MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Easiest Scenes to watch in film history....

Easiest Scenes to watch in film history...

First we did hardest...

Anyway, how about your favorite scenes in movie history.

1. The Matrix. When Morpheus fights Neo. Keanu says, "I know Kung Fu." Then gives that little smirk.

2. The Big Lebowski. The drop off. Dude and Walter go to drop off the money for the kidnappers and instead throw Walter's undies. Lot's of other good scenes in that film as well.

3. Bulworth. The Senator rapping his appearence on TV.

4. Gattaca. The final "chicken race" between Vincent and Anton.

5. Pleasantville. When David slugs Whitey, then turns color.

6. Zero Effect. The phone call between Daryl and Gloria.


Any scene from Naughty Anal Latin Nurses #23.


Haven't seen that one.


- Cop Land: Sheriff Heflin going from zero to hero in the final moments of the film.

- Moonstruck: the dinner table scene at the end; hilarious, heartwarming and perfectly played.

- National Lampoon’s Vacation: every time Clark Griswald loses his shit 😂

- Holy Motors: Kylie Minogue’s beautiful, live recorded torch song that’s like a shining diamond in the middle of the mind-bending bizarreness surrounding it.

- Life of Pi: the magical living island.

- Grease: ‘Summer Nights’.. tell me you can stop yourself from singing along!


I, too, love Grease, and that song especially.

Haven't seen Holy Motors, but if Kylie is in it I might just have to.


The last scene in The Full Monty.

Hello. My Name is Indigo Montoya....


Hell yeah to Indigo Montoya!

In a big wide world he finally finds the right bastard and runs him through

Great Movie 10/10


Good call on PB! But for me it is the dialogue/fight between Wes and Inigo.


Bravo for spelling his given name correctly. The guy was not a color.


Aliens (1986) - Alien vs. Ripley in the cargo loader.

Kick-Ass (2010) - Hit girl kills everyone in the apartment building.

Snatch (2000) - Opening robbery

Dr. Strangelove (1963) - The phone call betweent the American and Russian President.

Shaun of the Dead (2004) - Throwing the vinyls at the zombies.

Drag Me To Hell (2009) - (Spoiler free) When one of the characters is literally being dragged to hell then the title comes up for a second time.


drag me to hell is fantastic overall, but the ending was just 10/10


any footage or pictures of the person or persons the movie was about


What the hell does that mean, Rex?


best example would be when the person dies or is murdered then when the credits are rolling they show a video or picture of the real person in a happier time, a glimpse of who this movie was based on.


FYI , while I thought it was a underrated movie, you are the first Bulworth (98) fan I've come across on moviechat.


Yeah, somehow that movie got lost. Maybe it was because it was political and things change so fast.
Anyway, I think Obama liked it too. I remember him threatening to go "full Bulworth."


the globe scene in the great dictator.


Couple more I thought of:

1. Wonder Boys--When James lists off all the actors and actresses who've committed suicide, and how they did it.

2. Kung Fu Hustle--When Sing stomps on the Beast's toes.


* The Matrix: The subway fight starting from when Trinity says "Run, Neo, run"

* Gravity: Dr Ryan Stone re-entering Earth's atmosphere. The music is phenomenal.

* Panic Room: The slow-motion scene of Jodi Foster running to fetch her mobile phone as the burglars run up the stairs in pursuit

* Speed: Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock escaping the bus before it crashes into an ACTUAL airplane with absolutely no CGI.

* Starship Troopers: Hundreds of thousands of soldiers dropping onto Klendathu during the first wave of the invasion

* The Return of the King: The Battle of Pelennor Field

* True Lies: The out of control limo on the highway scene

* Man of Steel: Superman vs Zod


I love the emphasis on 'absolutely no cgi'. Great movie, great scene. I fucken hate how every new movie these days has fake fire. Cgi flames are the fucken worst.


Starship Troopers also has one of the hardest ones to watch for me when that "smart bug" sucks out the brains of whatshisname.
