MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Worst casting for a major role.

Worst casting for a major role.

Margot Kidder for Lois Lane in Superman.

She's right for Lois Lane, but wrong as a love interest for Christopher Reeve. I wish they'd romance tested him with other actresses.


Can't go past hiring a black woman for Princess Ariel!




So, what color skin do real mermaids have?

THEY DON'T HAVE SKIN COLORS, BECAUSE MERMAIDS DON'T EXIST, IDIOT! So if you're going to cast a human as a mermaid, the last thing that matters about the casting is their skin color.


I said Princess Ariel, not a mermaid you fool.


She's princess of the imaginary undersea kingdom, because her father is a merman and he's the king. And since mermaids and mermen are sometimes pictured with green or blue skin, why the hell not brown!




Stop ruining stuff for me.


Winona Ryder as Mina Murray in Dracula. She just lacks the charm of someone who is getting old Vlad in a frenzy.


Keanu Reeves is the casting choice most people complain about in that movie.

I liked Ryder. All the performances are big and over the top in that movie, but there was a reason for it. Coppola wanted the movie to be kind of "operatic".


I'm not a Keanu fan but I think his wooden performance suits his very buttoned up character who is very awkward and out of his depth especially when in Transylvania.

It's not so much her performance just her in general. Maybe I saw Mina as being much more striking as far as beauty goes. I read the novel first though so I also built a very different image of what she would look like.


Anne Hathaway as Cat Woman. She's lovely to look at, but she doesn't have the edge to pull off such a fierce, dark character.


Yep and likewise Halle Berry.


Halle Berry has the acting chops but she didn't bring them to the role.


Ya, good actress but that was a really bad casting. Honestly think they should've swapped Marion Cotillard & Hathaway's roles in the movie.


I thought she was decent in the part, though probably not a great fit for it.

Michelle Pfeifer was perfect, though. It's tough to follow another actor who has really defined a role like she did.


Ultimate answer is John Wayne as Genghis Khan. Loool. Just looool.

Other than that:
Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman as old boxers. I'm sorry,but they just dont' look or seems tough like ex pro boxers.


Given casting choices of the time Yul Brynner would have been the way to go.


If the director had his way no one would have been cast. He was planning to throw away the script. John Wayne saw it when he was sitting in his office and started reading it. He said he wanted to do it to fulfill his contract.


Fair enough. I have seen the film a few times and it's not bad but it's not memorable either. Wayne always plays Wayne so you get Genghis Khan cowboy style. Fun for what it is but not if you are after a serious Genghis film.


Kevin Costner, Morgan Freeman and Christian Slater - Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.


Vince Vaughn as Norman Bates.


Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luther


Fuck YES! That was one of the most cringe performances I've ever watched. By that I mean, I actually, genuinely cringed watching him play the role


Leonardo DiCaprio as Frank Abagnale. Abagnale was a teenager who looked much older so he could pass as an adult. DiCaprio looks younger than his real age. Seems it would raise more suspicion.


Also DiCaprio as Amsterdam Vallon in Gangs of New York. His "Irish" accent was dreadful!
