MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Worst casting for a major role.

Worst casting for a major role.

Margot Kidder for Lois Lane in Superman.

She's right for Lois Lane, but wrong as a love interest for Christopher Reeve. I wish they'd romance tested him with other actresses.


Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker - but I probably blame George Lucas more. Christensen, I am guessing, was ill-served by Lucas's direction.


I know what you mean. He looked the part and could do his own stunts, but he couldn't act worth a shit.


I also think he had the right look.


Ryan Philipe was actually the original choice for Anakin. He was in I know what you did last summer Iโ€™m case anyone is wondering who he is.


DeCaprio - J. Edgar.


I am now going to find a way to use the phrase "romance test" in my day to day conversation. That's a new one! A better term might be something like screen test, but I think get the idea.

Here's a take: Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in the Star Wars sequels. He's too goofy of an actor to accept in what should be a darkly operatic role. It might have worked better by casting an unknown.


you've never heard of chemistry tests for actors??


I've heard of chemistry tests (heck, I've seen a ton), but for some reason "romance test" sounds like a polite way to screen for communicable diseases. ;-}


they did it for Twilight, thats why it worked.


I agree as about Driver. They also could have thought about casting someone who looked like he could be the son of the character's stated parents.


I don't know if this would be considered a "major" role, but Rick Moranis as a live-action Barney Rubble was just awful. Especially in contrast to the perfect casting of John Goodman as Fred Flintstone.


Yeah, it felt wrong seeing him in a blond wig and a "dress," as he called his costume in an interview. Plus, he wasn't really barrel-chested like Barney was in the cartoon. Rick Moranis is known for being short and skinny.


Rosie O'Donnell was also a poor choice for Betty.


Someone wanted to kill the Betty vs Wilma debate.



Weโ€™ll always have the Ginger or Mary Ann debate๐Ÿ˜„


There is no debate! Mary Ann!


๐Ÿ˜„Iโ€™m Team Mary Ann as well but Ginger was pretty hot.


I've seen some great pics of Tina Louise but as Ginger she was always second to Mary Ann.


For sure.


I know :( I have mixed feelings on this because of three reasons:

1.) This movie came out when I was a kid, back when nobody knew about Rosie O'Donnel's true nature, so everyone liked her and thought she played fun characters.

2.) She honestly was too fat for the role. She sorta captured the character, but Betty was slender like Wilma in the cartoon, and from what I heard, Rosie had to wear a very tight, very painful corset.

3.) After we learned Rosie's true nature as a lesbo, I could never look at her the same way in the older films again, and now if I watch this, I'm doubly inclined to think she was a bad choice for Betty Rubble.


Never seen the films, turning cartoons into live action just never appeals another gimmicky remake kind of thing really.

BUT if they are going to do that then they should choose actors who in some way represent the characters. Maybe not spitting image but just embody them in some way and Rosie in no way represents Betty either physically or personality wise.



Still much better than Stephen Baldwin in Viva Rock Vegas.


George Clooney as Batman. Good Bruce Wayne, dreadful Batman.


I have the same opinion but with Christian Bale. I think he's the best darn live action Bruce Wayne.

But, And I know I'm definitely in the minority here, I'm not the biggest fan of his Batman.


I'm the reverse about Bale! Love his Batman, loathe his Bruce Wayne! ๐Ÿ˜‚


Ha! To each their own I guess.




Mmmm Meryl Streep in Mamma Mia, at the end she did a good job but she was supposed to be Amanda Seyfried mom and and looked like her grandmother.


Up yours, I LOVE Kidder and Reeve as Lois and Supes! I t hink they have both great romantic chemistry together, and great comic timing. They're probably my favorite screen couple of all time, and I've never seen either of them be half as good without the other as they were together, as far as I know they both gave their best all-time performances in the first two films.

Pity about the third and fourth, though.


I agree. Kidder brought a little bit of attitude to Lois that I liked.


Her maniacal ambition and courage was the perfect foil for Clark's innocence, and her cynicism wsd the perfect foil for Superman's old-fashioned decency.

It's actually very difficult to make Superman work on screen, nobody's done it as well before or since. And it was done by making his bone-deep goodness contrast startlingly with the modern world, and that conflict of world views carried into the relationship with Lois. It all worked.

Oh, and her big personality and cynicism sort of made her the embodiment of Metropolis itself, Supes won her heart and the city's heart at the same time. I just love their relationship, and their chemistry.

