MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What are some examples of intelligent vi...

What are some examples of intelligent villains?

I think the villain of Frozen (2013) is an example of one - he knows how to manipulate people for his own ends while concealing his true nature.


Lex Luthor. The character was originally an evil scientist.


Check old movies.

In modern Hollywood there's a racial casting where villains are portrayed by white males. Modern Hollywood uses to portray them as both evil and stupid, so it's hard to find intelligent villains in recent (western) movies.

As I said, check old movies. Most villains used to be intelligent.


Oh, come on.
There are plenty of non-white villains and female villains out there.


Aren't most villains in old movies white?


Pretty much everyone in old movies (studio or "classic" era) is white, like 98 percent of the characters ever filmed between 1900 and 1960 were white. All the heroes, most of the villains, all the hot chicks except for Lena Horne and Anna May Wong, all the authority figures, and the vast majority of supporting players and even extras. All the intelligent people were definitely played by white actors, whether they were heroes, villains, or other.

The movie industry during that era would have been about 99.999999999% white, if they didn't need to cast Native Americans for Western movies, Japanese for WWII movies, domestic servants, and cheerful happy slaves in movies about the old South. And a lot of those roles were still played by white people in heavy makeup.


The movie industry is still largely white.


Aren't most villains in old movies white?

That's why I introduced a second condition that you (conveniently) missed: modern Hollywood having a racial casting policy.

Back then, Hollywood was a movie industry built by white males. Villains were white because... the people who made those movies were white! The same way villains in Chinese movies are Chinese. That doesn't mean they hate Chinese, it just means that it's a movie made by Chinese, all crew is Chinese, all actors are Chinese... which (of course) includes villains. Duh.

However, the moment you have a racial casting policy and you start to cast consistently different races, then the scenario changes. If Chinese movies started to cast consistently Indian people, but then Indian actors systematically played the villains, rapist, psychopaths, stupid or feeble people, then there's a problem.

That doesn't happen in Chinese movies, though, as it didn't happen in old Hollywood movies*. It happens systematically in modern Hollywood and Western movies in general, which has become the primary example of racist cinema in the History of movies.

*I'm talking about the general trend, not about isolated exceptions. No need to say. Or there shouldn't be necessary to say.


Loki, the best Marvel villain! Or now, anti-hero.

Hannibal Lechter.

Syndrome in "The Incredibles", the guy who invented superhero tech just because he was pissed off.

Senator/Chancellor/Emperor Palpatine!!! My fave rave!




Good one!


Jang Kyung-Chul (I Saw the Devil)


He wasn't that intelligent. He was quite reckless and left a lot of evidence behind.


Kyung-chul outwits Soo-hyun several times, gets away and kills again. The whole movie is really a game of wits.


It is definitely a fantastic movie! No one does revenge better than the Koreans!


Professor Moriarty


Dr. Doom
