MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Has Tom Hardy's 'moment' passed?

Has Tom Hardy's 'moment' passed?

I've always enjoyed watching him. He's obviously hugely talented. But if you go back just a few years, every day there seemed to be conversations about when he'd win an Oscar, or 'would you like to see him in this role, or that role?'. There was a buzz about the guy all the time. Now it seems that people have moved on. I get the feeling that his position has settled to that of very good, solid actor. Maybe I'm just not hearing the right conversations.


Which people have moved on?


A lot of people who were talking about him.


I haven't noticed any change and -- as usual -- he's always working. I think an Oscar is an inevitability, and he's already been nominated once. And I associate 'moment' with something less than having a flourishing career. Phoenix is older than Hardy, and he just won his first, and his prior noms were several years apart. Like Hardy, I think people are usually excited about what role he takes next. Others have their 'moment' but never sniff that level again.


Good point about Phoenix.


mmMMmm, smek ... Nootka Sound. hmmMMnnnh


still waiting for that 2nd season


Supposedly sitting in the can somewhere waiting to be seen.


No, he just needs a good project.


I was actually thinking the same thing when I was watching Venom a few weeks back. But unlike you, I'm not sure why he was a thing in the first place.🤷‍♀️


He's a damn good actor, and a very hot sexy guy with a unique screen presence, and he was just AWESOME as the Kray brothers in "Legend"! If he were a bit younger he might be considered for the next James Bond, but he's officially 43 and they really do need someone younger.

It's true he isn't tops of the A List, and Hollywood isn't putting him in everything that comes along. But he's aged into an Actor rather than a Star, and a damn good actor, and I think he'll keep working much longer than someone who hits the big time and then flames out. Better to be a respected working actor than a has-been, and he's now a respected working actor.


his turn in peaky blinders was also outstanding. all i know is i haven't gotten tired of him yet, fwiw. i'd like to see him do a turn in a project way out of his usual lane.


He'd have been alright as Bond if it were not for his voice.


I've noticed a lot of actors get that initial "Flavour of the month" buzz and then it quieten's down at least media wise as the machine moves onto the next big thing.

I also don't think there is such a thing as huge stars anymore like there was pre 2000. Entertainment is a lot more spread out now than it used to be. You don't have huge bands anymore either for the same reason.


It's not Tom Hardy. It's Hollywood.

If you had to name some actor that has a 'moment' right now, who would be it?


Timothée Chalamet
He's huge.


Chalamet? Huge??

Honestly, I don't know whether you're being serious or you're just kidding.


I think I made myself perfectly clear.
He's huuuuge.


Yup. Stupid straight white male. Disgusting. How do these people even exist?

He peaked in 2015 with Mad Max and Revenant, and screw all y'all, that's enough and plenty to make the man a legend.
