MovieChat Forums > James Gunn Discussion > Suicide Squad Director Named in Underage...

Suicide Squad Director Named in Underage Sex Assault Lawsuit for Hosting Pedophile-Themed Party

Oh let’s just forgive him again shall we?


Fake News!


Ok pedo.


Ok faggot! Never reported on any news sites.


Ok pedo.


What sock account is this?


He's now ready for Disney or Nickelodeon.


How many chances are they going to give this man???

reply lol. Legitimate source you got there.


James Gunn is actually friends with this guy. He even cast him in GOTG 2.


Jack Posobiec, HAHHAHAHAHA!


Come on, man! He's the cleanest and smartest guy in Hollywood.


I don't like Gunn, but I fail to see how this is sound evidence of him being tied to the assault in any way. When you look at the kind of sense of humor Gunn has, as displayed both in his personal Twitter and his non-Marvel films, it's clear he likes shocking, offensive stuff. If he really were a pedo, he'd probably do everything he can to hide and conceal it, rather than play it up for laughs (you've gotta be one stupid idiot to allow yourself be photographed near where you were doing that sort of thing).

If I had to guess what happened, it'd be that Gunn and his pals mistakened Euringer to be the same kinda guy he is, a normal guy pretending to be a pedophile just for the sake of being offensively funny. At most, Gunn may have known or suspected what the other James was doing, but didn't do anything about it and just kind of let it slide (like many of the folks associated with Weinstein). Still deplorable, but not quite near the ballpark of actually partaking in the assaults himself. The latter just makes him another victim of the bystander effect.


not surprised. Watch this guy in the making of suicide squad featurette
