MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > *BLOGGER on COVID-19: 18 Reasons I Won't...

*BLOGGER on COVID-19: 18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

The full article has links to doctors reports, research, and news reports to support his arguments. This summarizes his 18 reasons, without his explanations and links:














#14: FAUCI IS ON THE HOT SEAT FOR ILLEGAL GAIN-OF-FUNCTION RESEARCH (outsourced the gain-of-function research (in coronaviruses) to China.






israel daily new cases january 18 - 8168
israel daily new cases april 14 - 196


Obviously God's chosen people .... oh, they got vaccinated?



lol! (especially that last one - gotta say it in Fred Gwynne's voice though)


Cheers, Moonglum. This was my best laugh of the day. ;)


Actually if George Washington wasn't vaccinated we'd all be speaking English.



#11: Freedom!

And WHAT the hell GOOD does your FREEDOM do you if you CATCH the COVID VIRUS and DIE from it???

STATISTICS also show us that only .0089 PERCENT of the US POPULATION who have been VACCINATED got sick with the VIRUS.

That means there's LESS than a 1% chance you'll get it, and even IF you do you won't DIE from it or need to go to the hospital because the symptoms of it will be much less severe.

AND the OLDER FOLKS in NURSING HOMES (who were previously the one's who were dying the MOST prior to getting vaccinated) are now no longer the one's who are filling up hospitals and dying.

Because it's the UNVACCINATED 20, 30, 40, and 50 YEAR OLDS who now DIE and fill up hospitals so that others can't have the surgery that they need (the same way as the OLDER FOLKS use to do before they got the VACCINE).

But of course SILLY people like you will still chose to OVERLOOK and IGNORE FACTS like that, live there inside of your GOOFY ALTERNATIVE REALITY, and PRETEND as if they don't exist.




There are 2 number 18's that have been posted here:


So do you also know what happens to you after you're dead???

Somehow having ROTTING FLESH falling off of one's corpse or being SHOVED into an OVEN to be CREMATED doesn't sound like a better option to me.




If you have ABSOLUTELY no idea what happens to you after you're dead, then how can you know you will CEASE to EXIST or that you'll have no way to know if your wishes are met???

What if your body ends up sitting inside of one of those trucks that they use to store hundreds of other bodies in because the morgues and funeral homes are already too full of other dead bodies to take care of it???

And what if it then also ends up dumped into a MASS GRAVE because no one comes to claim it???

And what if you'd also still be CONSCIOUS somehow of that happening (if your consciousness also ends up in some kind of a spirit form that still lingers on here even after the MATERIAL part of you is gone)???

Isn't that also suppose to be the reason why others say they've seen GHOSTS before???

I'm also thinking maybe those who DIED of COVID -- while still insisting with their last breath to the nurses and doctors who treated them for it that it was a HOAX -- might also still be here -- due to the way that they also refused to believe what they'd been told.

So perhaps instead of moving on to the next level of existence they'd also still be TRAPPED here in this existence (as SPIRITS) due to their STUBBORNESS to face the FACTS of the matter???

In other words, maybe needing to STICK AROUND to FACE those FACTS would also be some kind of a PUNISHMENT for them in an effort to get them to FACE certain FACTS prior to moving on to the next existence???

I'd go get vaccinated if I were you. Because you can also never know what happens to us over there in that "UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY" from which NO ONE else (but someone like JESUS) ever seems to return.





Whether your reply is SATIRE or not isn't the ISSUE.

The POINT is this ...

You have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what happens to you after you DIE anymore than any of the rest of us know what happen to us after we die.

Because NO ONE has any PROOF of what happens to us, which also means that there is NO LOGICAL or RATIONAL reason to REFUSE to get VACCINATED as a way to PROTECT other people from catching the VIRUS from you and ENDING UP DEAD because of YOU.

And a SELFISH refusal to get vaccinated as a way to PROTECT others also makes the person who refuses to be vaccinated the one who is TROLLING other people here.




Sorry for the confusion.

