MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is smoking indoors still legal where you...

Is smoking indoors still legal where you live?

Most places these days do not allow smoking indoors, unless it's a designated smoking room.

Nevada has banned indoor smoking, except for Casinos.

I personally think it's cool that you can buy a cigar and smoke it as you play.

Anyway, can you smoke where you live?


At twin towns, just over the border of Queensland in new south Wales you can smoke in a certain area of the pokies. Thats the only indoor area I can think of to legally smoke in.


Interesting. Do you smoke?


I most certainly do.


Nope, smoking was banned in indoor public workplaces in 2007 here in the UK, the only exception being theatrical performances.


As in the cast can smoke for the performance?




Do you know if they smoke real cigarettes? When they filmed Mad Men they used herbal cigarettes.


Herbal cigarettes most likely


Damn pussies are afraid to smoke a real cigarette even acting for a film? Lol.


No except in bars.


Which state? (Or country if non American)


It's still allowed in Casinos but nowhere else where I live.


Same. The Casino exception makes me chuckle but eventually it may get phased out. I've known tons of people who smoke and they are friends who I respect so I don't want them to have more of their privileges taken away, but for society at large I'm very anti-smoking and cannot understand why anyone takes it up anymore.


It's never bothered me in casinos. The few times I've been to them you try not to be around people who are smoking and wash your clothes when you get home.


i remember when the restaurant industry was going crazy when they brought in indoor no smoking laws. they used to have smoking sections for awhile but i don't think they are around anymore. no one wants anyone else's second hand smoke while eating.


In New York City, the restaurants fought the smoking bans because they said it would hurt their business. Business actually increased after the ban was implemented. SURPRISE!


Yes I remember this too. Smoking sections were gross though I worked in a place and it was all through the place as the smoking area was not enclosed. It was embarrassing as a server when people would leave because they didn’t want to sit in the smoke.


Even in California, it's legal to smoke indoors! You can smoke in your own house or in the house of any friend or relative who's willing to let you smoke!

It's just not legal to smoke in *public* indoor spaces.


Sometimes language is implied without spelling everything out.


Hasn't been for almost 20 years now.


I wish. No longer smoke, but loved smoking in the bar.


I don’t understand how bars are still allowed to have patios where people can smoke


I would feel terribly intolerant if I were to object for smokers to have some outdoor accommodations.


Oh I don’t mind, I just don’t get it. They are not very far from the entrance to the bar and I thought in public you had to be so many feet from the doors. There should be a place for people to go outdoors yes. And wherever you can smoke cigs you should be able to smoke Js, in my opinion anyways.


I'm glad you clarified, (although you would be welcome to your own feeling, regardless).
I've known a LOT of smokers and they just want to be able to sit and commune and feel comfortable and part of society while, unfortunately, smoking. I have often joined the smokers on patios just because the conversation can be livelier and they aren't automatically suspicious of someone wanting to drop into their ranks.


I actually smoke… ewww…. So I get it. I barely smoke but I still do and absolutely when I’m having a drink would I want one. I won’t be caught dead smoking in public though, I would feel trashy looking. I don’t judge others but I don’t think people should smoke in public. It’s offensive to so many people. It is easy to meet people out having a cigarette at a bar though.
