MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > best political thriller?

best political thriller?

Seven Days in May (1964)


The Insider (1999)


V For Vendetta
Arlington Road
Marathon Man
Children Of Men
The Killing Fields
Day Of The Jackal
Hotel Rwanda


I believe the best and scariest political thrillers are the one's taking place now in the real world.

In film:
1. "The Plot Against America" limited series
2. Star Wars prequel trilogy

Both are about how democracy is slowly destroyed from within by elected populist politicians. Both based on history with an attempt to warn those too complacent or disinterested to notice what's happening in their own backyard.


We need more populist leaders, not fewer. Bernie Sanders can very well be described as a populist.

What's currently happening in Ottawa is a populist movement against a government that has been imposing unpopular policies on its people for two years.


Hitler, Stalin, Putin, Trump, Modi, Orban, Duterte, Bolsonaro. No thanks! Sanders will never be president.

Canada remains a strong democracy. Complain all you want, but you don't allow large corporations to bribe your politicians and legislators with hundreds of millions of dollars each year which has allowed gun manufacturers, Big Pharma and banks to write laws. They're the reason we have no national health insurance, out-of-control gun and drug deaths.


The last five names on your list were all democratically elected. Citizens should always have the right to elect their own leaders. Do you disagree with the right of regular working people to choose who they want in office?


Your first sentence makes my point. Most democracies aren't overthrown by foreign enemies. A democratically elected leader slowly attacks democratic institutions from within until it becomes authoritarian. Most citizens don't notice the change until it's too late.

Modern authoritarian countries have an outward appearance of democracy, but fair elections, freedom of the press, impartial courts and institutions no longer exist.

The award-winning book "How Democracies Die" by Ziblatt & Levitsky is excellent.

In the U.S., there are no fair elections. Red state votes have more weight, democrat voters forced to stand for hours longer and now it's illegal to give them water, gerrymandering, replacing neutral state voting officials with GOP loyalists, threatening election workers' lives, denying GOP losses with propaganda and conspiracy theories, removing registered democrats from voting rolls, denying access to voting with arbitrary laws, etc..


There are no fair elections in the US? Oy vey. Now that sounds like very much like something a conspiracy theorist would say.

Simply because you don't like an elected leader, doesn't mean that leader is trying to destroy a democracy. I think Trudeau is an ill-informed elitist who looks down on working class people, but that doesn't mean I think he's trying to destroy democracy (though he is definitely trying his best to silence dissent which is the same thing that authoritarians do).


"Voting Rights Act (1965)
African Americans in the South faced tremendous obstacles to voting, including poll taxes, literacy tests, and other bureaucratic restrictions to deny them the right to vote. They also risked harassment, intimidation, economic reprisals, and physical violence when they tried to register or vote. As a result, very few African Americans were registered voters, and they had very little, if any, political power, either locally or nationally.

The law had an immediate impact. By the end of 1965, a quarter of a million new black voters had been registered, one-third by Federal examiners. By the end of 1966, only 4 out of the 13 southern states had fewer than 50 percent of African Americans registered to vote. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was readopted and strengthened in 1970, 1975, and 1982."

More recently, the law was weakened and voter suppression restarted which is the reason legislators are trying to pass new Voters' Right legislation:

"19 states enacted voting restrictions in 2021"


So...let me understand here, you think no US election result is ever legitimate because of this? So no election result should stand? I guess the current president should step down then?


"There are no fair elections in the US? Oy vey. Now that sounds like very much like something a conspiracy theorist would say."

Now reread my previous comment.

Congratulations! You just learned some American history and current affairs.


You never seem to answer the questions that are offered to you. To me, that's the sign of an illogical thinker/propagandist.

To follow your logic, no US elections are fair. Therefore, an elected officeholder should step down because he or she wasn't fairly elected. I asked you if the current US President should step down because he wasn't fairly elected...but you neglected to answer.

Seems like you've chosen to accept an illegitimate office holder.


Your question is stupid since it's based on your wilful ignorance re: the three informative links I attached. Read the linked articles. It's obvious that you haven't.

I get the impression you hate Black people and support voter suppression against them. Am I correct?


You are quite the comic when you get riled aren't you?

Honest Question: Are you a CCP troll?


More deflection on your part.

"There are no fair elections in the US? Oy vey. Now that sounds like very much like something a conspiracy theorist would say."

I'm still waiting for you to admit you are wrong.


Today, the conservative Supreme Court allowed Alabama to discriminate against black voters.

"The U.S. Supreme Court has reinstated Alabama's new GOP-drawn congressional map over the objection of civil rights groups and decisions of two lower courts finding that it dilutes the influence of Black voters in violation of the Voting Rights Act."

The same extremist Supreme Court which allows a stranger to sue a taxi cab driver for bringing a pregnant woman to an abortion clinic in Texas.


You're ignoring linked information about voter suppression against Black people. Why?


Just following your logic...if elections aren't fair, then the current US President wasn't fairly elected because voting was suppressed for the 2020 election.


"There are no fair elections in the US? Oy vey. Now that sounds like very much like something a conspiracy theorist would say."

I'm still waiting for you to admit that you are wrong.

Your deflection isn't working.


Yawn. If US elections are unfair, then is the current President (as well as others before him) illegitimate? I'm just asking you a question based on your statement that "in the US there are no fair elections." If the elections aren't fair, then the winners of those elections aren't legitimate--yes or no?

But of course you won't answer because you're the saddest kind of troll---a boring one.

Peace out.



You still refuse to acknowledge the truth.

You're attempting to deflect without addressing the original comment you made which was proven wrong:

"There are no fair elections in the US? Oy vey. Now that sounds like very much like something a conspiracy theorist would say."

I'm still waiting.




Punishment Park (1971)


good pick. wouldn't make my own list, but it's a neat film.


Three Days of the Condor (1975)


one of my favorites


This one will always be tops for me.


Absolute Power (1997)


The Parallax View (1974)
