MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you ever watched a "bad" movie more...

Have you ever watched a "bad" movie more than once?

A movie you disliked.


I've seen "The Room" and "Deep Blue Sea" so many times.


Yep, both are terrific nonsense, movies that exist to rain ridicule upon for shits and giggles either with friends or even alone.

I'd say that Plan 9 From Outer Space and Jaws IV: The Revenge qualify as terrible movies that are oddly fun to rewatch.


Never seen any Jaws after part 1.


You didn't miss shit.

Part IV is just remarkable for how ridiculous it is, just everything about it is remarkably stupid to the point of being memorable.


I have probably seen part IV at least 200 times. I'm not even joking. As a kid, I used to be obsessed with that movie...having no clue about the "Revenge" aspect.


#2 was good wasnt it?
I've watched that many times

Never even seen #3 or #4 because of their rep


Jaws IV has one of my favourite taglines: "This time, it's personal."


Of course. I've done film classes, so for that reason. But also, I've had the experience of watching a movie in adulthood I disliked as a kid and fallen in love with it, so I'm open to that happening with other films (although the reverse has happened probably more often). And sometimes it's just masochism, coz you're trying to figure out why you hate something or why others love it so much.


But also, I've had the experience of watching a movie in adulthood I disliked as a kid and fallen in love with it...

Me too, more than once.


That's the beauty of film, there's a lot you don't understand or appreciate as a kid that you can come back to and enjoy later if you're open to it.


I mostly just watch 'em through Redlettermedia's Best of the Worst


Not anymore but I used to. Back when I wanted to be a filmmaker. I used to watch bad movies more than good ones to find out why they were bad and what was wrong with them. Learn what not to do and what might seem like a good idea on set but doesn't work on screen. It was a big silly waste of time and I put that behind me.


What happened to cause you to not end up pursuing the career?


No.. If I don't care for it, then it goes in the pile of Blu Ray/DVD movies that suck and I bring back to V-STOCK for a credit


I was never a fan of the original Spiderman that came out in 2002. I thought it was stupid and incredibly cheesy. It did have a great soundtrack though. I tried watching it again years later and I wanted to like it but still thought it was a bad movie. Spiderman 2 is still one of the best Comic Book movies ever made.


SPIDER-MAN 2 nailed it with Doc Ock.. It really was good


I’ve tried to watch Pulp Fiction a few times. Can never get through it.


😮 Slow, yet action packed. Seen it more than once.


So plain bad movies? Not movies that are so bad they're good?


That's more obvious why you'd watch those again. They actually good.
