily national embarrassment though. The 30% of the population that still support him do not represent the majority of the US citizenry and should anticipate a huge blowback in November. Prepare to be demoralized.


You're correct about the attack machines running 24/7, but the attacks are directed at President Trump by the Lame Stream Media which has been having a complete hissy fit ever since he was elected. And they are becoming more unhinged every day. That's one of the reasons two thirds of Americans say the mainstream press is full of fake news:

And would those polls who say only 30% of Americans support President Trump be some of the same polls which predicted Crooked Hillary would win in a landslide? Prepare to be disappointed.



Colbert and Meyers attack Trump every day and thats just 2 people. Every main stream outlet hates Trump and continually makes false claims against him. Meanwhile there is only one yes one news outlet that supports Trump.

Another fun fact is that I just bought a LG Tv and it has internet channels included. It has every major news channel except one. I wonder which one it is? lol


I have absolutely no clue!



No...he just puts his myriad flaws out there for everyone to see.

They’re both horrible. Only one got the job though so he’s the disaster we have


It's called honesty, a concept foreign to the Left.



But be nice to be of such limited intelligence that you get to see everything in either/or.

No effort wasted thinking.


I never said I saw everything as either/or. Must be nice to be of such limited intelligence that you don't know what the f**k you're talking about.



Republicans are secretly wishing they had voted for Hilary.

No we just wish trump haden't hijacked the primaries. The GOP should haved done a better job at filtering 17 candidates. Had the democrats had a more center leaning candidate we republicans would have been happy to sit out the election.


"The GOP should haved done a better job at filtering 17 candidates."

You mean overriding the will of their voters?


No the rules of the GOP made it too easy for the vote to over fragment which allowed the candidate of slightly higher notoriety to pick off the relativly unknown candidates one by one. Believe me the GOP will make it harder for this event to happen again. In terms of the will of the voter your forgetting most republicans didn't want trump and were backing a differen't candidate.


"candidate of slightly higher notoriety"

You mean the one getting the most votes.

"most republicans didn't want trump and were backing a differen't candidate."

In a field of 17, that's going to be true for ALL candidates. It's probably true when there's only three candidates. There are going to be more people voting for all the other candidates than any one candidate. It's simple math.

In the end, Republicans coalesced around Trump and put him in the White House. There were a few holdout 'Never Trumpers', but they're just currently getting in the way. Example: We could've repealed Obamacare if McCain would've voted the way he promised he would. But his hatred for Trump made him go against his pledge. He was more concerned about his own personal feelings than what was best for the country.

"Believe me the GOP will make it harder for this event to happen again."

So they're going to do what the Democrats did, and try to swing the primary for the candidate THEY choose, and just fuck all the voters?
The truth is, the Republican Party got bulldozed by the Republican voters. And if they don't get in line and start enacting what we voted for, they're going to get bulldozed again.

As Paul Ryan said, Trump "heard a voice no one else heard." Ryan better start hearing that voice too.


In a field of 17, that's going to be true for ALL candidates. It's probably true when there's only three candidates. There are going to be more people voting for all the other candidates than any one candidate. It's simple math.

And 17 candidates was ridiculous. Thats why having only a 2 or 3 party system is better then having 10. The deomocrates only had 2 real candidates why did the republicans allow 17 to run for so long.

" The truth is, the Republican Party got bulldozed by the Republican voters. And if they don't get in line and start enacting what we voted for, they're going to get bulldozed again. "

The truth is the republicans will be lucky if they can maintain control of the house and senate let alone Donald Trump keeping the whitehouse. His aproval ratings have been in the 30s for a while now.


"His aproval ratings have been in the 30s for a while now."

His re-election is going to depend on the success of his programs in the next three years.

As for his approval ratings, I put as much faith in those as I did in the polls leading up to the election. It's clear as day that Trump supporters don't fully participate in polls.

"why did the republicans allow 17 to run for so long."

I'm guessing that Trump would've been one of the 17 you would've trimmed early. Thereby eliminating the eventual choice of the Republican electorate. And the eventual president. You seem to think the party elites have better judgment than the American people.


I'm guessing that Trump would've been one of the 17 you would've trimmed early. Thereby eliminating the eventual choice of the Republican electorate. And the eventual president. You seem to think the party elites have better judgment than the American people.

See you've missed it again. Most Republicans backed a different candidate so most republicans didn't really want trump. And if your going by the peoples voter alone Hillary would have won. Thank god the rules of the electorate at least prevented that from happening.


