MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > come up with ONE THING to make this worl...

come up with ONE THING to make this world a better place

come up with ONE THING to make this world a better place

"One Thing only please" or make a sperate reply for each.

- make all food free
- eliminate money
- destroy all weapons

and try to explain what impact it would have, and how to get there


Collect ideas in a movie forum.


[Illuminutty421 here! He's on to us!]


Bring back vagrancy laws


so people can't stand on public corner with a cardboard sign asking for handouts, and make 100K a year? I get that. but how do we fix REAL homeless people?


First of all, the separation of bum vs. hobo must be determined.
A bum blames everyone and everything for being out there.
A hobo is out there by choice.
Give the bums new tents and the state of Utah, interment camps!
Give the hobos free access to all rail and freight trains. They will eventually move on willingly.
Or, lace Spam and Dinty Moore Beef Stew with fentanyl and take them both out! Blame everything on Trump...


Or bring back slavery.


No politics in the general chat and ban all trolls.


I'd vote for you


Build more free mental health clinics.


are we short on those? or people just dont use them?


we are in the US maybe not in Canada.


Hell no. Canada could use them too. Governments are great with talking about the mental health crisis, but do you think that it would be included in health care? Not all the time. In fact not very much of the time.


Its getting out of hand here in the US. Hey can you look at Stonekeepers thread do you know these lyrics. Just curious if you know the song. I didn't.


speed up the Execution process for major crimes


I would vote for you too!! our justice system is stupid


to many back out on the street committing more & worse crimes, do away with these savages


Just arm everyone throw out the rule book and let people sort it out among themselves. People who need shooting would get shot.


its funny cause here in Texas people are wearing gun belts with the gun on the side like fuckn Tombstone, some crackhead attacked a woman at a gas station & was gunned down. cops came took the body away & everyone went on about their day.


I'm not saying it would work in every country ( eg Mexico ) but where the people have some personal standards of fair play and don't resort to gang warfare I think, after an initial rough period of catch-up, it might work well.


Well I think guns are horrible and wish they never existed, they do exist, and I am not anti gun, but I applaud this idea of everyone being armed. bring back the old West let real Justice sort itself out.


Imagine you're accused of a crime you didn't do. Then you might be grateful for our system.


Imagine you're accused of a crime you didn't do. Then you might be grateful for our system.


Only really nice people can become leaders: government; political; business; religious; etc..


probly just picking them at random would work better than current situation


eat the rich.

with salt and pepper, and divide up their wealth, and then when some get too greedy.
ya eat em too !


If food was free and money was eliminated, where would the food come from? It costs money from seed to grocery store for example.
