MovieChat Forums > George Clooney Discussion > I can't name a more smug celebrity.

I can't name a more smug celebrity.

He's tops on the list.


Donald Trump.






You have any examples of him being smug?


His Oscar speech.



He was mostly sending himself up at the beginning, then he thanked his fellow nominees. OK, the mention of Hattie McDaniel was a little cringeworthy, but I can't see how you get smug from that appearance at all.


Bringing up how he was also up for best director an splaying it off like he wasn't going to win and making that joke about him being the sexiest man alive.


If you cant see the obvious, self deprecating humour in what he said, I feel sorry for you...


I don't see how bringing up him being the sexist man alive is self deprecating. Uglist man alive is a different story.


Yes, I know you dont. And thats your problem.

The thing is, you don't like him. Thats fine. Plenty of actors i don't like.

But the difference is that actors i dont like, I ignore. I dont watch their movies, and I dont look at or read anything about them.

But some people seem to go out of their way to find more reasons to dislike them. And i dont get that.

For claim he is smug, and cite his 2006 oscar acceptance speech.

2006. 14 years ago, and yet you still appear affected by it.

Very irrational if you ask me.


Roman Polanski raped a kid in the 70s. Am I going to change my opinion just because it was well over 40 years ago? Every interview Clooney gives he always put on this fake smile and feels he's better than everyone else. Here are two more:


What on earth? How are you making a comparison between Polanski and Clooney?

Polanski's crime is well documented. And yet you compare this to an actor who is "smug"? In your opinion, I should add.

You are way, way off base with this.

Might I suggest you stop reading about Clooney and what he does. You don't have to of course, but you may find it will improve your mood, and maybe even your life immeasurably.


I'm not equating with what Polanski did with how something that Clooney said. I'm saying that just because years have passed ,that doesn't mean that they're changed people.

Look at a post on this thread. I'm not the only one who felt that way about his Oscar speech.


Where do I start with this....

What Polanski did is a documented, legal fact.

You are equating that with your opinion that you think Clooney is smug.

The two are simply world apart. The "people don't change" argument in this case is ludicrous.

And now you bring in the opinions of others.


Is your opinion somehow not need to to seek support from others with the same opinion?

Its irrelevant. Your opinion should be the only one that matters. Its not a numbers game. Your opinion should not validated by others, no matter howmany they may be.


Is your opinion somehow not need to to seek support from others with the same opinion?

No I don't need to seek support from others. A) Because they responded to the topic and B) I say it because you wrote this:
If you cant see the obvious, self deprecating humour in what he said, I feel sorry for you...

So it's not just me that doesn't see the self deprecating humour. It's also the writers of South Park, the comments in the YouTube video as well as the two users who responded below that clip. "Responded". Not me asking for an opinion. Now back up the claim that I'm the one who can't see it when I have proved to you that it's not just me who sees it that way.

The best part is now you say this:
And now you bring in the opinions of others.

If what George said was so obvious, why would you state that it is an opinion of others? Seems to me like you're aware people view it differently than you.


Jesse Eisenberg



What did I just watch?


I was going to post that as well. Years ago, South Park had an episode called Smug Alert and they made fun of Clooney and his Oscar speech.


Oh, so they see what I see then.


You are so clearly unconvinced by your own opinion, that you continue to seek validation from others.

If you are resolute on your opinion, the thoughts of others should not matter.

Even if you are the one person in a million who has a differing viewpoint.

Frankly...anyone who seeks to have their opinion validated by others is clearly insecure and unconvinced by their own thoughts.


Show me where I went out to "seek validation" and how I "continue" to do so.


.....and you surely *win* the internet (because, Brad Pitt aside, I can't think of a more over-praised, overrated 'actor' ever!)


The feed their smugness off of each other.


Him and Bono and Prince Harry probably get together on zoom and jack off whilst virtue signalling, smug hypocritical twats.


At least Bono gives to charity and seems like he cares. He just does it in his private jet.