"Most Republicans backed a different candidate so most republicans didn't really want trump."

I already explain this earlier, and you ignored it. Try explaining what I said was wrong, instead of just repeating the same thing.

"And if your going by the peoples voter alone Hillary would have won."

There is no Electoral College in the primaries. So your point makes no sense at all.


But hillary still would have won thats the point. A governing body subverted the will of the people. You got my point even though trying to apply it to the primary which has rules of its own governing its own candidates.

I already explain this earlier, and you ignored it. Try explaining what I said was wrong, instead of just repeating the same thing.

Your doing the trump thing by pretending all the polls are rigged. So you lost credability with me. And how would you know if trump supporters are "clearly" not participating in the polls.


"Your doing the trump thing by pretending all the polls are rigged. So you lost credability with me."

And you actually think I care?

And your 'rigged' comment proves you're not grasping what I'm saying.

"And how would you know if trump supporters are "clearly" not participating in the polls."

You're not very bright, are you? In the election last year, all the pollsters were convinced that Hillary was going to win. Instead of the polls being 'rigged', it's obvious that those who were planning on voting for Trump weren't participating in their polls. They were keeping their opinion to themselves.

Now tell me again how most Republicans didn't want Trump, without understanding that 'most Republicans' didn't want any of the candidates.

You're getting tiresome with your stupidity.


Since you don't care I don't feel obligated to respond anymore to your bullshit.


"I don't feel obligated to respond anymore to your bullshit."

Not that it matters much. You're too stupid to understand this conversation.


It the GOP loses, it's on them for being so ineffective at governance. They repeated "repeal and replace" for 8 years like an OCD mantra, then they totally choked when they had to power to do it.


It the GOP loses, it's on them for being so ineffective at governance. They repeated "repeal and replace" for 8 years like an OCD mantra, then they totally choked when they had to power to do it.

I agree the GOP is pretty spineless at confronting democrat policy while democrates fight tooth and nail for their agenda. But what happens now are if gonna get stuck with a democrat all 3 branches for another 8 years now?


"I agree the GOP is pretty spineless at confronting democrat policy"

It's the anti-Trump sentiment among the Republicans that is holding up the agenda. Exactly what you're supporting. So you just called yourself spineless.


You don't care about my opinion I don't care about yours. Your too disconnected from reality and are making strange non sequitur arguments. Like "I'm calling my self spineless" and your attempts to try to declare that is a straw man. They arn't equivalent. You can respond if you want but I'm throw with discussing anything with you.


Sounds good. Your stupidity was wasting my time.


Oh come on now, Qual! You're not really stupid enough to think that, are you?



Nope. Gotta call Bullshit on this one! We are more glad every day that we elected President Trump. I'd rather stick needles in my eyes rather than vote for that arrogant, lying, corrupt Crooked Hillary!



Nope. Gotta call Bullshit on this one! We are more glad every day that we elected President Trump. I'd rather stick needles in my eyes rather than vote for that arrogant, lying, corrupt Crooked Hillary!

Trump was a better vote then hillary. But he still sucks as a president and a human being.


He leaves something to be desired as a person (kind of obnoxious at times), but he is an excellent President. And that's all I care about.



He leaves something to be desired as a person (kind of obnoxious at times), but he is an excellent President. And that's all I care about.

I don't find him to be a very effective president at all. But he's not Hillary and thats all I care about.


Then you're not paying attention, crc. He has accomplished an amazing amount of things. But rather than drone on by listing his many accomplishments, I'll just give you this one statistic:

On Election Day Nov 8, 2016 the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) closed at 18,259.60.

On Friday Jan 12, 2017 the DJIA closed at 25.803.19. It has SOARED 7,543.59 points since Trump was elected.
The Market knows. And you ain't seen nothin' yet. The Tax Cuts will continue to spur our economy upwards.

And you're welcome.



Then you're not paying attention, crc. He has accomplished an amazing amount of things. But rather than drone on by listing his many accomplishments, I'll just give you this one statistic:

Any accomplishments he's made is dwarfed by his twitter tantrums. If he could stay off his danm phone more people would respect him. I doubt the stock market has anything to do with Trumps policy but I can be hopeful that he did influence the stock market. He needs more wins to counter balance the bullshit that for some reason keeps rolling out of his mouth and all over twitter..


Okay, so what you're saying is that you're more concerned with the sometimes stupid things he says on Twitter rather than on the great things he done for the country, like driving up the DJIA UP 7,543 points,
and cutting our taxes?