I didn't mean YOU personally, but was making reference back to the other POSTER who also had the other NUMBER 18 (which also indicates that they think because they already had COVID that they can't CATCH it again or DIE from it).

Not even a semi-intelligent person could read what I wrote and think I believe in ghosts, spirits, jesus, other levels of existence,

will it really matter if they don't fulfill my final wish of having my body tossed into an active volcano

So then it's ok for you to talk about SILLY stuff like having someone toss your body into an "ACTIVE VOLCANO," yet it's not ok to talk about GHOSTS or SPIRITS that still linger on and stick around here after their death???


We took a vote - we're going to turn your body into a canoe.


#14: I heard that after you've been vaccinated, every time you rev up the microwave, you piss your pants and forget who you are for about half an hour or so.

This explains a lot.


There is really only 1 reason why someone won't get the vaccine:

1. I'm a fucking idiot.



There is only 1 reason somebody would get the vaccine:

1. I'm a scared little bitch.


Sorry, but no. I'm just not stupid.


Why are you not stupid? afraid humanity is going to die 😂??

You fucking pussy.


active cases in israel february 5th: 84,784
active cases yesterday: 2945

deaths in israel jan 20 - 101
deaths in israel yesterday - 2


Stupid Fucking pussy too.


wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.
even if you're not at risk, you may pose a risk to others.
so you do it because it's good not to pose a danger to other people.
don't be a dick.
if you don't get the shot then you're being a dick.


If you don't get the shot then you are part of the problem, I prefer to be part of the solution.


See, I don't care about any of that.

I think humanity should be strong.

You're just trying to save the people the world wants to cull out.

Why are you trying to disrupt the natural order of things? ...what an arrogant thing to do.

You should try reading about Taoism.


Then you are saying we should never have had a vaccine for polio or smallpox?


That's right--survival of the fittest.


Like I said - go back to my original comment. Bye.


Right. Good argument...

Bye, thanks for playing.


Have fun living in your echo chamber.

I'm sorry you live in fear of opinions and views that are contrary your own.


You're just trying to save the people the world wants to cull out.

And your ANTI VAX opinion also means that YOU, YOUR FAMILY members, and your friends and your co-workers that you put at RISK could also end up being the people who get what you call "CULLED OUT" by your refusal to be VACCINATED.

In other words, you could also be the one who gets CULLED OUT by your own foolish decision and because of your refusal to listen to the opinions of people who are TRYING to SAVE the lives of other STUBBORN IRRATIONAL people LIKE YOU.



your ANTI VAX opinion also means that YOU, YOUR FAMILY members, and your friends and your co-workers that you put at RISK could also end up being the people who get what you call "CULLED OUT" by your refusal to be VACCINATED.

No shit, dummy. I've said it before really are fucking stupid, aren't you? You just repeated back to me what I said.


You're suggesting that I'm the DUMMY-- because YOU don't give a damn if members of your own family or your friends get "CULLED OUT"-- (as you put it)-- due to your SELFISHNESS -- and your refusal to get VACCINATED -- as a way to prevent them from catching the COVID VIRUS from you???

Maybe you need to take a good long look in the MIRROR at yourself.



You ever think maybe they're lying to you, at least a little?

I'm from a small rural red state...I do not know anybody that knows anybody who has suffered any long term effects from it, up to and including death... Think about that for a second.


From 2015 until 2019, the annual number of deaths increased steadily, with the increases being: +30k, +69k, +26k, +15k. That’s an average increase of +35k every year.

From 2019 to 2020 the total number of deaths increased by 504k.

But the total number of deaths attributed to COVID are only 345k.

So we’re looking at an excess death increase of close to 160k.

That is . . . not good. Here are some possible explanations:

By total coincidence, 2020 was just a really, really bad year for deaths. Like 2017 on steroids.

All of the circumstances surrounding COVID resulted in a large number of ancillary deaths: For example, people didn’t get routine or needed medical care, which caused problems. Or they were reluctant to seek medical attention for non-COVID matters, which caught up with them.

