MovieChat Forums > Sinéad O'Connor Discussion > Makes fun of Catholicism, but converts t...

Makes fun of Catholicism, but converts to Islam

They kill homosexuals, treat women like property, their founder married a 9 year old.

Good job Sinead.


The woman is a total idiot

She had a couple of great songs but then she got weirder than Bjork...I'm growing tired of famous, rich flakes

How do you earn millions and become famous and loved only to totally flame out like a big dummy?


Did Bjork EVER do or say anything as batshit crazy is this lady?


Probably not


Well there's this


That's a young woman acting silly. Nothing wrong with that.


How about This?


I believe her story--the reporter was probably talking shit to her nonstop and she had enough. Not a damn thing unusual about her behavior.

Look, I know she's a little weird, but she's nothing like Skinhead O'Connor. Bjork's weirdness is artsy-fartsy. Skinhead is just plain deranged.


Hey, no argument from me. I'm just saying we may not want to hold up bjork as a beacon of sanity. And I say that as a long time bjork fan.


I agree.


There's a great comment to that video about the son saying Mom why didn't you go for the cameraman first?

Just brilliant.


"Next time, think" is what gets me xD


She is supposed to be a manic depressive ( bipolar disorder ). If that doesn't explain her irrational behaviour then I guess she must be " Illuminati ", it's the only other explanation.


Yeah can't make that up, really.

However, it is clear she is tremendously ill and faces demons everyday we perhaps cannot even imagine.
It is easy to shit on her, but in the end, behind all this is a human being with massive issues that made bad decisions in life and now struggles to find its way.


All true - we don't know what demons she fights daily, but you can't really blame the good and decent people she shits on for shitting on her back either.


meh what good and decent people? the Catholic Church not only helped hide and move around hundreds possibly thousands of pedophiles, they helped nazis escape in ww2.

good people are good. religion makes good people do horrible things cause "its gods will"


OK, you've got issues with the Church. Fine. I'm not Catholic (agnostic) and I have problems with the way they hid their pedophiles. But mostly and more recently, I've come to hate the Catholic Church for their blatant racism and move towards Marxism. I hope the Church collapses in my lifetime.

But the VAST majority of rank and file Catholics in my acquaintance and former employ were/are wonderful people.


"OK, you've got issues with the Church. Fine. I'm not Catholic (agnostic) and I have problems with the way they hid their pedophiles. But mostly and more recently, I've come to hate the Catholic Church for their blatant racism and move towards Marxism. I hope the Church collapses in my lifetime."

LOL marxism.

1. Jesus was pretty much a marxist
2. the church is in NO WAY marxist. just like the democrats aren't

"But the VAST majority of rank and file Catholics in my acquaintance and former employ were/are wonderful people."

yaa for sure. and in my country religious extremism is few and far between unlike the USA. we have the a la carte christians here who maybe go to church occasionally


Wow, you are just a whole bag of issues.. LOL. That hatred will just eat you up from the inside out. Best of luck with that.


"Wow, you are just a whole bag of issues..."

Yes because I don't call one of the wealthiest organizations in the world, the incredible capitalistic, rich and corporate run Catholic Church marxist. Because maybe this pope said something about helping the poor... wow so marxist. they def want a command centrally planned economy....

and I rightfully called out Jesus for being a pretty strong progressive if not marxist

"That hatred will just eat you up from the inside out. "

because im calling a spade a spade? i'm sorry you dont even have a basic understanding of political science and throw terms out you dont understand. Its apparent grade 10 kids in a civics class knows more about marxism and Political science than you do.

yes im so full of hate because I actually know what words mean and agree most christians are wonderful people. when will my hatred ever stop!


was this the big marxist push?

"As little as 10% of donations by Roman Catholics that are specifically advertised as helping the poor and suffering actually go toward charitable work, The Wall Street Journal reports."


"Jesus was pretty much a marxist"

Proof that you are a raving lunatic. Did Marx have a time machine?


It's possible that Jesus was the one that went to the future instead. No need for a time machine. He's the Son of God for Christ's sake.


I mean by interpretations of his hate of wealth, pro redistribution etc.

wow talk about taking things too literally. you are retarded


I agree religion is dumb as hell and people are hypocrites.


What do you mean, "makes fun of"? Didn't she expose the Catholic church's practice of covering up rampant sex abuse among the clergy? That sounds a little more serious than "making fun of" implies.


yep. conservatives defending pedos. theres no low for them


I don't think it needs her to expose what everybody knows anyways.

It's just as "brave" as "fighting for the climate"...


Were you alive in 1992?




Well, maybe your memory is better than mine, but I don't remember everyone knowing about it. Most people didn't seem to have any idea what she was doing or why. Of course, it was proven since then to be a worldwide problem.


It was known. We knew about it before Spotlight. That report just confirmed the issue.

Too bad the public school sex abuse issue gets very little reporting. They pulled the same practices.


she was unstable BEFORE she made it big in 1990. People tend to forget that


People who reach her level of hate towards Christianity are irrational and fanatic. It's all based on the fact that is what they grew up as. It's not based on facts - like Islam being wwaaaaay worse, for example. Islam can't move past biblical times/the middle ages. Christianity - like all religions - had it's crusades 100s of years ago. Islam never stopped.


Most people that end up hating their childhood religion just hate the most judgmental people in their parish, temple, mosque, etc... in every group, there's always that group of jerks.


It's the same mentality. Yes, it's based on encounters with a small number of people and yes it's based on what they grew up in. Objectively speaking? Islam is waaaaaaaaaaaaay worse than Christianity in this day and age.


Leave Sinead alone...
