MovieChat Forums > Jussie Smollett Discussion > Can we all agree that at the very least ...

Can we all agree that at the very least Jussie Smollett is a moron?

Just say he did mistake two black Nigerian brothers already known to him for white MAGA supporters talking about 'Trump country' in the middle of Chicago, how frickin stupid would he have to be to believe that?

At this stage I might be inclined to say I was part of a conspiracy and risk a criminal prosecution, simply to avoid coming across as the biggest frickin moron in the world.

Cue a hundred 'but fear of racism/homophobia incapacitates a person's mental faculties' excuses, but as I keep saying, how dumb do you have to be to believe that the Odundairo Brothers were white Americans? Clearly they're better actors than the professional actor in this scenario.


Jussie's attorney said last week it was "plausible" that the brothers were wearing whiteface.


Well, Jussie's lawyer would say that, wouldn't they?

But my argument here hypothetically takes Jussie's narrative at face value.

I'm saying that even if we accept Jussie's version of events, in fact if we especially take his version of events, he must be an idiot.


My point is his attorney is a bigger idiot for making that statement.


Ah, my apologies for misunderstanding you, but bear in mind that some people here do believe Jussie and his lawyer's narrative.


"But my argument here hypothetically takes Jussie's narrative at face value."

The Nigerian brothers refused to stand behind their story, and their attorney ran away, called it quits.

Why don't you take THEIR bullshit at whiteface value???

Come on. There's got to be a good reason Jussie is so fearlessly fighting this and willing to sue the Chicago PD over it. There's got to be a reason the brothers and their attorney have fallen like a house of cards.



You seem to have very strong opinions of what should and should not have happened. I'm curious as to where these opinions are coming from. Have you ever been the victim of a violent hate crime such as this in the middle of the night?


No, and neither has Jussie Smollett.

If he was beaten up by two black men, how can this assault be a 'hate crime'?


Well he is also gay so theoretically the attack could've been about that. But I really doubt it and think it's likely he did in fact orchestrate this. Too much doesn't add up for him to be innocent.


He needs to be locked away for 10 years .he's a scum bag punk . trying to make our great president Trump's supporters look bad


Trump is a racist asshole, and so are many of his supporters. They don't need Jussie to make them look bad.

Still doesn't justify Jussie's lies or stupidity though.


you're an idiot


You Have Got To Be Kidding / Trolling ! Trump is milking his base for race hate. He's not George Wallace and he realizes it's 2019 but he's gonna wring all he can out of this unexpected, unwarranted and godawful event. This isn't Progress, it's Regress.


Progress isn't a good thing by default.


Splain Loocy?


For example, Hitler was trying to wipe out all of the Jews, and he certainly made progress in his attempt. I don't think most people consider that a good thing.
We have made progress in spoiling and coddling the current younger generation to an insane level, and now they mistakenly think they lack the ignorance and arrogance that plagues all young people of previous generations. That is also not a good thing.


Regardless of who you believe - the police/prosecutors or Smollett - Jussie's career may not survive this.

He wasn't the first nor will be the last to pull a stunt like this. His career may end up like Stephen Glass's.


Dude, he's the uber supreme liberal superhero - he's gay, he's black, he hates MAGA. The only thing that works against him is the fact that he's not a woman - but that can be fixed! Given how hollywood is liberal as well, I see him getting a promotion in the near future, not demotion - though possibly via a hire on another - bigger show.


Just shut up. You are such a hater, I'm appalled. I don't necessarily believe JS, but to turn the event into a liberal bashing is despicable. When despicable people use circumstances to promote their hatred, it's simply despicable.


Jussie Smollett is the first beneficiary Black privilege.


Someone had to, and this is the first I've heard about Black privilege. There are generations of Blacks laughing there asses off at your statement. In your mind I imagine - Black Lives Don't Matter.


Of course you haven't, it just became a thing.

Also, you don't speak for anyone but yourself.

In conclusion, No lives matter.


Black lives DO matter, so tell them to quit killing each other at a whim over turf, drugs, whatever.


Jussie Smollett is the first beneficiary Black privilege.

Yeah, right. Black privilege has been rampant for decades now, especially Liberal or Muslim black privilege.

How does Farrakhan get away with his constant outrageous racist blather? (Which you don't hear about because the LIEberal media ignores it). Why are severe black-on-white crimes swept under the rug by the lamestream media? How come the liberal media doesn't denounce black politicians in South Africa legally taking measures to seize the property of white citizens without compensation? What about all the "No Whites Allowed" activities/items that have been propping up? (Google it). If a sign said "Whites Only" or "No Blacks Allowed" there would be a seething media outrage.

What about the recent case at the Mall of America where a black Muslim pushed a white boy off the 3rd story balcony and there's been utter media silence? Imagine the outrage if a white Christian male did the same to a black boy?


there are other morons who believe he could've fought them off


well you know what government scientists says about ...


A lying moron with a smug face that just begs to be hit with a big messy pie.