A lot of people died from COVID or because COVID exacerbated existing problems and those deaths were not counted as caused by COVID.

The truth is probably a mix of all three. But if I had to guess, I’d suspect that the last of these is the main driver of those extra 160,000 deaths: I would guess that we have so far undercounted a bunch of deaths that were are least in part driven by COVID.




Ayn another person whose works you should read up on.

And Orwell's 1984 of course.

Then you would understand my position for not taking the vaccine.


i'm a rand reading libertarian with all the beliefs you'd expect.

not taking the vaccine is idiocy plain and simple.


Oh - Ayn Rand - great novels but why do people have to read more into them than just a story that is being told?

Orwell - 1984 - again - just a story. Animal Farm - one of the few novels I have read where the not so hidden message is obvious.

I have several family members who had covid. They are all OK, but no way do I want to take my chances.


You've obviously never read anything by her...she explicitly stated her novels were meant to spread and explore her philosophy of objectivism.


She also wrote plenty of nonfiction on objectivism...which is what I was alluding to originally...

Try again, but this is a topic you obviously know nothing about.


That doesn't mean I can't take the stores at face value. I don't have to read anything into them if I choose not to - they are stories - plan and simple and if you or anyone else wants to make more of them then that is OK also.


Right....but in the case of Ayn Rand the stories were created with the intent of spreading her philosophy--that was the whole point; it is not a secret.

That what tells me you haven't read any of her "stories"

What part of that are you having trouble understanding?


I read The Fountainhead - good and entertaining book but I don't care what her purpose was in writing it and it didn't make me about her "message." When I read fiction or watch a movie I only have one goal and that is to be entertained - I don't want to be preached to or have to think deeply about what I'm reading or watching. There is plenty of non-fiction that I'm totally interested in for that purpose.
Sorry you feel that novels don't have "stories" to tell. Feel free to think you are intellectually superior to me - honestly I simply don't care.

Bye for a 2nd time.


Sorry you feel that novels don't have "stories" to tell...where did I ever say that? I said explicitly that I was talking only about the novels in question....which you brought up--i was always referring to her non-fiction work.

I don't think I'm intellectually superior to admitted in your message--you don't like to be intellectually challenged.


The philsophy is the "face value".



When it comes to philosophy, political thought (radical capitalism, in this case) is built upon basic philosophical tiers: metaphysics, epistemology and ethics.

the principal tenets of Objectivism can be summed up quite briefly:

The first tier: metaphysics. Reality is objective. Facts exist. Beliefs or desires will not change them. In other words, it makes no difference how ardently you believe in God – that will not make him exist.

The second tier: epistemology. Reason is man’s sole means of perceiving reality and his place within it. In short: Stop feeling things and use your brain, stupid.

The third tier, ethics, is the crowning glory of Objectivism: egoism. Man is his own purpose. Do not sacrifice your life for the sake of others and do not ask others to sacrifice their lives for you.

What are the political implications of this architectural edifice? And then there is the fourth tier: capitalism. The only system in which everyone lives for himself. Randian morality does not differentiate between human rights and property rights. Plundering a person’s property (by levying taxes, for example) – namely, dispossessing someone of the fruits of his labor, which promote his physical survival and his egoistic happiness – is equivalent to jailing him without a trial.

Capitalism, Rand decreed, need not be restrained, as liberals argue, nor need it be prettified and painted in colors that will conceal its true nature, as conservatives habitually do. We should take pride in and feel blessed by pure capitalism – the sort that is fueled by uncompromising rational egoism. “But capitalism runs contrary to the principle of equality!” readers of Haaretz and The New York Times will grumble. “Indeed,” Rand will reply to them, in her Russian accent, “and that is exactly what makes it just.”

