MovieChat Forums > Walt Disney Discussion > Proof of his anti-Semitism

Proof of his anti-Semitism

Has anyone ever actually produced empirical evidence he was an anti-Semite? It seems like one of those things people parrot without actually having proof to back it up.


I never heard that accusation against him before. I agree with you, it requires proof to malign someone like that.

reply did an article a while back that addressed this matter, based on Neal Gabler's biography of Walt Disney:
From the article:

Gabler posits that the charges stemmed less from personal behavior and more from Disney’s association with the very anti-Semitic Motion Picture Alliance, which the CEO founded after a particularly bitter labor dispute in 1941. Even if he wasn’t personally anti-Semitic, Gabler allows that Disney “willingly, even enthusiastically, embraced [anti-Semites] and cast his fate with them.”


So, then, he was not an anti-Semite.


Yeah, so no proof whatsoever that he was an anti-Semite.


I don't care if he was or was not anti-Semitic. I'm most definitely not, myself, but I understand that many people in the past were. It doesn't necessarily mean they were horrible people. Walt was as enthusiastic about defeating the Nazis as anybody, and I'm certain he was shocked when the information about the death camps was revealed. Very few people born in the late 19th or early 20th centuries would pass a 21st century political correctness analysis, including most of our ancestors. To judge them on that basis is a fool's errand.


He fought the Nazis the best way he could, with cartoons, most notably with Der Fuehrer's Face.


Good point.


Nope, not only zero evidence to back up that rumor, it was thoroughly and completely debunked. I think it took on a new life when Family Guy made a joke about it.


Yes, constantly seeing those episodes (I think they've done it twice) prompted me to research it myself.


Good for you. The problem with making a joke about racism is that too often people assume where there's smoke, there's fire - and that's a grenade you can't unthrow.

By all accounts, Walt Disney was a true gentleman with no hate of anyone. Even the few ex-employees that didn't like him personally said the anti-Semitic charges were bullshit.


There is a judgement missile headed our way from the future.


This is no proof. This is just more bullshit from the woke warriors that love to tell the world that X was anti-semite when X is dead because he can't defend himself... or if it is someone that they liked they will claim the person was really gay. Agenda driven bullshit. If a person comes out and says he's gay then I'll accept that he is... if a person comes out and says he hates Jews I'll accept that as fact as well... but I won't buy into the bullshit throw about by woke warriors looking to take someone down they don't like or twist someone's sexuality simply because it make them feel better about their own homosexuality. I've known way to many of these idiot in college and their actions get tired. I remember a class that discussed the Palestinians and Israelis and their situation in the Middle East, and if anyone ever defended the Palestinians or disagreed with something the Israelis did (like bulldozing the house of the family of any Palestinian that did something to an Israelis, the morons in the class would instantly brand the person a anti-semite. For many of these idiots if you are kissing the Jews ass and patting them on the back for everything they do you're an anti-semite. It is almost as if they want the world to hate them.


0:00 intro
3:19 who do you think of when you hear the word “disney”
5:25 snow white, song of the south, and dumbo
9:20 was the company ever “good”
12:02 its ok to like disney
13:06 commercial
14:18 yes he was talented but thats no excuse
19:34 “but that’s how things were back then!”
23:32 the goal of diversity is to make money
27:27 closing thoughts


The standards for anti Semitism have become ridiculous. Today you're called an anti Semite for merely acknowledging the reality that different ethnic groups has different interests.


Nazi dog whistles.


Irrelevant argument. Jews as a people have their own ethnic interests just like anyone else, and their interest will not always be in parallel to the interest of others and the larger society . Being aware of that does not make you a Nazi.


Nazi dog whistles by an obvious Nazi.


OK troll


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.


"Everyone who I don't like is a Nazi"


Straw man. You're quite obviously a Nazi.


No it's not a straw man. You called me a Nazi for simply stating the fact that different ethnic groups have different interests proving my point that you call everyone you don't like a Nazi.


No, I called you a Nazi because you a) use obvious Nazi dog whistles (which I know, since I've been debunking Nazi trolls for well over 15+ years) and b) are an obvious Nazi as confirmed by a cursory glance at your profile.


Right wing =/= Nazi. There are plenty of Jewish right wingers. But you're an obvious leftie moron who can't tell the difference.

And dog whistle is not the same as giving your honest opinion. By your own logic I could claim that you're a communist and that your posts are communist dog whistles.


You engage in obvious anti-Semitic Nazi dog whistles which makes you a Nazi.

No doubt you'd like that, Nazi.

Hitler does not regard himself as a revolutionary; he has become so only by force of circumstances. Fascism has discovered that freedom—of press, speech, assembly—is a potential danger to its own security. In Fascist phraseology democracy is often coupled with Communism. The Fascist battle against freedom is often carried forward under the false slogan of 'Down with Communism!' One of the chief German complaints against democratic Czechoslovakia last summer was that it was an "outpost of Communism.'


Again with ad hominem fallacy, name calling no arguments. Make an actual arguments and stop wasting my time.


Don't give that douchebag the courtesy of a reply. I guarantee that someone trolling this hard with only 84 posts is a fucking sad sock account because everyone blocked the last one. Best to ignore them.


"Everyone who I don't like is a Nazi"

As soon as you're called a Nazi, you can assume that you're dealing with person with no understanding of history. They "research" and re-quote garbage they read on-line that supports their lies. It's called confirmation bias.

Here's the entirety of what these dim bulbs knows: "History says Hitler is bad. Everyone I hate must be bad. Everyone I hate is a Nazi".

Makes perfect sense to them. Best not to debate fools.


New troll on the block!

SJW who calls everyone a Nazi. Where are the moderators?


Lol, you're one of the most well-known Nazi trolls on these boards...

Indeed... Where the hell are the moderators?


Tell me you don't know shit about history/Nazi's without telling me you don't know shit about history/Nazi's.


The plural of the word "Nazi" is "Nazis". And I've forgotten more about Nazis than you know.


Haha I guess that's why everyone is one then?

No possibility of you addressing the argument I see 🤣🤒


You're a fascist Trumptard, so what does it matter?


I don't support Trump lol and you may want to look up the meaning of the overused word fascists there.


I read that people who overuse and incorrectly use the term "fascist", do it because it is a substitute for having an actual cock in their mouth. Maybe you should just shut up and find a dick to suck?


He was clearly anti union (not surprising) and it's likely many labor leaders were Jewish. That make him antisemitic?
Walt like to play the communist card. Not a nice thing to do to cartoonists who worked long hours designing his hit films, just because they wanted a raise.


One look at your posting history explains why you were BANNED a year ago.