Are you really that obtuse and selfish? Is your hatred of the man so intense that you would rather see the country suffer, than have him as our President? Jesus! That makes you a real dick!



Okay, so what you're saying is that you're more concerned with the sometimes stupid things he says on Twitter rather than on the great things he done for the country, like driving up the DJIA UP 7,543 points,
and cutting our taxes?

I'm more concerned with his electability in 2020. If he could get people to respect him more he'd be able to be the "negotiator" that he claims to be, and its pretty dishonest to conclude Trump caused wall street to be where it is, but trumps habit of taking credit for it was not unexpected.

Yay we get tax cuts. What else has he done.
He didn't prosecute the clintons
He still hasn't built a wall and we all knew Mexico wasn't going to pay for it. Why would they.
And about making America greate again.. We're all still waiting.

What you dont get is Trump as of now is un electable, his aproval rating is in the 30s. Most of america Hates trump and considers him to be on the emotional level of a child and actually view him as a child. That perception is going to catch up with him.

I don't hate the man I just wish some one would fix his brain so that he slows down and thinks about what hes going to say instead of vocalizing every thought he farts out of his head,


So do you really believe the polls which say his approval rating is in the 30s? Are those the same polls which predicted Crooked Hillary would win in a landslide?

And why are you worried about his elect-ability? The next presidential election is three years away. A LOT can happen in three years.

As to his tweets, at least you know he's honest, unlike most politicians.



So do you really believe the polls which say his approval rating is in the 30s? Are those the same polls which predicted Crooked Hillary would win in a landslide?[/quote]
Polls showed a land slide prediction before comey announced he was re investigating clinton. After that the polls showed a toss up it was only liberal media anchors(Which is like most of them) anchors that kept impying it was gonna be a land slide not the polls.

And why are you worried about his elect-ability? The next presidential election is three years away. A LOT can happen in three years.[/quote]

Be cause not worrying about it is how people loose elections Genius.

" As to his tweets, at least you know he's honest, unlike most politicians.

He's brash and speaks his mind but he's said plenty of things that lead me to believe he's anything but honest particularly when he bluffs with the "... and I have proof" comments.

He coulden't produce tapes he claims he had of comey and later recanted like people are stupid to believe his own words that he had comey taped.

He hasn't shown an IQ report to prove how he's really intelligent despite "having proof".

He claimed he had a great conversation with that gold star widow and had proof but we never saw or heard it leaving us with she said he said.

And now he claims he's a stable Genius. No offer of proof this time thoughI wonder what happened there.

I mean for real this guy should just try to shut up for a while since his words so far always hurt his reputation.


So you have no problem with him as a President, just as a person?



You keep arriving at strange conclusions. I can tolerate him as president but thats about it. Remember I did vote for the bastard. He's more of an ass hole then hillary but he's harmless compared to her.


I'd rather have a tough, competent CEO who's as asshole than that lying, cheating, stealing Crooked Hillary! She's also quite probably an accessory to several murders.
She's a horrible excuse for a human being.

And after she allowed four brave Americans to be killed at Benghazi, she had the nerve to say, "At this point, what difference does it make?" Cold, man.

BTW the DJIA has SOARED 7,543.59 points since he was elected. The Market knows.
And he and Congress just lowered your taxes.

And you're welcome.



PS Have you ever stopped to consider that since the entire Lame Stream Media is on a 24/7 mission to destroy him, that most of the stuff they report is pure bullshit, or of such a trivial nature it's not worth our time to consider?

Or in the President's words "fake news".



PS Have you ever stopped to consider that since the entire Lame Stream Media is on a 24/7 mission to destroy him, that most of the stuff they report is pure bullshit, or of such a trivial nature it's not worth our time to consider?

What did the lame stream midia hack his twitter account too?


Uh, the word you wanted there was "media", crc.



Or have you considered the fact that he's tough enough to be able to take all this abuse, and strong enough to fight back? They've been pounding him 24/7 for two years. How long do you think you could take this abuse?



His reactions indicate he's pretty thin skinned.


You say thin skinned, I say he's tough, and he doesn't take shit from anybody!

On the other hand Crooked Hillary is a cold, calculating, arrogant, lying, cheating, stealing corrupt bitch! And quite possibly an accessory to several murders.
And she's done nothing but whine and cry and blame everyone but herself for the last year.



hillary's vagina has cottonmouth


LMAO over here, legnad! Good one, thanks!



his presidency will be regarded as the gold standard of US men for centuries to come


Amen, Bro. And it's driving the Lefty Loons bat shit crazy!!

