MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I hate when people say that pot is safe

I hate when people say that pot is safe

Gateway drug. Kills motivation. Expensive habit. Can still cause lung cancer. Activates mental health problems for some. Genetically designed to be highly potent, therefore not "natural".

Sure, if you've got a disease and it helps alleviate pain, I'm all for that.

Recreational use? No way.


I hate when people say that pot is safe

you "hate" that?

There must be a lot on your hate list .
you'll give yourself an ulcer


You are really misinformed about Marijuana, just FYI.


Approximately 45,000 Americans die from alcohol use each year. Approximately 450,000 Americans die from tobacco use each year. Zero Americans have died from marijuana use each year.

So yeah, marijuana use is safe.


That must be an outdated statistic because I'm seeing 95,000 deaths per year from alcohol use in the US, yet people are still scared of legalizing weed, which has how many medically documented deaths annually? Anyone?








You may be right, but I firmly believe people should be allowed to do whatever they wish. As long as you are not hurting anyone else - then its no one else's business.


I think it takes a long time for it to grow into a habit. But I also believe it’s hard to get addicted to drugs period but I barely consider weed a drug because of how it compares to all the others in how dangerous it is. That includes alcohol.

I love edibles personally but that is a more recent thing. I still don’t smoke joints 🚭


I agree with a lot of the OP, except maybe the cancer thing because I've seen no studies indicating anything of the sort. But imo long-term pot use is bad, just like any long-term drug use, even if it isn't as bad as something harder.

I've had too many experiences with long-term pot users who rely on it for peace of mind, but don't have a stable income and who turn basically feral or whose mental health takes an extreme nosedive whenever they can't afford it. I know this isn't everyone, but it's enough people for me not to overlook the severity of the drug's side effects. Not to mention that, in places where it's not legal, a lot of harsh chemicals are added in the growing process to beef up the plants in order to make them bigger and stronger and turn a bigger profit, which is pretty dangerous.


Exactly. It's not "just a plant" anymore.


It was never just a plant imo. If you can get high off something that grows in the ground, that warrants a lot more care than eating a carrot or something.
