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Men Without Hats

Where did those hats go


Like the friends that don't dance, they were left behind.


Like just get a hat at the hat store


Those are no hats of mine!


They’ve been commandeered by people playing games without frontiers. Specifically, Hans, Lottie, Jane, Adolph, Lin-ti-yu, and some others that escape me right now.


Wayne Gretzky ?


Maybe. Does he whistle tunes and piss on baboons in the jungle?


I think so !


Oddly enough I happen to be wearing a Confederate States of America Cavalry hat right now, it’s got a wide brim and a very prominent badge made of bronze with CSA on the front of it

I’m not a big fan of what the Southern States tried to do 140 years ago but it’s a really cool hat , I like to wear it when I fish and hunt👍

It’s certainly a conversation starter!


Then start the conversation !


hopefully it doesn't start with "you sure got a perty mouth"




If I saw someone fishing with that hat on, I'd definitely go over and talk to them lol. Besides the cursory nod or wave, fisherman love small talk.


I’ve had many great conversations with hunters and fishers, they are OK people as far as I’m concerned

I love the woods so much.

One early morning I saw a beautiful Owl silently glide overhead, it was majestic and peaceful and I shot a huge deer a half hour later (it was a clean and immediate kill, my Marlin lever action .35 rifle put it out right away…55 pounds of meat for me and my friends!

Boy, do I love the woods!

Frankly I’m not a great hunter but I can catch fish all day, I really only know one guy that’s a better fisherman


Owls are cool and absolutely majestic as far as I'm concerned, but also creepy lol. I remember walking through the woods with my dog and noticed something out of the corner of my eye - - an owl was perched on a branch, still as can be, just staring at me. Pretty sure I still have the picture, so I'll try and dig it up.

I'm also not familiar with with the .35 cartridge, so I had to look it up. Is that rifle a family heirloom? If so, never sell and pass it down! I have a sporterized Lee Enfield in .303, but have never hunted with it. I'm always pleased to hear people are still using these old guns for sporting purposes.


The .35 is not often used, most guys go with a 30-30 or a 30-06, I have both of those rifles too but a 30-30 feels underpowered for game and the 30-06 is a lot of power for deer hunting, you’re not attacking Germany, you’re just hunting a deer lol

The .35 slug leaves the weapon at well over 2,000 FPS and it’s really accurate…Real deadly accurate.

I love Owls, they call across the valley below me all through the Spring and Summer…Their ‘hoot’s remind me very much of my little dog when she falls asleep and makes cute sounds by my side, I love this silly little pup

My .35 is a pre-1973 Lever action with a five round tube magazine and
iron sights, after 1973 a lot of gun manufacturers started using plastic and pot metal parts in their guns

A few of my guns are pre-1973 and my .35 is the Belle of the ball, I put 19 out of twenty rounds in the black at 100 yards with this .35 sweetheart


Here's a picture of the owl. I got the oddest feeling something was watching me and when I turned, I saw it perched on this tree.


That’s a cute little critter!

We get the big chubby Barn Owls over here in New York, they act like my guests sometimes right outside the barn or the garage late at night when nobody is awake and I need some company anyway lol😀

I do love Owls, I was hunting Whitetails several years ago and the most beautiful Owl you ever saw flew silently right over my head and perched on a dewy limb just above me, it just sat there, I took a look at it, it looked at me with a ‘WTF are you looking at and why are you dressed like a blob of moss right under my tree asshole!?’ sort of look

Funny memory!
I shot and killed an enormous Deer about an hour later and gave a lot of meat to my friends

In the old Navajo
And Apache cultures the Owl is a bad omen, it’s a bad thing to see an Owl…The Owl brings death on it’s wings…
Far be it from me to disagree with Native Cultures but I quite like Owls
They are as weird and silly as I am and they are finer company than most people


Owls have always brought me bad vibes, don't know why, so I'm going to look into what the Navajo and Apache cultures have to say about it. Personally, I'd much rather spot a bald eagle, which I hear is becoming more and more prevalent around here, or so I've heard. No digs to you though! We all have our spirit animals, right?

Do you hunt anything else besides deer? Turkey perhaps? If you take one of those guys out, I thank you lol. They are mean and jam of traffic quite frequently here, yet also taste delicious!


I mostly like deer hunting…and any type of fishing, I’m a damn fine fishermen…I hunted turkeys a couple times and tried my hand at coyote but I skunked out those times…I may be a bit large and ‘shambling’ going through the woods and all the animals leave the county before I find them lol!

I can’t hunt rabbits, I had very cute and lovely pet rabbits for many years so I can’t shoot at a rabbit

Years ago I too felt an Owl was a bad sign, I saw a couple of them down in Yonkers and right afterward both times someone important to me died
But now I feel like the
Owls are just beautiful, secretive birds that come to visit me late at night when the whole world seems asleep and I could sure use some company to listen to the Classic Rock stations with:)


I have two. An old Army camouflage hat in the bucket style that I wear when I'm out working in the yard. And a wide brimmed straw hat with a slightly loose weave, enough to keep the sun off but let the breeze through at the same time which is very nice.

PS: I always get the spelling of camouflage wrong and have to look it up.


I frequently have to google the spelling of certain words, don’t feel bad, your honesty is appreciated👍


I put it down to not reading books any more. Mostly I listen to audiobooks so I don't actually see the words nearly as much as I used to.


Men without hats is somewhat unnatural. We always wear many of them (reference to different facets of personality). My barber looked peeved earlier today when I plopped one down upon my head immediately in the aftermath of what he must have perceived as a masterpiece of a haircut. ;)


They went "pop" with the rest of the world.


Right !


From any genre, transitioning to pop is like signing a contract with the Devil.


It's a song


Nice, it just shows I stupid I am about music lol.


Fell off in the birth canal. Not everyone is as savvy as Indiana.


They're Canadian.
