MovieChat Forums > Mike Tyson Discussion > This is all you need to know about this ...

This is all you need to know about this man.

Tyson was convicted of raping beauty pageant contestant Desiree Washington on Feb. 10, 1992, and served three years in prison. His former wife, actor Robin Givens, also said in divorce papers that their late-1980s marriage was characterized by "unprovoked rages of violence and destruction."

The man is a thug and fucking animal, and that is that.


You are saying a person can't change or learn.

Every person who commits a crime should either do life or be killed to solve the issue because they can't change.

Look at a persons actions Mike for many years now is different he knew he had problems and is trying to fix them.

What you need to do is look at a persons history and the time frame if you had done any research about Mikes past you would see why he was like this and how today he has been working towards being a better calmer person which is difficult to do while competing as well at highest level as a fighter.


A leopard never changes its spots.


Yes they do. Often .
Not all the time , but some of the time.


He gets pissed off even when you bring it up. Tyson isn't holding himself accountable for his actions.


i recall the girl went to his hotel in the middle of the night , which adult in his/her right mind does that if not for sex?

i also recall seeing interviews of her friends saying she was really into him.

i am not a fan of his or anything, just common sense makes me doubt her; if he was a bus driver or factory worker i am pretty sure the girl wouldnt have sued him...


Look up the case dimwit.

The only reason Mike went to jail is because he refused to cop to a lesser plea and settle the case. He refused to admit that he did anything wrong. Against the advice of his lawyers he went to trial. He was convicted. He accepted responsibility for the verdict. He did his time like a man and he paid his debt to society.

What are you? Some #metoo douchebag?

You bumped an old Jerry Lewis thread? Are you stalking me? LOL Get a life loser.

I like Mike.


I always stalk TROLLS.


That makes you...a troll.


I'm stalking YOU... Troll.


Get a job. Move out of your parents' house. Being an adult isn't as terrifying as you think it is.


Really disappointed in you. What a dumb thread and things to say.
Expected much better from someone with such a cool Bladerunner reference as nickname.

Be better, man. Be fucking better.


LMAO, and if you think you can fucking gaslight me just because of my handle, dream on you cock head.


I don't think you know what gaslighting is.
Actually, I am sure you don't.

Maybe invest more time in education instead of insulting people... or rather yourself.


Perfectly said, Callahan.


Mike could have been railroaded. Only two people were in that room.

What I want to know is if Desiree Washington thought they were going to Tyson's apartment at 2AM to view his etchings? Sounds like next morning regret to me. She also testified that she told Tyson she wasn't on the pill and didn't want to get pregnant, so he pulled out before he finished on her stomach. Do rapists comply with that? Maybe, but it sounds suspicious to me. She also accused someone else of rape in high school. Maybe that happened (and I hope it didn't because no woman should have to endure that), but all we have to go on is circumstantial evidence.



Maybe not.

Women lie all the time.

He wasn't accused of any of this stuff when he was poor......but when he became wealthy and rich and famous and women start THROWING THEMSELVES AT HIM like he is a rock star.................THAT is when he starts choosing to abuse women? When they stand to get tons of money out of him?

Maybe not.
We weren't there. I don't claim to know what really happened.

I did see the Barbara Walters interview and her belittle and emasculate her husband on national TV. I couldn't think any less of woman. What a back stabbing, disrespectful piece of garbage.


Lol. Robin Givens is a known lying ass hoe. Her and her mom. They treated Mike poorly. She knows how to play the "victim" card.

--Michael D. Clarke


I'm sure Iron Mike wouldn't hurt a fly.


No, this isn't all I need to know. Before I could decide what I think about him, I'd have to research all of the evidence in the trial and decide for myself. I'd also have to know what he's been doing the past three decades.