Rand’s conclusion was that America is committing suicide by way of a cup of moral hemlock served up by left-wing intellectuals

Objectivism became a cult the instant it was born, thanks largely to Rand’s enigmatic character, her psychological control over an inner circle of followers

when the slightest hint of disagreement over her teachings was expressed by anyone present, even in a discussion about art, that person was sent into permanent exile.

every free enterpriser who wants to be admitted to the last capitalist paradise on Earth is obligated to pledge: “I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”

If “Atlas Shrugged” is the Bible (although it’s not; the Bible is shorter), then John Galt’s oath is the Ten Commandments. It is engraved in the heart of every Objectivist, tattooed on the arm of many of them, printed on T-shirts, coffee mugs, caps, posters – on anything that can be sold for a few bucks, for the egoistical benefit of buyer and seller.

the faithful of her cult of followers who, like her, are known among their enemies as mysterious, rigid, dogmatic, humorless, socially challenged individuals who are unable to express human affection – people who admire humankind but hate human beings.

Her ardent admirers see her as the greatest philosopher since Aristotle (she’s not);

Ayn Rand should be evaluated, and sometimes strongly criticized, for the philosopher she is – not for the philosopher she is not.

Apparently you also don't follow the 2ND TIER of this OBJECTIVE CULT stuff because you're too focused upon the SELFISH EGOISM of the 3RD and 4th TEIR parts of it (the silly EVERY MAN for himself kind of stuff).

capitalism. The only system in which everyone lives for himself.



'Jerk Off Instruction'. Long time, no see... how's your sister?


Since you already claim to be such an EXPERT on the teachings of Ayn Rand, the message posted was for [–] 102000 (not for you).

And Flinging the kind of infantile FALLACIES at someone that you have also does NOTHING whatsoever to prove whatever point it is that you're trying to make.

Perhaps it would also help if you actually READ what it says in the article in the LINK instead of LEAPING to the kind of EMOTION filled response you've given (which is surely not an EXPRESSION of any kind of OBJECTIVITY)???




egoism. Man is his own purpose. Do not sacrifice your life for the sake of others and do not ask others to sacrifice their lives for you..

That's the part I like


Do not sacrifice your life for the sake of others and do not ask others to sacrifice their lives for you.

The problem with this IDEA is the way that you are willing to SACRIFICE BOTH your OWN LIFE and that of several others who come into CONTACT with you (including friends and members of your own family) by refusing to be VACCINATED.


How is that a problem?

What makes you think that I think any of us have any value?


What makes you think that I think any of us have any value?

The difference here is what you think is NOT what others think who do feel that their lives have VALUE.

But since you think what YOU THINK matters more than what they think, you also CHOSE to KILL THEM, by your SELFISHNESS and your REFUSAL to get vaccinated.

So that's the PROBLEM.

You shouldn't have the right to put the lives of others at RISK who do think that their lives have VALUE.


Let me put it this way: there is no human on this earth I'd be particularly sad to see go.


there is no human on this earth I'd be particularly sad to see go.

For some reason one also gets the impression that others who know you might also feel the same way about you (that they probably also wouldn't be sad to see you go either).




Probably.... hey,you're a fruity little fucker, ain't ya? ... worrying about dumbass shit like that...



Ain't Ya???

You must be a BRIT.

Are you watching the FUNERAL???


Wrong continent.....I'm from the US... southern state


What funeral? Did Meghan Markle die?


A sampling of Ayn Rand's non-fiction work (tell me how you enjoy these "stories" at "face value"): 1961 For the New Intellectual
1964 The Virtue of Selfishness
1966 Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
1969 The Romantic Manifesto
1971 The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution
1979 Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology
1982 Philosophy: Who Needs It


Ok - I will respond to this - I never said I read any of her non-fiction. I thought we were discussing fiction - which is story telling.


No, you assumed we were discussing fiction. Which was the wrong assumption.


And if you can refrain from ad hominem attacks, I would suggest you familiarize yourself with this


Oh - I'm SO offended. LOL.


What does you being an idiot have to do with anyone else getting the vaccine? ;-)
If you are really saying what I think you mean to say, I'd have to agree,


I’m not at a high risk for Covid and I’m not going to be told by our wannabe fascist government that I have a moral obligation to get an experimental vaccine.


Nope, it certainly is your right to be stupid.


