MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Trump is going to win again.

Trump is going to win again.

I hate Trump, but if Biden is the candidate going up against him, this has a Trump win all over it.


Yep. Trump's base is larger than it was in 2016 as well. Dementia Joe's VP Pick will be the one to keep an eye out for because if somehow he is able to clinch a win, that person will likely take over as President.


I've noticed a lot of people coming around to him. If Hillary cheated and still couldn't win against him, I don't see how Biden would be different.


He will. I can't believe all the Dems could muster up was old Joe.


So many options of fruit but they chose a prune.


As a non American, I'm fully aware that the Democrats paint Trump as an unstable, Misogynistic, racist who's unfit for President. So I'm just a little bit baffled as to why they themselves have chosen this senile, Misogynistic, racist who's unfit for President to go up against him. lol.


My thoughts exactly, Harro.


The fact that he's a racist is largely glossed over. He has the right little letter after his name to get away with being a racist. That's just how the two-party system works.


Didn't Biden pal around with a Klan member?


Senator Robert Byrd was a Klan member for sometime in the 40s-50s. He and Biden made some appearances together but it didn't appear to be sinister in nature but it is true.


Yeah you know if President Trump did that the media would hit the fan.


No doubt. The media and endless partisan muckraking has turned politics into a royal cesspool where We The People will never win anything. The powers-that-be know how to lead people around by their dicks.


It's really incompetence vs. incompetence jr.


Trump could cure cancer, end world hunger and save the puppies and the loony left would still find something wrong with him because he beat their bitch Hilary.


Exactly, they care more about their own egos and scoring cheap political points than the welfare of the country, the Democrats are some sick, disturbed individuals.


Thats American politics for you.


It's all about who can get their base out and I have a hard time believing that Biden can get his base out with "hate Trump", "the police are out to get you", "you're a victim", etc. Obama won because he had a very positive message and he was very enthusiastic and charismatic (very much the opposite of McCain) and he was able to get Democrats out to vote in record numbers. Hillary who could have been the winner of another "historical election" did not have the same enthusiasm and she had a reputation and record of being untrustworthy and she did not get nearly the turnout Obama did. Biden is now tied to "defund the police" and he's going to have to answer for the 8 disastrous years from 2009 - 2016 and I have a feeling that more moderate Democrats who would have voted for Obama are not going to turn out for Biden as he has embraced the radical left. Not only that but he's just one of those "old white men" that many on the left despise.

Trump has challenges as well, while alot of what has happened in the past 4 months have not been his fault the Democrats are going to do everything they can to blame him for it and he's going to have to find a way around that and have a positive message going forward.

Overall it's all about turnout, whoever can energize their base will win the election which is why I take these current polls with a grain of salt.


This is why I have a problem when people keep repeating "vote, vote, vote". Sometimes not voting is sending a message. The low turnout of the last election was a big hint and yet they choose Biden to run against Donald.


I think there is a significant possibility that Biden is not the candidate on the ballot in November. Look at the pathetic videos of a confused Biden rambling on. They must be doing multiple takes, is this the best video they can get of him? Why are they being released? I see these possibilities. Biden’s staff are all incompetent - doubtful. Biden’s staff are trying to sabotage his campaign so he can be replaced on the ballot without an uproar. Any other reason?


What amazaes me is that no one decides to vote independent or green. Maybe it's my Canadian mentality because we have 5 major parties, but they should be given a fair chance in the debates.


Libertarian, third in last election.


I say give them a shot. Make 'em first.


Landslide , Trump's base will stick with him no matter what , Dems are too busy rioting in their cities


I find it strange. Going up against Trump is almost a slam dunk but the liberals choose the easiest people to beat. All it takes is someone not creepy who doesn't virtue signal and you pretty much have it in the bag.


IF Trump wins again Creepy Joe will announce his dementia diagnosis the next day.


I went looking for the "Like" button, so true!


It’s going to be all about the VP


I'm amazed he's gone this far without announcing who it's going to be.


The people pulling the strings have got to see the writing on the wall. Biden was a bad choice but it’s getting late so he has to have a super charismatic VP. One that has all the right boxes checked like a woke black female. If they win, and Biden starts to cognitively slip more, well then he has a health issue and has to step down.
