MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Has anyone ever watched a porno movie th...

Has anyone ever watched a porno movie that is actually movie?

Had anyone ever seen a porno movie that actually had a plot and was a movie?

I think perhaps of "Irreversible"or "Nyphomaniac" ... but they were both awful failures.


If you've ever bought movies from Vinegar Syndrome they release a lot of remastered vintage pornos from the 70s and 80s. I have a few of them and my favorite is called "Frat House" and its an X rated spoof of Animal House.


I picked up the Vinegar Syndrome release of Raw Force (1982) a while back that included a catalogue, and I did notice lots of vintage porn.


Room in Rome (2010)


The Image (1975) by Ratley Metzger, 9/10 classic.


You mean y'all watch it past 30 seconds? Huh, that must be nice




Zipper? What zipper? What are talking about?

I'm talking about the fact that when a woman calls a plumber or electrician, he arrives immediately to fix a thing. Do you realize how unrealistic that is? Takes me right out of the experience

I turn it off immediately. GTFOH with that shit!


Does Basic Instinct count ?

It’s considered an actual movie but I felt the plot was just an excuse for porn lol, I didn’t think of it that way when I first watched it but the more I think about it the more I think the plot was just silly and a big excuse for porn.


> It’s considered an actual movie but I felt the plot was just an excuse for porn lol,

A lot of that around these days.

Movies seem to function theses days as drivers into illegality. The vapidness of most modern media is a porn tease of movies that makes porn a logical alternative.


No. Basic Instinct was rated R and that meant a seventeen-year-old could only watch the movie if accompanied by an adult. Pornos have sex scenes with orgasms visible on the screen. They are all rated X and those are for adults only due to excessive sex and/or violence. Some of the racy films received an NC-17 rating and that meant nobody under 18 could see the film.



Does Wild Orchid count?

I do remember Jenna Jameson was in one that had fantasy type plot in the early 2000s.

Edit. I looked it up and it's Dreamquest (2000)


I briefly worked in a small standalone video store. We rented and sold adult titles in a back room of the store. We only had tapes. The store owner told me he didn’t think “the DVD format will take off.” The store manager was a cool guy with lots of piercings and tats. He told me the Porn renters never re-wound their tapes, so you could tell where the last guy got off. We had a splicing machine, so we could repair damaged tapes. The manager would take the returned smut and splice in a notice that said LAST GUY GOT OFF HERE.

I took out an Adult title that was a full movie. The plot was a murder mystery, with lots of hardcore scenes. I enjoyed the hardcore, but was also entertained by the corny humor of the script. The Adult industry has a very strong sense of humor, of which prudes are unaware; so I watched the movie to the end. After the final hardcore scene, the quality of the picture improved MARKEDLY over every previous scene. Then I realized: NO ONE HAD EVER PLAYED THE TAPE THIS FAR. The final few minutes were still on virgin tape!

PS The Penthouse-produced movie, Caligula, which starred Roddy McDowall, has a hardcore orgy scene complete with real ejaculation.


Oh God, the 1970s "Caligula"!!! It starred Malcom MacDowell, Helen Mirren, and even Peter O'Toole playing out a pretty bad version of the story of Caligula... interspersed with hardcore porn scenes starring lots and lots of porn actors.

So yes, the elegant and extraordinarily talented Dame Helen Mirren has appeared in a porn film.


Thank you for correcting me, Otter. I named the wrong MacDowell.


Hey, maybe Roddy was in there somewhere!


The guy in the ape suit!


you watched a hardcore porn movie to the end?


'Irreversible' was in NO way a "porno." It is one of the most disturbing and effective dramas I've ever seen. I'm actually kind of scared to watch it again, because the portrayal of rape in it was so horrifically traumatic to watch the first time ten years ago, I don't really want to relive that.

That is not how porno works, man. If it is, for you, then you have problems.


Pornography is not the same as erotica, and I'll thank you to not make assumptions judgements about what I think or believe when you are incapable of logic or reason, just rude attacks on people's character you have no standing to make.


Merriam-Webster defines pornography as "The depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement."

Again, if you think the film 'Irreversible' is a showcase of erotic behavior that was intended to cause sexual excitement, then there's something very wrong with you. Now, I don't actually think that there's something wrong with you, because I don't actually think that you believe that. I think it was just a poorly thought-out example you listed in your OP, and my point was just to illustrate that. I didn't mean to be rude or insult you.


I think you are full of it or too young and stupid to understand the connotation that pornography has ... as appealing to the prurient interest. You are dishonestly for some reason trying to defend pornography by equating it to erotica. Go look at some of the porn sites online and tell me you think that is about sexual excitement - further you are just a plain asshole for trying to say there is something wrong with me because you are making some kind of claim that I called Irreversible erotica when it is obscene pornography - so I am deliberately insulting you - you are ignorant and a liar, and attacking someone right from the start trying to pretend you are engaging in a discussion. So, just f-off.


Lol. Ok, fuck you then. And forget my apology and the benefit of the doubt I gave you. Apparently you think of violent, graphic rape imagery as porno. Good to know.



From the beginning of this you started down the road - not of discussion - but of trying to troll me personally by using your own definition of pornography to make yourself seem above it all and anyone who would consider Irreversible pornography mentally sick.

I'd say you are nuts if you think Irreversible was a drama ... LOL.

A cheap attack, not an attempt to discuss anything.

You not apologize or explain that, you made a fake apology. So, I can not take your "apology" seriously anyway, because you don't even seem to know what you are saying?

Make up some conclusion about me personally based on your own idiocy and then say - good to know? Again, a very dumbass thing to say ... like everything else you said.

AND ....

> I think it was just a poorly thought-out example you listed in your OP, and my point was just to illustrate that.

That is a point that does not need making ... so maybe consider why you thought you had something to say when you said that? Is that something you think was worthy of discussion or important to say? To me it says you don't think too much about what you are saying, or how you say it.


Yeah blah blah blah. Blow me.


Male or female? 😂


That's offensive.


You also conveniently lied and left out the 3rd definition of pornography in Merriam-Webster ...

3. : the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction the pornography of violence

Pornography is one of those words that is not defined well the dictionary because it means different things to different people and has different connotations even over different times. For example Playboy magazine used to be called pornography, then it was Penthouse, then it was Hustler ... alway meaning to describe something well past the norms of publicly acceptable erotica.