I think it is people who have a guilty conscience or a subconscious feeling that they are inferior and that the vaccine will harm their inferior weak bodies or kill them.

When you scrape yourself, or eat something, or drink water, there is more of a chance of getting something in your body that will hurt you than if you take this vaccine. Especially the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are mRNA vaccines, meaning they get collected by the cell, read and destroyed and antibodies get created for the foreign proteins and they never get close to the family jewels, DNA, at all.

The fear of this vaccine is like people being afraid of electricity when it first came out, and maybe even then not having electricity in one's house could cause a death rate of a few people who fell over and hit their heads on something in the dark ... the vaccines are probably safer.


It sure seems like he was vaccinated with a phonograph needle.


Straight from the pamphlets:

"There is no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19."


What pamphlets? Where is the link?
They were approved, they just went through a streamlined acceptance process.
There have no been any people who have died from these vaccines, and even
the 1 woman did died after taking the J&J vaccine has not been proven that it
was the vaccine ... but that is one is over 7 million chances, or if it is strictly
female only 1 in 3.5 million for a woman in a certain age range with certain
characteristics. Even if you are affected, look for side effects and report to a
doctor if you have then and it is an even lower chance of fatality.



They did testing and OK, the FDA has not approved them.

I would like to make you aware of another data point about FDA
approval. There was a Japanese company called Showa Denko what
was using genetically modified bacteria to create a bacteria that
would produce the protein L-tryptophan at a greater rate.

FDA gave it the OK, without doing testing, and to this day they
allow any genetically modified plant, animal or bacteria to be OK'ed
under the guideline as GRAS, generally recognized as safe, because
these products appear to be the same as say, a tomato, or rice kernel.

The problem is that scientists, even now, do not understand the fullness
of how DNA works, and how modifications can change the cells. The
modification procedure can trigger production of very small amounts
of proteins that can kill people, and that is what was happening around
the world with Showa Denko's L-tryptophan.

Showa Denko had I think it was 5 variants developed creating more
L-tryptophan over time, and the cases reported of this poisoning increased.
They found out what it was that was the problem, and it was this ....
they wanted to call it an impurity in the manufacturing process, but
what it really was was a defect in their genetic modification process and
a failure to test. The FDA still does not test genetic modified organisms.

So, first, the FDA is not all that. And second, they know to test the things
that are important now and can proceed faster more safely. I took the
vaccine, and the place I was in had thousands of people moving though
it in a day. Allergic reactions were looked for by keeping people under
observation before they could leave, and if people had allergies to certain
things they kept them longer.

In my opinion you are blowing up that line, not approved by the FDA
far more than sensible, because the FDA's process is imperfect, and maybe
even could be called corrupt. One meeting of FDA heads had one of the
speakers basically saying that testing costs too much and takes too long
so if we want to be the leaders in the genetic engineering field we need
to accept that fact that we are guinea pigs.

So ... the bottom line for me is that it is up to the individual to decide to
be vaccinated or not. I believe the process and the testing done so far,
in my understanding and research is safe, combined with what I have
seen and heard from other people, and what is reported on the news.

I would urge people who are anxious about it to bite the bullet and go
get vaccinated if you have no allergies or big medical issues, but even
if you do, assuming the threat from a vaccine is close to the threat from Covid-19 doesn't makes logical sense to me.


You asked for links on the subject at hand and I provided.

Each manufacturer claims that the benefits and risks of their vaccine are unknown because they are still in clinical trials. I believe that is pertinent information for recipients, so that they can make an informed decision on what is actually being done to their bodies.

I personally do not wish to be a guinea pig for a medical experiment.

Side note: I found it creepy that Walmart was offering them like a deal of the day. I felt like I was in a dark sci-fi comedy listening to the overhead announcement whilst pushing my squeaky shopping cart down the peanut butter aisle.


> I personally do not wish to be a guinea pig for a medical experiment.

OK, I weighed my risk and took it. Thanks for the links. I heard people saying this but no one can prove it. Still for me it seemed like a good idea.



What the hell are you doing?
